"I don’t know who is responsible for the overpass on Main Street
They are in the process of painting it – I’m 57 years old and I have never seen the concrete look like this
It’s going to be beautiful – and a plea to those who may be forced to do graffiti – do a mural at least – no initials
You know when you come into Salisbury and it’s not crazy rush hour – Salisbury is really very pretty. I love it in the Spring when the Spring Fest people paint the dogwood’s on the concrete
I never was an advocate for driving through the plaza – and I hate the smell of exhaust when trying to have coffee or lunch – let alone watching where you walk for fear of getting run over.
But all in all Salisbury is quite nice when you take time to savor the experience.
Now………………..since they took down the theater – if we can convince them to paint the exposed side of the other building – it will go nicely with the grass they have planted.
Have a great day."
the painting job is a joke. The green line is not even straight and they did not fix the biggest issue. The crumbling rust bucket railroad above the road.
Well I certainly hope they are coming back through with a stripe to transition from the light color to the green, because they did not tape off and the line couldn't be more uneven!
c'mon now, let's not split hairs over the paint line. that's just how they do things down in mexico!
Wow, it's never enough for you people, is it? Complaining about a crooked paint line, when the city is FINALLY trying to clean up our image?
And the city can't do anything about the railroad track - it belongs to the railroad company, who refuse to do anything - and the city can't force them to.
A great idea for this space would be to do one of the murals like the one on the building across the street - get some good "graffiti" on it before the punks start decorating it.
Maybe the paint line is uneven because there will be a mural painted over top of it? I just drove by it and I think it looks great, crooked line and all! It's such an improvement over how it looked previously that I'm not going to complain.
The painting is an improvement vs. what was there. But it's a joke to think that a little paint is really what's needed, when people who hang banners on top are in grave danger of having their foot fall through the rotten timbers which make up the edges of this bridge.
will probably have urine stains on it soon anyway. no one will notice the line being uneven then.
Now it will be a poster child for graffetti -- wait & see.
The white is probably just a primer and the entire thing will be green when they are complete. At least I hope.
The city can submit a complaint to the RR due to unsafe hazards of the tracks. But doing that would mean someone growing a sack or lossening up their bra to type the letter. But we all know how Salisbury works. Just like SPD, Azz backwards. Oh, btw, how is the little KEMP in the academy doing? Daddy in charge of IA got him in there. What a joke!
I have two friend that have had painting companies for decades that are going out of business for lack of work, their house will most likely be lost as well. Take a GOOD HARD LOOK at the workers. To hell with this company and their workers.redinesp
Oh and the tunnel has the most lovely odor this time of the year it's ummmm oh yea URINE!
"Crazy rush hour?" Have you ever been off the Eastern Shore?
11:36. They havent, which is likely why they think the Bury is nice.
To 10:51. My workplace in the Bury works the same way. Is this lazy work ethic commonplace here? I'm starting to think that it is.
Salisbury is a beautiful place? You must have left here long ago and not come back. Or take the sunglasses off, put your eyeglasses on and look around. This place is dirty, old and run down. Rinner has made nice corner improvements to their properties (Thanks) but the city, I have to strongly disagree and challenge you to ride through with an open mind and see what you see.
Someone needs to lean on CSX to improve the RR right of way here.It looks terribly unsafe.
Who bought the circuit city building?
Procoat, a locally owned company is doing the work on this and yes, the line will get straightened out...its a first coat folks. They had to stop because of the weather. The concept of painting comes from the Chamber's beautification committee and I believe they are paying for it. Wow some of you have anger management problems. Gift horse comment is appropriate here....
Tell the local company to provide documentation for their workers, smarty pants.
Mainly the cities of the east coast are all nasty for some reason. I tell you when I was in Knoxville, TN it was a wake up call. That city is absolutely clean and the parks are very nice.
To me, Salisbury is not very appealing at all. Rt 13 is disgusting and there is hardly an in-town area that looks nice ... except maybe the neighborhoods down Riverside Dr & Camden Ave.
I'm glad to see this being painted but the real eyesore in this area is the big yellow porn shop SMACK in the middle of town. But hey, it's in the right neighborhood for its clientele.
When we visited Chatanooga a few years ago it was also a very CLEAN city. Everything even the industrial parts were all kept very neat and clean. Memphis on the other hand was HORRIBLE. We drove down through the center of town about 3:30pm and we rolled up the windows because of the shady people. Even the hotel and restaurant we went to were nasty.
What are these towns doing different that makes the businesses want to keep everything so neat.
If you don't like it here you are welcome to go back to the city and sit in traffic and smog. Im sure that would be better to look at.
they even painted the guy that sits under with his hat out
Anon 4:38. Why am I the only target for your rant? There are other comments here that concur with what I said. You know, there are cities that dont have smog and unbearable amounts of traffic. If all you care about is traffic and smog then you are in the right place. Who needs jobs, community pride or low crime levels, right?? Stop drinking the kool-aid.
I prefer an answer to my previously asked question.
WOW..Just amazing how people look right at the negative things..and not what the good intention was...U all r sooo sorry..How bout u donate ur time and U fix the "Uneven" line
PRO COAT will soon be NO COAT
Thats where the green overspray on my car came from. You will here from my lawyer soon
They didn't "spray" it, they rolled it on. Nice try though.
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