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Sunday, August 09, 2009

Obama Tells US Citizen Opposition To Shut Up--Or Else

Showing once again that he is no statesman--let alone President of the United States--Dictator-in-Chief Obama told his Union thugs to “get out there” and fight back against any and all US citizens who oppose both him and his programs. So, at Town Hall meetings in both Tampa, FL and St. Louis, MO they did. In Tampa, Randy Arthur was shoved up against a wall by purported SEIU thugs resulting in Arthur suffering chest injuries and a ripped shirt. At the same meeting, a Democrat Party official--Karen Miracle--was photographed assaulting Barry Osteen who had disagreed with Miracle’s husband on ObamaCare.

Note: Obama has now advised his rent-a-thug groups to attack anyone who disagrees with him and to then say it “was the other side’s fault” for expressing opposition to the soon-to-be-US-Emperor. This is also the same Dictator and Usurper Obama who said of US citizens opposing him: “If they bring a knife to this fight, we bring a gun!” Please also note that Obama is the only one who has called for violence. Obama now sounds more like a gang member than even a community organizer. And this is the “leader” who represents the USA to foreign powers?

Then, at a Town Hall meeting in St. Louis, MO, Democrats snuck in SEIU union thugs (see below referenced video) who are shown attacking, beating to the ground and kicking patriot Kenneth Gladney. This is Hitlerian, folks, and the same things that were affected by Hitler’s brownshirts in 1940s Nazi Germany! Again--no one except Obama’s minions are fomenting violence.

Obama’s Internment and Resettlement camps

Obama has also established a website for his supporters to report anyone and everyone--including their friends, neighbors and family members--who voice opposition to the dictator.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


Anonymous said...

What else would you expect from a politician from Chicago.

Moon Willow said...

I'd like to see some substantiation of the claims of resettlement camps. Is this claim just alarmist thinking, or is there really any evidence of this?

Anonymous said...

Have the American citizens ever read the Bible? The Anti-Christ=Obama!

Henry said...

The “If they bring a knife to this fight, we bring a gun" quote was from one of his campaign speeches over a year ago.

I would also like to see some evidence of these "resettlement" camps.

Also, Anonymous at 9:33, have you read the Bible? Where does it say that he is the Antichrist? Chapter and verse, please.

Anonymous said...

The Army is now advertising for internment camp specialists.

Anonymous said...

Guess what, Joe:

The national Democrat party is using your photo of the effigy hanging at Kratovil's office in a TV ad to bash opponents of the Obama health care abortion.

Looks like Sbynews is "main stream media" now!

Anonymous said...

This is outrageous ! Have you ever seen a President tell the American people to shut up ? It's their tax dollars not the liberals ! Not to mention he calls the police stupid I don't care what party affiliation you have or what what color you are we need to remove the socialist's...

Anonymous said...

What do you expect out of an a--hole like Obamma . Its time the people get together and get rid of this piece of crap before he can go any farther.

Anonymous said...

We need to stay in their faces as much as possible they will listen to the people !

Chimera said...

This Prez puzzles me.He travels the world playing kiss-ass with Arab countries but at home,in a country where he was elected,he wants to have union thugs and ACORN thugs suppress those who speak out against him.Why didnt he stay in Indonesia or wherever he lived when he went to Muslim school?The great Presidents of our countrys past are rolling over in their graves.

Anonymous said...

Here is the Ad for Internment/Resettlement Specialists:

Anonymous said...

At 1:37

We have two wars going on. Don't you think that we detain and resettle people in those warzones? We have to put the people somewhere after we blow their homes up.

Anonymous said...

why in Gods name do you think we are obligated to rebuild a enemy war zone?

chuck said...

Granny, he can's substantiate any of this post. He has quotes of Obama saying things he has never said, and doing things he has never done.

The Ken Gladney thing has NO witnesses, and the video actually shows an SEIU member on the ground, not Gladney.

The right-wing extremists have realized that their thug tactics at these forums are coming back on them to make them look bad. So, now they're inventing stories about being victims. Which, of course, is exactly what is called for with Rovian political tactics.

"Obama has now advised his rent-a-thug groups to attack anyone who disagrees with him and to then say it “was the other side’s fault” for expressing opposition to the soon-to-be-US-Emperor"

And that is why THAT line is so funny. They are accusing the left of doing EXACTLY WHAT THEY'RE DOING RIGHT NOW. It's a brilliant tactic, politically speaking. It makes your opponents look like liars, and makes you look like the victim. Doesn't matter if it's true, as long as people believe it, right? I thought we were all against this kind of BS in politics. Right, Joe? Honesty and what not?

And Joe is either lying or can't be bothered with fact checking stories that are negative towards Obama. I'm not sure which is really happening...

"Usurper Obama who said of US citizens opposing him: “If they bring a knife to this fight, we bring a gun!”

Where was that every said, Joe? Where? You can show us all, right now, that you're a stand up guy by providing the corroborative information on that quote about what to do with "US citizens opposing him". While you're at it, why don't you provide corroborative information on that other Obama post where you quote him as saying the troops weren't worth the effort of health care? You still have YET to do that.

What was that about "responsibility" on the blogs that you told me about at the Tawes' fest again?

Anonymous said...

chuck said...
Granny, he can's substantiate any of this post. He has quotes of Obama saying things he has never said, and doing things he has never done.

Ok, try this one.
"argue with'em, get in their face"

Anonymous said...

More lies that become facts to the ignorant.

Anonymous said...

Chuck - What color is the sky in your world?

Mark said...

My father; a WWII European Theater veteran advised me years ago what to look for so IT would not happen again...IT is happening here...Now.

Anonymous said...

It is really a sad commentary on our coutry and some of its citizens
when all they can do is spread lies and hatred about the President. I need "Joe" whoever he is, to show actual research with proof for the things he says that the President supposedly said. Spreading fear and hatred is not the American way to resolve issues. Civility and truthfulness should be what we use and do not throw only silly phrases that the President and all politicians are liars, because then Joe would have to be a politician because he is a liar. I want proof for tha accusations against the President.