I'm sorry I didn't get a chance to email you something earlier about today's Congressman Kratovil's town hall meetings. I just returned from the Congressman Town Hall meeting at the UMES extension office and there had to be close to 90 people jammed in that little room in the middle of the day.
The congressman really didn't seem to want to hear much of people's opinions on how he voted FOR the Cap and Trade tax and the biggest explosive issue was healthcare. He seemed more interested in explaining to us, his views, in careful political terms. People of all ages were there though there was a large amount of seniors, and EVERYONE one of the opposed government run healthcare. There wasn't one person there in support of government run healthcare.
Kratovil seemed to want some form of "healthcare reform" out to the bill being discussed, while everyone urged him to vote against the whole thing. It did get a bit heated as Kratovil tried to deflect concerns of socialized medicine, the elimination of private insurance, end of life counseling, the un-sustainable costs and taking 2.5 Trillion out of the private sector, the medical coverage of illegal immigrants, and on and on in the horrible bill. I honestly thought some people might break down in tears while others were so angry, I worried for their blood pressure. While these brave, informed, and smart Americans made me so proud, I was very disappointed in Kratovil's dismissal of these people's opinions. Promptly after one hour he cut off the comments and left without any assurance of how he will vote on this bill. If he's "undecided" like Cap and Trade, this country is in serious trouble.
Congressman Kratovil says he is undecided on his vote and wants to hear what you have to say. Come out to any and all of the following events and voice your opinions. Bring signs to rally outside these events. Signs suggestions are: “No Socialized Healthcare” “Hands Off My Healthcare” “My Money, My Doctor, My Choice” or anything in this vein.
Bring friends and neighbors!
Kratovil's "Congressman in Your corner Events"
THIS Tuesday, August 4th and Wednesday August 5th
5pm – 6pm Congress At Your Corner
Mardela Middle and High School
24940 Delmar Road, Mardela Springs, MD
Wednesday, August 5th
9:00am Dorchester County
County Council Chambers
501 Court Lane
Cambridge, MD 21613
All across this country concerned taxpayers are being rebuffed and treated like the unwashed masses that the D.C. politicians think we are. It boils down to the fact that our Governement is at war--with its own citizens!!! VOTE ALL OF THE BAST*(&^DS OUT!!!
I doubt it. All fed the "Kill Granny" line.
I faithfully promise to work harder than I have ever worked to defeat any elected official who supports and votes for the health care bill as presented.
As a senior citizen I would prefer to go to my grave at a time of my choice, not at obamas choice.
When Frank pounded his fist and said,"We've GOT to get these costs under control!" the crowd went into an uproar shouting that the free enterprise system is what controls costs! And I don't think he understood that.
Whos the guy beside him, is that Howard or whoever it was that used make threats?
Joe, I told you that you were wrong about Frankie. The key word in "Blue-Dog" Democrat is Democrat.
4:53 it boils down to the masses being idiots and people who know something trying to do wahts best for everyone, even those who dont know what is best for themself.
Remember Frank is first a lawyer and secondly a States Attorney.
They are very skilled at cutting deals and taking the road that is best for their futures on the public payroll.
I don't believe that Frank understands the the anger of his constituents. It seems to me that we are of all different backgrounds and polictical philosphy. It does seem unusual that no blacks are attending the forums, I hope it doesn't mean they are putting skin color above concern for our country.
9:01- 90% black vote for Obama, skin color before our country, ya think?
Does anyone expect anything more from this guy? Honestly? I think the most interesting thing in this whole story was the picture with the chalkboard in the back listing color combinations. Actually I think it says a lot about the story, second graders could do a better job than many are with this health reform nonsense.
i disagree with you 9:01. i think he read you just "right". pun intended. the crowd was just what the insurance company asked, paid for. not a single thought orginal. all talking points given to by Dick Army and his lobby firms.
to 901 Yes there are many intelligent people of color that get it, unfortunately you don't see that in Wicomico County yet.
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