
IMHO, I happen to think Joe Biden is one of the only people out there with the stones to slam dunk North Korea right here and now and stop all the BS we're watching on a daily basis.
Screw the Bail Outs. Screw GM, Chrysler & others. Screw the Banks, let them fail. We're ALL going to lose anyway and that's been proven.
I truly do not believe Obama has a clue and got himself in far deeper than he had ever dreamed. This Country needs to get back on its feet and I just don't think Obama is going to get us there. I say, let Joe Biden take over and stop the BS right now. I'm sure there would be better choices but Biden has the stones Obama was never born with.
What do YOU think?
We are stetched to the limits with two wars and you want to start a third. What are you smoking? We do not need anymore cowboy, half cocked plans.
when the poo poo hits the fan, you'll find b.o. under the desk in the oval office with wee wee in his pants.
I think that Obama is doing the best he can with what he has. Lets not forget that it didn't take a year for us to get to where we are. No body is giving this man a fair chance...George Bush was given 8 years to make a difference and he did. Now the economy is so bad everyone is looking for someone to point the finger at. Its unfair to expect instant change on problems that are so big. Furthermore its time for people to stop complaining and come up with a solution...complaining with no alternative is pointless in itself. We can agree to disagree, and I respect others opinions I just don't see how someone can say Obama needs to go because he hasn't fixed America's problems in the 6 or 7 months he has been in office. Had Mccain been in office and the economy was still in the same position would you be so quick to judge...I don't think so!!
I think were all screwed.
I never thought I would say this but we would have been far better off with Hillary in the Oval Office.She is much more centrist than this guy...who I believe is going to prove to be an unmitigated disaster.I was willing to reserve judgement,but given what he has done in the fiscal area alone let alone what he is still proposing, will bankrupt the Treasury.
For those who supported him based on his empty and silly promises regarding Iraq Gitmo etc...you must really be proud.Other than slick rhetoric and careful wording his policies bear no real difference to Bush's.....reality has a way of blowing high flown rhetoric out of the sky.
anonymous 1:38, it's your kind of thinking that has kept people like Chief Webster, Lore' Chambers, Paul Wilber and Pam Oland at their jobs. What will it take before you see the red flag, we're screwed, period.
Obama is a waste of time. I kept telling everyone in the past, HE HAS NO EXPERIENCE. The man doesn't know how to run a business and make serious decisions, why do you think Congress wanted him so bad. They sold Americans on the living the American Dream BS and the majority of stupid Americans voted an Idiot into Office.
I have said it many times in the past. With all the qualified men and women out there who have what it really takes to be President, none of them want the job and would never consider running because there are too many simple minded Americans out there any more too passive to understand what it takes to run this Country.
Bailing out companies, using tax dollars to save companies that have been getting the same gas mileage for 50 YEARS, come on now, Idiots, wake up!
Wake Up America!
1:38 PM...with Mc Cain in office we'd have about 1 trillion $ mor ein the Treasury. And you can cut the BS with the economy being Bush's fault.Dem policy and legislation in Congress is as much or more to blame for where we are.
Go back to Barney Frank's infamous "I'd like to see us taking more risk" when asked to reign in Fannie and Freddie"....take a look at Chris Dodd's cozy association with Countrywide.Informed people don't buy the load of BS the Dems are dishing out on what "they inherited".
Further, it what Obama has done in his first 100 days that is so dangerous when you view our economic viabilty.He is a clueless idealogue in that regard.Aided and abetted by another clueless idealogue..Nancy Pelosi.
He is a tool of the same special interests that Obama represent.
The best way out is to elect somebody who is totally an Average Joe without developed allegiances to special interests.
Biden is an idiot that isn't smart enough to keep his foot out of his mouth.
Obama is an idiot...just more polished than Biden.
My two cents says keep the more polished idiot; at least he sounds better delivering the bad idea.
I think it will take a minimum of 2 years to get out of the mess we got into with Cheney and his sycophants, i.e---Dubya. Call back later.
You're right Joe, there are too many simple minded Americans out there....you're one of them.
I'm amazed by both Joe and Anno 1:48 comments. From what I am reading you are saying that its okay to let a company go under and cost thousands of jobs. My frame of thinking has nothing to do with Chief Webster, Pam Oland...etc. I still hear complaining and no solutions. The first thing you will say is get Obama out of office...ok he's gone, now what? Silence! Silence because they have gone over every viable option...you guys are so quick to point the finger at Obama now that he is in office but somehow Bush is exempt. Seems like the informed people aren't that informed to me....maybe you should share these economy saving ideas instead of letting the country suffer. That's right you guys would rather complain about what the government is doing wrong than to actually offer a soulution. I would rather see my taxes go towards saving an american buisness than to figt this stupid war....speaking of war I'm sure allot of money problems began there as well. Gets hard for a country to take care of its own when it is sending billions of dollars to other countries for aid and to fight a war that should have ended years ago. To each his own though...I'll give Obama the benefit of the doubt and let him do his job in the time that he has, and if I see improvement then I will vote for him again. If not then I will vote his ass out. Plan and simple.
anonymous 2:12, if I can dish it, I can take it.
However, who retired at 40 years old?
Who has owned numerous and successful businesses?
Who is in a better position to just finances?
Like it or not, I created this Blog because I'm more worldly than most of you. I have more busines experience and I have been involed with politics more than you.
We need someone with the stones Joe Biden has to simply say, kiss off!
We need to face the fact that every single Congressman needs to be voted out and a brand new Congress in place.
That will eliminate the special interests. Ongoing investigations have to be done on ALL politicians who get RICH in Office.
Come on now, it's not that difficult. There are certain people in our way and we need to get them out of the way and move forward.
Some of you may find Joe Biden as a loose cannon but guess what, those are the movers and shakers. You don't hire a new GM and think he's going to come in there being nice to everyone.
In order to achieve the nice bonus you have to work your people to death and make sure the end result is for the people.
It's a tough sale here in Salisbury because far too many Idiots either don't vote or they vote Idiots like Shields, Smith and Comegys into Office. Then they allow Idiots like Webster to stay on and get fooled by ba newly elected Mayor who makes promisses and doesn't keep one of them.
That's OK, we'll do what we can to help you from the outside because that's exactly what Salisbury and America needs, a lot of help.
Remember one thing. I run this Blog 7 days a week with quite a yearly expense to it. I have done so for four years now. I could easily walk away and use that money to make even more money. Instead, I chose to give back. So be careful what you say and wish for Folks because I could easily grow tired of watching so many fools make such huge mistakes and walk away from it all.
In the mean time, I'm going to enjoy the power of this Blog. Go to the Tea Party on the 4th and take back America one step at a time.
Joe would make a good President,of
course after his brain transplant.
anonymous 2:26, aka Michael Schwartz,
What is it about hitting ROCK BOTTOM that you don't understand?
Thousands of jobs are being lost anyway Michael, or don't you get that.
Man up and start using your name, by the way. We know when you and JT are here, even though you're scratching your head wondering how, we do.
The solution is to FIRE man of these people and hire replacements. Clearly you don't read.
OBAMA ain't working, period. He's a nobody who has absolutely NO EXPERIENCE and he's running the greatest Country on earth right into the sh!tter.
2:26 yes, it's ok to let companies go under. If they do not know how to run it, let it sink. I have a business and have experienced the down fall of 9-11 and now this crap. I'm still in business! Some employees don't like the decisions we make, but they still have a job.
When one company goes under, it will make the next one stronger.
With the trillions of dollars to keep the running, look at how many jobs are still being lost.
Gov't intervention is not the answer.
Question: if I start over paying employees with a big bonus and paying outragious benefits, and start to go under, do you have a problem with the gov't paying me millions of your tax dollars to keep my company going?
I think the only thing worse that barack obama or joe biden would be nancy pelosi
2:26 is symptomatic of the "what's in it for me" mentality that is rampant among Dems. He thinks that a great solution to downturn that was created by excessive risk ,cheap dollars and ridiculous borrowing is to go out and do more of the same.
So, if I live beyond my means,make bad decisions, borrow too much money..the answer is to borrow my way out of it????
Now Obama would have us beleive that the "crisis" is also attributable to health care costs...bunk. They are a problem but not at all directly linke dto the economic downturn.
Oh..and "manmade global warming" is now a "crisis" that must be addressed by raising every American's utitility costs and by jeopardizing untold numbers of jobs....this BS put forth by the same crowd that has stood in the way of safe nuclear power for 40 years.
The hypocrisy and the outright fabrications of today's Dem party is outrageous....I hope 2:26 enjoys paying for these terrible decisions for the rest of his life...I hope he can explain it to his children and grandchildren who will pay for it all of thier lives.
Please define "slam dunk".
Joe Bidden is as worthless as Obama. Sorry Joe, we differ big time on this one brother.
Dubya had experience...running an oil company and the state of Texas into the sh**er.
So, Joe, you retired at 40. Did you do that after building the business for 6 or 7 months?
Right, beat up on Ireton after he's been in office a whole TWO months.
How about some realistic expectations there, fella.
George H.W. Bush can run again. He's got more sense in his pinky than Biden does in his entire besotten body.
The worse is yet to come Joe, you know and I know it. A depression like you've never seen or heard of.
Obama will fall like a rock , his
lack of experience and lack of
knowledge will be the defeat of America as we have known it. I think this is his game plan , along
with Pelosi and Frank. A democratic scam towards a socialist
government. It ain't goin to be pretty , that's for sure.
Crime is on the rise everywhere and it will become so bad , they will call the military in to help. At that point , it will be too late
because it will be total government control. Be prepared
if you want to survive. I will
survive! If this scares anyone ,
it should , the truth hurts sometimes , but it will set you free.
You ever run a business? You got any idea about payroll, payroll taxes, cashflow? Don't bust on Joe because he does. Running a business takes allot of knowledge. Apparently, running a country does not. We can only spend what we have. They can sing you a song and dance and tax the hell out of you, and your country is still going in the crapper. Throwing money at problem is not the solution. We need responsible individuals running the country. This party line cray is killing us.
anonymous 3:09,
Let me explain a little something to you.
After 6 or 7 months, you better damn well believe I knew I was gifted, other wose the owner of the company would have FIRED me by then.
Instead, within 2 years I owned the company. Then I opened one business after the other and sold most of them off and closed one after many years of making a profit. Just in case someone wants to attack me on that one business, (like I have sen in the past) someone was shot in a parking lot next door to our business. It was a billiard room and I promissed the community that if things had ever turned bad we would close the business.
When the Police were dispateched to the shooting, (at a Bank next door) the Police didn't recognize the address so the Dispatcher said, right next to X Billiards.
The next thing we knew the Press was stating it was at our location, we simply chose to close down and sell off the inventory after several successful years.
Reality is, I know what I'm capable of and no one, (especially something like the Democratic Party) pushes me into anything.
Obama was not and never will be ready to run this Country and quite frankly there's no question in my mind that I am better qualified, (not that I would ever do it) to run this Country than that Idiot.
So when something fails and the future doesn't look so bright, you shut the SOB down, cut your losses, (if any) and you move forward. The bad press from the shooting near the billiard room was enough for me to know what the future held for us and we moved on.
Obama, well, he's just an Idiot and so is Congress. Like what I'm saying or not, I'm a proven and successful businessman. Heck, just take a look at this Blog. We get 95% more traffic, (at least) in one day than any other Blog in the State. Secondly, as a one man operation up against the Daily Times, WBOC & WMDT, we deliver faster news and I'll even be so bold as to say more news period WITHOUT the help of the associated press than any one of the competition.
It is what it is.
The person that says we will be better off in 2 years... what are you thinking? or better smoking? this is not going to be better before 5 years.... without further incidents!!! Did anyone see that the white house is telling the PRESS what questions they can ask? Also, the town meetings are being held accountable. If Obama comes to Salisbury for a "town meeting" they will tell US what questions are okay! I thought it was freedom of speech. Helen Thomas said this was the FIRST president in the history of our nation that was not allowing the press to ask questions!!! NOW Freedom of speech is leaving us FAST.
You are nobody Joe. Your opinions are foolishly far out there and your personality stinks. I wish you would run for office... Itd be great to see you fail miserably. Get off your high horse!
You are right about almost everything you say here. I take one exception. It is a big exception, and it is the clue to understanding why our government no longer works for we the people.
Obama makes NO DECISIONS. Zero. Nada, none.
I believe our government is controlled by the likes of George Soros, Brezinski, Rockefeller, the Rothschild monied-interests. The elite international bankers control our country and it is a shame. Having said that, you see, everything changes. Obama is a puppet figure head, just like Bush who preceeded him. If I am right, then everything is GOING EXACTLY AS PLANNED right now, and that is the key to understanding this matter. Our government is beyond corrupt - it is controlled by the financial kingpins. We have been checkmated. They chose the president and they will choose the decisions he appears to make. This is why he reads from a teleprompter - he is not reading his own words. He is instructed in precisely what to say and do. Everything is scripted. We are watching a movie and the politicians are actors.
My opinion, thanks
Joe, this is for you and 3:28 p.m.
Yes, I have owned and run a business, with payroll, taxes, etc. Did well. Retired.
Joe, was the company you built in the sh**ter when you got it? Mine was. Took time to turn it around, but did it. Were a lot of your dollars and resources tied up in war?
I'm not saying I agree with all that's going on, but comparing running the country in a global economy with two inherited war fronts is not the same.
Joe, you yourself told people when Ireton was elected to have some patience because he inherited a world of sh*t and it would take time to turn it around. Years.
The country is bigger and the problems more complicated than Salisbury.
I couldn't stand Bush, but I gave him time and a chance, especially after 9/11. That's what Americans do. They pull together in hard times.
But Bush screwed us so I had no patience for a second term.
You aren't even giving these guys a reasonable time based on laws of physics between action and reaction.
Have a happy July 4.
anonymous 3:39, I couldn't agree more. Where did WE THE PEOPLE GO?
Well, let's start by saying, Salisbury News!
Thank God, (for the time being) we have a voice, including yours and those that even oppose what I say.
Our Freedom of Speech allows us to openly express how we feel, good or bad.
However, for me, it has been a long journey with lawsuits, arrests and flat out defamation to me and my Family.
You have to have some very thick skin to do what I do and frankly this is one of the major reasons why you and 95% of the people commenting here are anonymous.
There is still a HUGE fear that should someone actually use their name, someone might come after them, including me.
One of the reasons why I encourage people to attend these Tea Parties is because it's about EVERYONE. Why Two Sentz and so many other Democrats are so afraid to be seen at a public venue of such simmply reminds me of socialism and comunism.
Are we so fearful of our Government that we can't gather as Americans united as ONE to express our freedoms?
The last Tea Party, Webster had his GOONS there in the background hoping to intimidate everyone. NOT ME! Each and every one of you have to learn that it's time we take back our Country. You DON'T do so with violence. You do so within the power of YOUR VOTE!
However, in the mean time you need to be EDUCATED. You need to express your frustrations. It's easy to sit back anonymously and make statements. Heck, many of the anti comments are from those same people who have been controlling the Eastern Shore for years, placing fear in everyone. Webster, Tilghman, Dunn, Comegys, you name it. They don't win because they're right for the job. They win because people are actually afraid someone might find out they voted against thm and they'll have violations on their doors for years to come. Look at Rachel Polk and Von Siggers, for example.
I used to always say in business, if things are slow, we haven't earned your business. If a competitor comes to town and we can't keep our business, we didn't earn it.
You have to get out and VOTE to earn what you want. Sitting back and blaming others or creating Blogs that simply attack people like me and have nothig better to do are simply people that are backing the Tilghman's, Webster's, Dunn's, etc.. It's fear mongering and together we have proven they are powerless if we continue to stand our ground and fight back.
Look at the Daily Times. A bunch of pussies so afraid of their own shadow it isn't funny. They're failing, just like GM, Chrysler and so on because people are finally learning they have only spread information they want you to hear. GM & Chrysler are failing because they deliver vehicles that still get the same gas mileage they used to get 50 years ago and the competition is finally stepping in and showing they can provide much better.
Blogs have their place and trust me, there are plenty of stories I don't want to produce but what good does that do us ALL if we don't produce both sides. That goes for comments as well.
Anyhow, we have a long way to go but together we can relive what used to be and be proud of who we are and where we stand.
Biden is still a Democrat. I say let's take a look at the governor of Texas. Even though Texas, like all the states, has been affected by the economy, they have constrained their spending; have a balanced budget; and have even put $9 billion into their rainy day fund. Now that's the fiscal conservatism that we expect from a Republican and the Republican Party.
Joe-you are right on, I've said this before, as long as the TEa parties raise awareness and get people involved in what Congress is doing then they are not a waste. No matter what your party is or what you believe, you should try and make it to the TEA PARTY and join the conversation instead of discounting everyone who attends as some wingnut. Don't get me wrong-there will be crazy people and a few racists, even Obama bashers-but the organizers are going to do their best to keep it positive and steer the rants toward meaningful peaceful protest of current political and economic topics...
Down boys...geez, testy, testy. So much bitterness in here today.
I have an idea! Let's see if that moron Sara Palin wants to step up to the plate. Joe the plumber can be VP and poof all of problems stemming back 8 years will disappear...
Surely they would do a better job than the big O. (huge eye roll)
Have you all forgotten why we are in the mess that we're in to begin with??? Let me refresh your memories... George W. Bush!
so A-hole, Barney Frank had nothing to do with Freddie and Fannie May?...
get a life loser!!
By definition.... Obama is an idiot. Obama chose Biden. Biden therefore is an idiot. Biden spent too many years clinging to people's tears about a drunk that killed his wife. Fact is that that truck driver was not drunk and it was proven so. Biden stuck with the story anyway.
Retiring at 40 is immature thinking. Too much waste of talent that might contribute to the good of mankind.
Sorry, Joe Biden, once an idiot, always an idiot. He lied and cheated before and cannot be trusted to ever reign in his errant mouth.
Sorry, that's not the man I want in the White House either. Apparently our pickin's are slim for honest politicians, hell, I don't think there are any to be found. Good people don't wanna hang out with the riff-raft.
Yeah! Why hasn't Obama cleaned up Bush's 8 year mess in 5 1/2 months?!
I'm appalled I tell you!
And you want another war of choice? thank GOD Obama won, and that mentality is gone from the White House.
Hey, about the Government, look up the bilderburg group.You will understand alot after doing research on them!
8:27 I'm sooooo sorry for ruffling your feathers... I do have a life thank you VERY much, and it's a great one!
Rock on Chuck!
Chuck,like the majority of Dems, forgets that the war in Iraq was almost universally supported....that it until the Dems found it politically advantageous to "oppose it"....such "leadership".
He also seems to have absolutely no clue as to how the economy has reached it current state.Somehow in his mind it's all Bush's fault that we have destroyed out manufacturing base. That we have taxed small and large businesses to the point that they reloacte over seas.That we have sp protected unions that they have ruined every industry they gain dominance in...INCLUDING EDUCATION which has steadliy eroded to the point of absurdity since unionized.
He also seems to forget the key roles that Dems played in passing legislation that allowed for the relaxation of control over the financial industry and other legislation that stimulated and encourage reckless home lending and borrowing.
He forgets that our economy for the better part of the past 20 years has been based on SPECULATION ...first the dot coms...then housing and commodities..other than weaponry and food we no longer produce anything the world wants to buy!
He also forgets the blind eye the FEDS have turned to illegal immigration for the past 40 years..so that we now have an estimated 12 million people here not paying taxing but obtaining benefits.
Yeah...sure...it's all Bush's fault. What BS
Well who cares.
This country or a lot of people in it , now want memorials for child molesters like jackson.\
So the hell with america, i gonna go have a beer with george bush.
Oh 10:32
The last 8 years where not bush's fault .
It was Budweisers fault because george bush was drunk on it .
And you talk like you know everything so why dont you fix it, because it sure as hell is someone fault.
Why are we saving gm anyway, George bushs trade policies is what put them out of business and him being in the oil business , wanted the price of oil up.
What the hell do you think he wanted in iraq, sand.
1:24...your post is that of a typical partisan moron. If you read my post you would realize that where we are now is the culmination of far more than the last 8 years and that the blame can be affixed not only to Bush but also to Clinton, Congress, the Federal Reserve Board, the SEC and US...we keep voting for the same people in who have gridlocked this country politically for 20 years.But you wouldn't recognize that because you are too busy hating one man. You and partisan bigots like you are a big part of the problem.
As far as offering soultions...that's a Dem red herring. Why offer any...no one is listening ..especially Obama and Pelosi.
And don't ask any challenging questions at the annointed ones "press conferences" AKA pep rallies....he doesn't like them and doesn't answer them.
We'll see in five years who had thier head up thier ass....me or you...I'm betting you.
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