
Approx. 8:00 PM tonight I witnessed a young lady driving this silver BMW leave Rita's (South 'Bury) .....only to leave her trash behind. She actually opened her door and sat her Popeye's cup on the parking lot and drove off. We followed the car to her place of employment.....sure enough....Popeye's!!!
The Wicomico River isn't the only thing being polluted!!!
not that its your job but did you pick up the cup by any chance or leave it there? just asking
Anonymous said...
not that its your job but did you pick up the cup by any chance or leave it there? just asking
9:15 PM
No, but since you are so concerned about it feel free to swing by Rita's and pick it up yourself.
I agree this wasn't a nice thing to do. However I think our youth today for the most part are really great children. When my oldest daughter turned 16 and started driving she had her drivers licenses 4 days when an adult ran a stop sign and t-boned her new car on her way to work. At first he tried to leave but unable to. Then he tried to say it was her fault and started talking to her like she was a dog. She was much more the adult in that situation and he was in his 50's. My point is simply this there are good and bad at every age. Okay you saw a teenager put trash on the ground (this is wrong). I had a 50 year old man try to get over on my child and blame her for an accident that was clearly not her fault. Thank the lord there were other adults there that witnessed the whole thing and came to her defense. Todays youth are our future and sometimes they just need some direction.
This helps make jobs!
SOMEBODY has to pick the trash up.
A BMW and employee at Popeyes ?
WOW !!!
Hey 930 pm Where do you live I got a whole trash can full I will dump on your lawn, Now Get To Work!!
great job way to go
Too many 'come from trash' who only perpetuate it. Little to no upbringing, where is her MOTHER? Nevermind, I don't wanna know she's in some crack house.
Because of this one person ALL youth are WORTHLESS?
hahahahaha you are so ignorant. One of these days you are going to have to realize that there are some really bad apples out in the world.
To generalize an entire generation because of these bad apples is PRICELESS.
By the way, if this person has a BMW while working at Popeyes, mommy and daddy obviously support the hell out of them. Why don't you call them WORTHLESS rather than calling the future of the world WORTHLESS.
God the Eastern Shore is so much fun.
Nice car to be working at Popeye's.....
Oh yeah, I guess she gets food stamps and lives in subsidized housing so she can afford that nice car. Just venting. I get tired of working 6 days a week to support my family only to see these benefits "given" to the general public. Where are my handouts for being a citizen and WORKING for my money?
Nice generalizations - one young person leaves a cup on the ground in a parking lot - you see it but leave it there and then waste gas to follow and see where she is going and draw the conclusion that our youth are worthless. Your actions may be perceived by some as stalking - so perhaps we can then draw the generalization that all middle aged men on the Eastern Shore are stalkers?
I actually expect no less from the narrow minds here in the Bury.
Should have called the proper police agency and made a complaint. Oh I'm sorry it's Salisbury and they don't give a sh-t either. Maybe next time the cup would make a nice antenna sleeve on her car.Or tie it to a cinder block and drop it on her hood.Can't hurt anything ,it was hers to begin with. Oh that's right you a--holes that say it is ok to leave your trash for someone else to pick up would complain about that too. Just goes to show how ignorant our youth really are.
I watched people at a stop sign in Fruitland throw a whole McDonalds bag and 2 cups out of their window. I was right behind them. Not sure what can be done about it but I pulled up next to them and cussed them out at a red light.
The young lady drives such a nice car because of this sense of entitlement that both the kids and their parents have. Parents are so afraid they'll hurt their kids psychies if they actually insist the kid buy their own car and pay for their own insurance. That's why you see kids from diapers to teens all carrying around cell phones that do everything under the sun, and the parents are footing the $300 plus monthly cell phone bill for their kids.
Most high school students have to complete community service before they graduate, did your generation do that?
10:08 PM, I agree with you but only gonna get worse, wait till u pay for the bum's healthcare as well.
Hey Obama lovers, how is that hope and change working out for you?
The last time I saw someone throw trash out the window, it was an SUV with a middle or upper middle class white couple- which I imagine make up the largest number of such offenders.
I am going to sell my business so that I can work at Popeyes and buy me a benzo!
OK folks I'm going to end this debate. That girl should be given a medal. Why?
Simple. This economy sucks and she is providing job security for the person who rides around in a sweeper truck and picks that trash up.
See? The cup is half full right? :)
does Obama have to be brought up on damn near every thread? what does he have to with a young lady leaving a cup in a parking lot and an elder following her for whatever reason?
My guess is that she would have caught hell if that car came home with trash in it. That makes me think it isn't "her" car. I remember this beautiful girl I met and married long ago, HER back seat was a veritable collection of clothes and fast food wrappers :).
If you drive around the shore you can easily see that most ppl around here dont care. Look at some of the houses, trash everywhere, furniture on the front porch, broken down cars everywhere and unkept yards. People that have no pride in their own home/personal belongings dont care about "doing the right thing".
BTW this same scenario occurred at the McD's near Kent Island one day when I was stopping there for lunch. 2 teens attempted to throw trash away by throwing it in the trash can, they missed and didnt get out of the car to pick it up. I did.
I moved here from the midwest and there is definitely a "who gives a sh*t" attitude around here.
could be an officer from WCDC moonlighting. Some of them drive nice cars like that. They must be able to afford them by working two jobs........RIGHT?
NO RESPECT !!! Not just our youth but people in general. We have become complacent and lazy.Take alook at what we do on the rural roads. Joe , you continue what your doing and keep exposing this kind of crap, and maybe one day folks will wake up. Probably be a while !! Good Job!! Huh ! I just drive an old FORD pickup !
Hey 11:36...again stop making generalizations! I have two teenagers and I am not afraid to hurt their feelings. I work very hard to teach them right from wrong, I also try to set a good example for them. Yes, they have a cell phone, eventhough I resisted at first, however I don not have $300 cell phone bills. Not all parents are scared of thier children.
Every generation says that the next is worthless. Let go of your illusion of control and be a good example for them instead of criticizing and judging.
What's wrong with YOU?!!!??
Remember that you are far from perfect and have a lot of work to do before you reach your state of sainthood.
All of the youth of today are "not worthless" My precious niece "Anitra Pirkle" surely was"nt..She had just graduated from college with a degree in business.. "but the three teenagers who carjacked and repeatedly stabbed and killed her and threw her in a field like unwanted trash are" worthless
youth" .Although this seemingly small act of dumping your trash and leaving it for someone else to pick up speaks volumes about a person's character..Did they
consider the people who work hard to keep that lot clean surrounding there businesses..and what about the customers who patronize that little mall..Do you think they would shop there if they had to wade through trash..How many times have you had trash in your car and said to yourself "oh" I'll throw this out when I get home because I am showing some consideration for someone else.. I say it
starts with all of us youth and adults alike to try and do our part to help make the world we live in better..Properly disposing of your trash that you enjoyed the contents of is a start.
Ever generation thinks the youth after them are different. Not so and plenty of adults do this same stuff.
8:49, I would never do such a thing, nor would any of my children. It's all about how you were raised.
to 8:51 Albero, Never say Never. You can teach kids good and right but that does not mean they will always do the right thing (especially when out of your sight). Same applies to you if you think no one is around your mind might say "Just this once"
Yes I believe it is prudent to condemn all of America's youth due to one incident that you witnesses. Good work. Maybe you can drive up to Canada so that you can find some reason to condemn their youth also. This could be cottage idustry for you. Good Luck.
I noted the veiled racism in noting the person's place of enployment: "sure enough...Popeye's." As so many of the others have commented, the littering reflects how the person was taught. Most of the young people I know--I'm 66--are responsible citizens.
The only thing we don't give a sh*t about is whether you leave the eastern shore which you obviously dislike so much. It is incredibly frustrating to hear all the negative comments about my home from people who have made a conscious decision to live here. If it's so bad, feel free to relocate.
Anonymous said...
not that its your job but did you pick up the cup by any chance or leave it there? just asking
9:15 PM
No, but since you are so concerned about it feel free to swing by Rita's and pick it up yourself.
No you didn't pick it up, instead you complained to a blog. Weak. You are just a bad if you saw it and did nothing.
I wish I could afford a car period....I work two jobs and barely scrape by. Too busy supporting and raising my 3 year old, trying to teach her right from wrong so she won't be blogged.
Stop passing the buck. The little turd that left it there is the one to blame. Driving beamer and frying chicken for living. Now that is the question of the day. That would shed light to this debate.
That is what is wrong on so many levels. She must need a front so babies daddy can put money in the bank. Maybe she has five kids at home. I think some of these young women think that having babies is a form of income.
Get pissed start your post. If it struck a nerve you are part of the problem. If you have a child and she has five babies daddies you failed as a parent. Sorry even Oprah will agree with that one.
Anon 9:28...
how is it that im concerned? you are the one who took a picture, followed the girl to her employment (which is kinda creepy) and then came home and posted and sent an article to Joe complaining about it. i was simply asking if you picked it up seeing how YOU were the concerned one. thanks and have a great day...
It wasnt how I was raised but Ive overcome a lot of that now that Im older, I would do it just like when I go hunting or fishing, always leave with a piece of trash. After a few trips you really have helped, if everyone did this the trash would be a non-issue.
My local McDonald's has no "drive thru" trash can in the parking lot. Remember when fast food places had drive-up trash cans at the exits? No more. Why? I'm guessing it's because they want the trash to leave with the cars so they don't have to pay staff to empty the cans and then pay to have it hauled off.
I suggest that everyone collect McDonald's trash found elsewhere (like on your lawn, next to your office, in the park, etc...) and then give it back to Mcdonalds.
This whole thing is the most ridiculous waste of time. The girl made a mistake, it has nothing to do with her age, her parents buying her a car, or Obama. its an e46 bmw it could be as old as 2000, she could have bought it for 15k, maybe she is working at popeyes to pay 300 a month on it. If it had been a brand new ford she could have paid 25k for it and no one would even think she was a spoiled rich girl. The bottom line is one girl littered and that is wrong, its not fair to make generalizations about anyone else because of one girls one bad decision. Whoever took picture must have a lot of free time on their hands, just pick up the trash and go on about your business. Stop killing yourself over things you cannot control.
you cannot condemn an entire age group because of the actions of one person. Were you to do that I guess anyone over the age of 50 is a crook because of Bernard Maddoff.
You witnessed the actions of one thoughtless person...nothing more.
Anon..8:42 Well said..
If my wife does this and you follow her home for putting a cup on the parking lot, i will kick your dumb ass. Just pick up the cup and shut the h--- up.
anonymous 4:45 forgot to sign his name, mr. pussy.
Don't go around threatening people without using your name. I looked you up in the phone book and found a picture of the chief of police.
You ignorant a$$. Why are you so quick to scream racism? Maybe the poster said "sure enough" because it was a POPEYES cup. Damn you race baiters need to learn to process what it is you read.
I think we all know it's not just our "youth" that are trashing the shore. I constantly see trash bags full of trash or even old furniture on the side of road near my house. People are too lazy to take their crap to the dump, so they ride out of town & just toss it on the side of the road. It's definitely all about how you were raised and how much respect you have for our planet.
How hard is it to just carry your trash in from the car when you get home?Really?I keep plastic grocery bags handy in my car just for that purpose so my car doesnt get all junky.It would never occur to me to just throw it out the window.It is all about upbringing.
I hate it too when morons toss out cigarettes so they do not mess up their car.They sell little ashtrays that fit in the cupholder at any dollar store or auto store-buy them and use them!Yes,I smoke,but my butts go in an ashtray in my car!
I'm sorry, but as much as I understand this person's concern, their ignorance, spite, laziness (not picking up the cup), and empty soul (following the girl around as a result of a witnessed littering (again -- not good) is worth of a punch (at the very least) to the teeth. YOU, sir (or ma'am) are what is wrong with America.
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