Incident: Burglary
Date of Incident: 29 June 2009
Location: 26000 block of Nanticoke Road, Salisbury, MD
1. Brandon Justin Fletcher, 22, Princess Anne, MD
2. Kevin Royces Lemore, Jr., 20, Salisbury, MD
Narrative: On 29 June 2009 at 4:30 PM, a deputy from the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office responded to investigate a reported residential burglary in the 26000 block of Nanticoke Road in Salisbury, MD. During the burglary, it was discovered that the then unknown suspect made entry into the residence through a window and stole household electronics.
During a subsequent investigation by the Sheriff’s Office with the assistance of the Wicomico County Bureau of Investigation, a potential suspect was identified. It was also during this investigation that the flat screen television stolen in this burglary was located by a deputy at a residence in Salisbury. Further investigation confirmed the individual suspected in this crime, Brandon Fletcher, was in fact the culprit responsible for the crime. On 2 July 2009 warrants for the arrest of Fletcher and a second suspect, Kevin Lemore were obtained and the pair were both located in Salisbury later that same day in Salisbury where they were both placed under arrest,
Both Fletcher and Lemore were transported to the Central Booking Unit where they were processed and taken in front of the District Court Commissioner. After an initial appearance, both were committed to the Detention Center in lieu of $100,000.00 bond and $75,000.00 bond respectively.
If anyone has any information about any other incidents possibly involving these two individuals, please contact the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office at 410-548-4890
Burglary 1st Degree
Theft over $505
Conspiracy to Commit Burglary 1st Degree
Taking numbers and kickin-a$$, good job.
Build a bigger jail now! These guys
should get at least 20 years or more. I have been prepared for these days. Come in my house and the tax payers will save a bundle. The only expense will be at Bennie Smith or the local furnace.Good work Mike Lewis and deputies!
Brandon Fletcher isn't going to last in jail. He is one of those guys that talk alot of sh!t and wouldn't and probably couldn't back it up. In high school he would run his mouth and then go get his big brother to protect him. He had everything a kid could ask for (cars, money, new clothes and shoes, etc.). Except the infamous street cred. What a real corn ball. I mean c'mon anyone who walks around O.C. with his "friends" jumping 8th graders ('04-'05) and your already a year out of high school can't be much intimidation. He's as soft as it gets. I laugh because he is going to get all the thug life and street cred he was dying to get his hands on when he was a free man all in one lump sum. Fkn Schmuck. Then again $100-$75 thou his parents might be able to bail him out today. LOSER!!!! Wanna-be gangsters. P.S. don't let the guys grab your man breast fat ass.
They need to do something about the jails. Having prisoners sitting on their butt doing nothing while the rest of us pay to feed and clothe them is absurd. There has GOT to be something they can do. If nothing more make them raise their own food. If they want to go outside fine as long as they are working in the garden. Prison is not prison anymore its just a place to hang out and live for free.
I know the victims of this burglary, and they are hard working folks that became prey to two worthless scum bags. KUDOS to the Sheriffs dept. Take note chief Webster you might learn something on criminal apprehension.
Snow Hill jail is doubling in size, and that's not enough. We need to re-open the boot camp for juveniles and run it properly. Closing it was wrong, and bleeding heart bozos who think the juvie crowd is anything less than tools of the gangs THAT WE HAVE is ignorant. Stopping these kids at 13-15 is essential in stopping gangs.
Hey two black males!!! What a surprise!!!
they should be knelt down and have some lead inserted into their thick skulls. The damage these piece o shi*ts have caused. They are petty thieves and need to be filed into the afterworld
Just wondered it anyone keeps track of the stats of the "profiles" of the perps.
Just curious.
put them all on a big tread mill and make them generate electricity for victims....the tax payers!
Is'nt there a third person?
Worthless pieces of sh!t these dudes are. They will just get a slap on the wrist like everyone else. F*ckers haven't worked a day in their life, and they just have to go the easy way out stealing from hard working people. There aren't enough words to express how much I hate these guys. Hopefully, if and when they post bail, they will be involved in a big car accident where only they get seriously injured beyond recognition
looks like kevin did do it..wake up and smell the coffee...and quit acting like "oh he would never do that" crap....those are the ones that do bad stuff...
9:43..... Well, I guess your wrong. Obviously growing up with your brother does not mean that you know him well enough. Just be glad, I guess, that he was not found in the home while the owner was there. Perhaps you would be having a very "different" July 4th.
You know how these people feel about folks breaking into their homes. I feel the same way. Stay out and stay away. If you "want" what I "have" do what "I" did....
......earn it.
The video shows them cashing in the bucket of change(over 500.00)they cashed in. The bucket was found with their finger prints on it. Don't tell they didn't do the crime. Kevin is bonded out.
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