Location of Incident: I-95 Southbound, approximately 1 mile south of Naamans Road, Wilmington, Delaware, New Castle County
Date of Occurrence: July 3rd, 2009, at approximately 4:00 a.m.
Resume: A Troop 1, Penny Hill, patrol officer was working an extra duty assignment, on I-95, overnight in his 2008 Ford Crown Victoria. His patrol car was stopped inside a construction zone, just south of Naamans Road, in the closed left lane. This officer’s emergency equipment was activated and there was a line of construction barrels to his right separating the closed left lane and the open right lane.
At about 4:00 a.m., a 1973 Volkswagen Beetle, operated by a 69-year-old Philadelphia man, was traveling I-95 northbound in the left lane approaching the construction zone ahead. As his lane closed and tapered off, this operator successfully merged into the right lane. The Volkswagen was then closing quickly upon a pick up truck ahead. The operator swerved back to the left to avoid the pick up and struck a series of construction barrels. The VW traveled approximately 420 feet in the closed left lane where it ultimately rear ended the Trooper’s car causing significant damage.
The Trooper and the operator of the VW were transported from the scene to Wilmington Hospital. The Trooper and the operator of the VW were treated and released with non-life threatening injuries.
The operator of the VW was cited with Failure to Obey a Traffic Control Device.
As a matter of protocol, the name of the Trooper, won’t be released for 24-hours. The same will hold true for the driver of the Volkswagen.
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