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Monday, July 06, 2009

General Of All American Intelligence: 911 Was A Fraud!


Anonymous said...

Wow! What can you say? The hole in the pentago wasn't big enough for the plane to fit? The buildings came down exactly as controlled demolition? Maybe this is why they don't show the videos any longer on television. If we watch them now, with the benefit of time, and absence of emotion, it is obvious they demolished the buildings. For Christ's sake, building 7 wasn't even hit by a plane!

Anonymous said...

Whatever hit the pentagon had no wings. Missile?

Anonymous said...

You guys sound thirsty have some more kool aid .

Anonymous said...

Check this out... Makes you really wonder now....

Anonymous said...

Amazing! Only on Delmarva.

Anonymous said...

There are hundreds of problems with the official story about 911. The official story simply doesn't hold water. Keep in mind, the official story is a conspiracy of 19 hijackers assisted by the efforts of Osama bin Laden from a cave in Afghanistan using lap top computers while on dyalysis. They had really good generators in those caves!

Anonymous said...

What is amazing about the government lying to us? They used this event as a catalyst to the following:
Afghanistan Invasion, Iraq Invasion, Patriot Act I,II,III, Spying on Americans, Taking our shoes off to get on airplanes, etc

Why is it so hard to believ our government is lying to us?

Most people believe the government is corrupt. However, we have difficulty believing they would lie about a really big event. Why?

Anonymous said...

They lied about Apollo 11 just about 40 years ago.

Anonymous said...

That picture sucks Joe. It's not plainly obvious but you can see a signicant amount of scorching on the "third ring" wall parallel to the trajectory of the initial impact point. This picture is too cropped and doesn't show the whole situation and is only meant to fit a 9/11 conspiracy argument. Let's be fair Joe.

Anonymous said...

Obama isn't really black. Its really Bush in disguised, whom has become more senile. How can you not see this!!

Anonymous said...

To all the conspiracy buffs- every single one of these myths has been debunked, time and time again. However, because it doesn't fit your paradigm of a "corrupt and lying" gov't, then the conspiracy must be true. How pathetic you people are, who continue to believe the "myth" that our gov't orchestrated this in what amounts to the worlds largest cover-up. Is our gov't perfect?? of course
not!- But to cover-up- what? no one in 8 years has come forward to blow the whistle? Get real- and get a life. and btw- to 1:13 anon-that it must have been a missile- surveillance footage has already proven that an airplane hit it.

Anonymous said...

apollo lost that fight fair and square rocky kicked his ass

Anonymous said...

anon 1:13, if you looked at different angles of impact, it was a plane, and by the way, the plane was used as a missile, DUH! And it can't be a cover up because several thousand American lives were lost, it wouldn't make sense that our own Government would kill it's own citizens on 9/11.

Anonymous said...

Nut jobs

Chimera said...

Nobody could keep quiet about a conspiracy that big and far reaching but the thing with Building 7 perplexes me.

Two Sentz said...

This guy is a lunatic nut.

Bryan said...

I encourage everyone to give what this guy had to say some thought. He is more knowledgeable than any one of us commenting to this blog post. I'm glad you posted this, Joe. If this has you interested, the zeitgeist movies will make you do a lot of thinking as well.

TheQuestion said...

He's one of your troops, 12:01. You guys blame Bush for everything. No doubt Bush had a cruise missile launched at the Pentagon and everyone on board the ship/SSBN has been "terminated with extreme prejudice" since 9/11.

Anonymous said...

i saw the original video of the plane hitting the pentagon. they took it off the air after the first showing. the one i saw has never resurfaced. clearly, it WAS A PLANE!

Anonymous said...

All of us desperately cling to the hope and prayer that our government is not really as bad as we all believe it to be.

Anonymous said...

If 911 were an inside job, then everything that has happened because of it is called into question.
Try to think of logical reasons why our government would do something like this?
Steel buildings have never collapsed because of fire - ever.
On 911 3 of them came down in a manner resembling a controlled demolition.
Within hours the 19 hijackers were identified. There was no invevestigation of the event and the steel was shipped off to China sold as scrap.
There were thousands of put options on American and United airlines in the days prior to the event.
There was molten steel 3 basement levels below the ground. The buildings came down at free fall speed - no resistance from the undamaged building which stood below the impact zone.
There were bombs going off prior to the collapses. This was commented on air and witnessed by thousands of people.
Building 7 was never hit by a plane, yet fell at 5:20PM that day in the exact manner of a controlled demolition. It also had molten steel in the basement.
Automobiles on the streets below were burned by the incredible heat generated by the "collapse"?
The building materials were powdered (drywall, office furniture, etc) there were no chunks of buildings left - only steel.
There were steel I-beams ejected 200 feet laterally which lodged into surrounding buildings like missiles being shot out of gun.
911 was a ritual sacrifice loaded with illuminati satanic signs. There were many numerological coincidences such as the date itself, and then, 3-11 (Madrid Spain) exactly 911 days later, and 7-7 (London) which also had very strange facts surrounding the event. Islam is not related to numerology. Satanism and Kabala are directly related to numerology.
Consider the facts, educate yourself, think about the current economic collapse of our Country, the rigged elections, the ineligible candidates, the electronic voting machines, the controlled media. Wake up from your slumber, wake up and look around!

Anonymous said...

"GENERAL OF ALL AMERICAN INTELLIGENCE!!!".......who happened to retire 25 years ago in 1984. The man seems to be just a little bit out of the intelligence loop.

But apparently he looked at some pictures so he now knows what didn't hit the pentagon on 9/11.

Give me a break. Last time you saw a car wreck did you see the imprint of a hood ornament on the other car? Well then the other car must have been hit by an asteroid.

Anonymous said...

i was there.. walking around D.C. that day.. trust me it was a plane.. i'll never forget what it sounded like, smelled like, or Looked like.. it was a plane.. first hand knowledge

Anonymous said...

What is wrong with you people?? The government can't hold one freakin' secret but, oooohhhh, everyone involved in the conspiracy can keep their mouth shut? And how many do you think it would take to pull this off, mind you? For every event, a conspiracy and be thought up.

Two Sentz said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Two Sentz said...

OK, if it wasn't a plane, what happend to all the people who got on flight 77 that morning, phoned their loved ones from the plane saying we were hijacked and heading toward DC, and then never returned home?

Two Sentz said...

OTOH, If you've ever watched 24, it's not hard to imagine there are bad guys that can pull off anything...until Jack Bauer shows up.

Anonymous said...

to 10:03 , that is the most ridiculous post i;ve ever read on this blog. You have to be the most gullible, pathetic, impersonation of a human being ever imagined. Its a wonder the human species has kept going with people like you polluting the DNA pool. ALL YOUR POINTS HAVE BEEN DEBUNKED!!!! NUMEROUS TIMES!!!! STEEL DOES MELT AT A CERTAIN TEMPERATURE!!!!!!! 80,000 pounds of fuel creates a helluve an inferno not seen prior to this event. IT MELTS STEEL. ITS BEEN PROVEN. GOSH YOU PEOPLE ARE SO GULLIBLE -I've got a bridge i want to sell you.....

Anonymous said...

I love all the videos on the internet stating that never in the history of the world has a steel structure collapsed due to fire, and especially 3 on the same day....Uhh I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure never in the history of the world has a steel structure been hit by a commercial air liner loaded with fuel.

Anonymous said...

To everyone calling us "conspiracy theorists" unintelligent worthless humans, do your homework. Some of the HiJackers are still alive. Did you even know that the Bush family and Bin Laden family were acquaintances before this ever happened? The government doesn't want us to know that they're looking for an easy way to get oil, they want us to live in the "fear of terror".

It'd take a lot to disprove all the evidence that builds up against the government. Keep calling me stupid all you want, I just don't believe everything the TV's, radios, or books tell me. I won't be spoon-fed by the media, and I won't be convinced otherwise by anyone on this comment reel.

Anonymous said...

I have noticed that the people who try to make discernable intelligent comments, hoping to influence others who may be gullible to the media, have been attacked as gullible. It is easier to believe a massive conspiracy by iniders, than to accept the official story told to us by our government through the controlled media.
I encourage people to THINK about the event. Research it.