For many years Salisbury News has enjoyed being involved with Blognetnews as it allowed a sort of challenge to Bloggers across America but used a questionable rating system to Rank certain Blogs.
We put them to the test in recent months just to see how things would go and quite frankly they failed miserably. While Salisbury News watched Blognetnews ignore their Site for weeks on end and refused to answer e-mail messages asking them to update the Maryland Site and the Delmarva Site, the Editor of the Maryland Site continued to act like a jerk and we watched our ratings all of a sudden go down.
Here's what made things even more interesting. If you hadn't noticed, we've been averaging around 35 articles a day and we even posted a link daily to encourage our readers to go to Blognetnews and rate Salisbury News. Now some might think of coming back here under comments and say that perhaps readers didn't like what they read and gave you bad ratings. Well, maybe that's true. However, we've come to learn over the years that even a low rating is better than no rating at all, so that excuse doesn't fly.
No, the Editor of Blognetnews and I haven't seen eye to eye over the past 9 months or so and while we've had record visits to Salisbury News, record daily comments, Blogs that are getting 35 to 40 hits per day are now more influential, (according to Blognetnews) than Salisbury News. Perhaps Blognetnews should remove the INFLUENTIAL portion of their rankings as I have strongly suggested for two years now.
When a Blog like Salisbury News gets 400+ comments in one day and then ranks #6 and or now #8 for the week, these people are so full of crap it isn't funny. Mind you, there have been a ton of our visitors rating Salisbury News as well. Again, I'm not at all saying Salisbury News should be #1 all the time. There are several other Blogs out there that put a lot of time and effort into their Blog. However, still to this day they're not getting the recognition they deserve. Dropping well below Blogs not even reaching 100 hits a day is hardly more influential.
Maryland Blognetnews Editor started changing things when I complained about The Carroll Standard copying and pasting AP Articles and giving absolutely no credit to those who wrote the articles in the first place. When I put up a Post about how they had removed The Carroll Standard I instantly received a nasty e-mail from the Blognetnews Editor for Posting an article about it. I responded with, it was the right thing to do. So what did he do. He instantly reinstated The Carroll Standard and and allowed them to copy and paste AP articles and our ratings started falling right after that. Even though Editor David Mastio agreed that they were copying and pasting full articles, even going so far as removing them completely from Blognetnews.
That's OK. We have watched Blognetnews continue to spiral downwards and their rankings don't mean much any more anyway. We know on our end that with the volume of hits, comments and respect we get from the MSM and political figures where we stand. Blognetnews needs to be replaced with a more respectable group that won't let personalities get in the way of their rankings, as the Maryland Editor David Mastio has done. Here's one of the messages I received from him. Mind you, no one was topless. It was ART, if you'll recall. An ARTIST made a motorcycle made of a woman's body. Rather than Dave sending me an e-mail to discuss it, he removed my Post and then sent the following message.
Today I got a couple complaints about a topless picture on the front page of bnn/md . I have taken the post from your site of the front page. I hope I don't have to do that again.
David Mastio"
Hey Dave, it wasn't a REAL WOMAN, it was ART! When I replied to his e-mail, he must have realized how stupid a move this was on his behalf because he refused to respond.
INFLUENTIAL, how abgout when Blognetnews invites Salisbury News to cover the Presidential Election?
"do you have any interest in coming to Dc to liveblog election night with a major national news organization and possibly some international ones as well?
David Mastio"
Oh well, it was enjoyable when it was legit. Again, I strongly request Blognetnews remove the word INFLUENTIAL if they're going to continue this practice and expect to be respected.
I have been voting daily and have rated them a 10. It is kind of interesting how you had higher ratings before you encouraged others to go there and vote and now your ratings are much lower. Maybe I should have said higher. I'm going to continue voting and see what happens.
I can see where a group like this could be important but like every other outlet they are driven by personal matters rather then facts.
Blognetnews has been Blogged.
My job is done here. Google "Blognetnews" and this is what you come up with. http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=Blognetnews&rlz=1R2ADBR_en&aq=f&oq=&aqi=g1g%3As2g7
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