Senator Andy Harris, (Congressional Candidate) brought his Family to the Eastern Shore this past weekend to enjoy some republican fellowship and to take advantage of a shooting range where his children could get in some practice. Let me assure you of one thing Folks, these kids are excellent with a gun.
Other Young Republicans joined in and enjoyed shooting off rounds with all sorts of weapons. It seems to be a growing trend any more these days, especially since Granddad invited the young Democrats out to another local range a week ago and gave them a taste of shooting weapons they had never experienced before.
Hopefully in the near future we pull together everyone, Republicans and Democrats and meet out on my property in Willards and enjoy a day of shooting. Ammo is becoming quite expensive any more these days and it always amazes me how the price goes up and people desire it more. Go figure!
Im buying what ammunition I can afford to. Im afraid Obama and the democrats are going to find a way to limit our ammunition sources while trying to take away our guns.
Ye i got all the ammo i need, 25 cases of 06, 25 bazooka shells, i even own a tank.
I feel as though obama might come take my stuff.
But let them criminals come we will shoot all of them.
Which kid will shoot there dad first?
With all that Andy Harris regalia on display, I guess the fat man was there on his special scooter with the Andy sticker on the front.
you know the old saying buy on hype sell on fear.
I wish I had taken some pictures of that. Thanks for posting those. We'll let you know about the NRA local chapter.
10:49... GET A LIFE. Let me know how dialing 911 works for you while someone is killing you or your family.
If taught properly, children can gain the knowledge and judgement they need to use guns safely when necessary.
Is kakhi the required pant for Republicans now?
Please don't forget the purpose of being armed. We reserve the right to arm ourselves, so we can protect ourselves from our government.
"An Armed man is a Citizen, an Unarmed man is a subject"
2c: hadnt noticed but that is funny all had on khaki. I know alot of folks wear tan or khahi out in woods to easily spot ticks on clothing but I doubt thats the case here since its shorts..
Two Sentz - no... but high tide socks are!
"Granddad invited the young Democrats out to another local range a week ago and gave them a taste of shooting weapons they had never experienced before."
The Dems are shooters, Joe. Don't try to make it sound like we're neophytes at this. Hell, I was the one who picked the range because that's where I regularly go. And Bob's AR-15 was pretty sweet, but I've fired a 16 before, so it wasn't that different. I did love the laser sight, though.
Chuck, what is it about you lately that you can't see the good in what I say?
YOU were not the only individual there and I was told bt Grandad that some had never shot such weapons before. Did the Post say CHUCK on it? No.
Let your guard down young man, no one is after you or the democrats.
Joe, what the hell are you talking about man? 48% of America is after the Democrats! :)
Okay, I'll calm down now.
We are after only the liberal democrats, Chuck
I guess you are after me, then! But you'll never catch me.
Actually I didn't invite anyone. It was kinda something that we all agreed to do as a way to get together. I had a blast. We never even talked politics at all. I am, however, looking forawrd to the Great Willards Shootout. When do we go?
Also, Chuck, Did you know they make a laser in a buffer rod assembly to replace the buffer rod in the Glock 21? Yes Sir, brother! Comes right out of tip of the buffer rod. Whatever the red dot is resting on is subject to having it's attitude adjusted forth with. Immediate target aquisition under hostile circumstances.
They haven't invaded yet pal, so calm down. Lay the gun down and back away slowly.
I would love to learn how to shoot!Any good training ranges around?
See, now you've got me salivating, Bob. I thought the iridium night sights were good... now I'll have to invest in the laser! Damn you Bob!
I'm a Liberal Democrat (capitalize those words when you write them, son), and, in the immortal words of George W. Bush, "bring it on".
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