I spoke with Adam Roop, (Roop Group) a few weeks ago and quite frankly they're considering moving away from the Downtown Plaza as well. Trash cans are still overflowing and it's time someone place this issue on the Council Agenda and tackle it head on. It can't take 15 years to come up with a solution.
Hopefully they're making headway with Urban Salisbury's Master Plan because if this keeps up there will be nothing left. Oh, if someone wants to try and make comments saying it's all the new Mayor's fault, I'll reject those comments because that's just bull. Don't even think of going there.
Stick a fork in Downtown Salisbury cuz it's done. Get over it move on.
Give up on the Plaza. There have been numerous plans that could have worked, but the wealthy buiding owners who think they're going to get rich off rents down there have always just taken the write-off.
Think the destruction of the theatre was depressing? What do you think Causey & Co are going to do with the old Hess building on the plaza? It's in such disrepair and so full of mold - I guarantee it will have to come down, sooner rather than later.
What are you going to do with your plaza then, once the buidings all start being bulldozed?
Not much you can say now huh? Now that Ireton is in... and things are still the same!
Subsidize "wealthy building owners" like Joe. Yea that's it, let's spend (waste)some more money revitalizing the downtown. No better use of taxpayer dollars than to help the connected up their property values. Right Joe?
I want to see Urban Salisbury's plan. I've not been able to find it in print, and it's not on their website. I know over a hundred who came to the unveiling on the 16th saw it, but when will the rest of us get any idea what the plan holds???
Isn't there a large business that closed yesterday in the Naylor Mill area , not the car dealership.
Urban Salisbury's plan will be available to everyone as soon as Urabn Salisbury gets their budget for next year approved by Council.
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