I am issuing this challenge to any decent landlord if there is one out there in the Salisbury area. My grandson lives on life support. The parents living room looks like a hospital room because of all of the medical equipment. They are in a very small, one bedroom apartment. They need a bigger place with at least two bedrooms. They are eligible for night time nurses there so they can at least sleep. The nurse gets there early and with the crib, medical equipment and the baby and 3 adults, counting the nurse, you can hardly move around. This is the most important part of my challenge. They have to have a place free of mold, lead paint, rodents, AND in a safe neighborhood. The medical equipment alone is worth thousands and with the crime rate like it is, I would not put it past a thug to try and steal it if they thought they could sell it. Also, their income is basically the baby's disability right now so the rent can't take all of it so they can have money left over for other bills. Son-in-law works as often as he can. Daughter can't find a job even with a wealth of banking and billing background. Both can work full time and then be eligible for daytime nurses. But first, they need a better place to live.
Then maybe they can find better jobs. Then they can get a good vehicle. Theirs can't make the numerous trips to John's Hopkins.
So..step up and show me that there are some landlords who are willing to help this family and not do it for the money.
Thank you,
I wish I could help. There is nothing more precious than our children and nothing more important than helping those who truly are in need. If there is something needed besides a new place to live, please speak up. Maybe i and others can help in that way.
I believe that someone will step up here.
I would like to help as well, if there is anything else this family needs let us know! I cant imagine anyone NOT wanting to help this family so please someone help them get a home.
Thank you for your kind words. He can't live without his life support system and we just pray everyday that no new problems pop up. If you are a praying person, all prayers ...in my belief..help!
oh my gracious..This lil baby is just precious! My heart pours out to this little one and his family..I can't help with a place to live either.. But I would love to help any other way I can.
Talbot apartments in pittsville have 2 bedrooms and are safe.They base your rent on your income.Im sure there is a waiting list, but it would be worth getting on it for when one does become available.They are on Gumboro Rd. just before the fire house on the right.They have a phone number on the sign. Its office is out of Easton. If interested, i will get the phone number for you.
Cindy,this little guy will be in my prayers.I wish I was in a position to help financially too but God has more power than any amount of money and I DO believe in that too.
I know yesterday was Sunday and maybe a lot of people didn't have time to log on. I thought, maybe today, a landlord or a property owner would see this and step in to help. I refuse to give up! It would HAVE to be a tax write off for someone! A rent with option to buy? I'll give it a shot as long as it is a multi family dwelling because if I buy it, they will come with me! When I sent this in, my title was a challenge for a decent landlord. Mr. Joe made it a lot nicer by calling it a Landlord with a Heart of Gold. Well...the local landlords proved Mr. Joe and myself to be just about right. There ARE none out there! Not ONE responded.
Bless those nice posters who responded! Thank you SO much for your support!
Shore Transit may be able to help with the trips to John Hopkins. What type of work does your son-in-law do?
Thank you 9:26 but they can't help. When they need to go, I let them use my car because their car is on it's last few runs around town even I think.
And I aplogise for my 7:22 comment...it WAS a case of sour grapes. I am just running out of options. I was not expecting a miracle, was just hoping for one!
Thank you all and especially to Mr. Joe for giving me a shot and for posting this for me.
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