While the Daily Times brought forth an interesting article today referencing Pollitt addresses effect of economy on county, they CONVENIENTLY neglected to mention that while Mayor Barrie Tilghman was scheduled to speak at 10:55 AM, she refused to show up, (like her fellow friends at the Red Cross Fundraiser recently did to her) and left everyone in the dark. Barrie was scheduled to be a speaker and participate for the City of Salisbury, WHAT SHE'S PAID TO DO and represent the Citizens. This was an extremely important meeting.
Bitter, mad and worn out, Barrie Tilghman is pulling the old Wayne Gilchrest moves and is turning her back on everyone. In the very least she could have called and said she wasn't going to make it but that just wasn't the case. She could have sent Louise Smith or even Gary Comegys but again, that wasn't the case.
Folks, you better think real hard who you want representing Salisbury for the next 4 years because my guess is, Salisbury is so deep in debt they don't want to share or discuss any of it. Remember how the Mayor said she'd have something for Mike Dunn after he left the City Council? Do you think someone may have made the same offer to the Mayor if they get elected? I doubt much is going to change at all, if you ask me.
Why do you think the mayor wanted to shred all of the records? How many records have already been quietly destroyed Mayor? Refusing audits and shredding records --hmmmm wonder why?
Oh, she had something for Mike Dunn to do, all right.
It ain't just Lynn singing the Dem Mean Ole Blogs and Their Followers blues.
Mikey's a right hand man on that one.
After all, you Mean Ole Blogs and Your Followers made him quit being on the council, wah, wah, wah.
I weep for the liberty of my country when I see at this early day of its successful experiment that corruption has been imputed to many members of the house of representatives, and the rights of the people have been bartered for promises of office.
Andrew Jackson
lets impeach her jus for the heck of it!!!
And I suppose that if someone posted the information that the mayor's office was electronically bugged, she'd spend a couple of grand to have the bugs found and then call the FBI to find out who did it. Such is this woman's paranoia.
Can you imagine her accompanying Hillary on State Department missions?
Thank God the voters saw fit to eliminate her from the running as a Democratic Convention representative.
And now, she leaves in a flurry of shredded proofs of her mismanagement. Sort of reminds one of Richard Nixon, doesn't it?
It's so gratifying to see her standing there at her empty table (the only empty table) at that Christmas fundraiser, waiting for recognition, recognition that didn't come. Everyone there avoided her like the plague.
I wish there were more photos of her at this event, looking like she just sucked on a lemon.
She knows her time is up, that she's sucked the town she's tried to turn into a lemon pretty much dry, with not even enough juice left to make lemonade.
"She could have sent Louise Smith or even Gary Comegys but again, that wasn't the case.
No she didn't have to send Louweasel or Bubba. If they were any kind of leader they would have been there anyway.
I guess she stopped taking a paycheck too????....
Anonymous said...
And I suppose that if someone posted the information that the mayor's office was electronically bugged, she'd spend a couple of grand to have the bugs found...
...Sort of reminds one of Richard Nixon, doesn't it?
12:48 PM
No, Dinglebarrie would be stupid enough to waste thousand on a pest control company like Terminex or Orkin because she could get a kick back.
Please don't put her in the same category as Richard M. Nixon. Actually Nixon was very intelligent and one of the best presidents this country has ever had. I will take him over Obama and Hillary any day.
Who's for sending a dossier to whatever Florida newspaper it is that services the town she and Matt are moving to? It would be a service to all if wherever she goes, everyone knows what stuff she's made of and they don't make the horrible mistake of allowing her to even head a little committee.
Bubba would have impressed the local leaders with his grammar and guffaws. NOT
And he probably would have given each of them one of his yard signs to post at their places of business.
I got a copy of the DT newspaper today because I asked my neighbor for a newspaper to use under the kitty litter, since I was in the process of changing it. It was the daily times today's edition, I said, hey this is today's newspaper, she said, read it in 2 minutes, nothin in it.
Thanks, so I skimmed through, stopped on the editorial page, and saw the nasty comment about the "Bloggers" and what do you think came to mind?
I have watched that newspaper for a few years, it stinks, it does not report any news except what the mare wants them to print.
They have allowed the mare to make deleterious comments about people days before the elections, (which honor and integrity says is a no no in most newspaper circles)
I have read lies by the mare printed in the paper, I have not seen any fair reporting, at all. It is awful. The person on the blog accusing, or so it sounded. certain folks for supporting the blogs.
Lord have mercy, the blogs are the only place we can get the news here, perhaps public radio, bill reddish, but that is it. Accusing the local folks of "something bad" by reading and promoting the blogs. NOT, Joe Albero has uncovered so much that the DT has hidden, and misrepresented that he should have a "citizen of the year award" perhaps share it a bit with Delmarva Dealings; of course there are other wanna be's that are mean spirited and nasty (I presume paid for by the Mayor herself, or Bubba,) those will fail, because they are filled with the same lies as the DT, you can tell from the tone they are all interconnected.
There is a new blog, I forget the name, it is great, not the same citizen advocate stuff like Joe,but good, reports the news.
So, whomever is putting people up to downing the blogs and the bloggers, is not only ill advised and obviously does not want to hear the truth, just wants to continue the lies and bigotry that has crowned this administration for many years.
We are about to be freed from the mare and perhaps even the newspaper. Thank you Bloggers. Thank you so very much.
She's up to something....
I still dont think she noticed her empty table yet. I think she was upset because she did not get one of those cute red hats! That's why no one was there AT her table! She sent them all out to find her a red Santa hat!
I say good ridence to our "ugly American lady politician" and the people who had backed her all these past years. So, shes moving to Florida. I sure pity that state, if she gets in politics there. Is she bring Matt along? Or just going by herself? If the later, I'd say good ridence, ifd I were Matt.
Of course she's up to something. She's a dispensible entity now, so she can pull out all the stops when it comes to getting her lapdog(s) elected. Between the election season antics (too soft a word, I know) SAPOA and this sister of Hecate, it's almost impossible to anticipate the next move. But keep in mind that she has nothing to lose and all to gain from fouling this election with fraud, lies and innuendo.
2:29 --
It's obvious that the "local leaders" are already allowing Comegys to put his signs up. He's the poster boy for the Chamber of Commerce and Greater Salisbury Committee, as well as the landlords and SAPOA.
They are scared ____less of losing their cash cow if he doesn't become mayor.
If Barrie and the spouse are fleeing to Florida, let's hope that they take Dunn, Cathcart and Bubba Comegys -- the "Dream Team" -- with them. They deserve each other.
Here's Gary's new slogan:
Gary Comegys:
Friend of the Developer, Supporter of Slumlord Rights
Word in the GOB is she had her office soundproofed after her failed attempt at having the FBI arrest Bill Duvall.
She can soudproof her office all she wants. FBI wire taps can overide that, just ask Blago, former Governor of Illinois.
Hecate: "in Greek religion and mythology, goddess of ghosts and witchcraft. Originally she seems to have been an extremely powerful and benevolent goddess, identified with three other goddesses–Selene (in heaven), Artemis (on earth), and Persephone (in the underworld). From the three supposedly came her image in Greek art as a figure with three bodies or three heads. Generally she is identified as a spirit of black magic, Persephone's attendant, with the power to conjure up dreams, phantoms, and the spirits of the dead. In the upper world she haunted graveyards and crossroads and was invisible to all eyes except those of the hounds who attended her. "
No, I don't think Barrie is sister to Hecate; I think she IS Hecate!
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