Today in an interview with Rosanne World Net Daily listened to Rosanne dispel any myths anyone might have about this last weeks fighting in Gaza. She said if the Zionist financed by their Evangelical Christian friends here in the state would stop acting like their mentors in Nazi Germany, all of this killing would end.
Roseann, brought up in a Jewish and Mormon home and is now practicing Kaballah. Is differentiating between being a traditional Jew, such as an orthodox Jew vs. a Zionist.
Orthodox Jews do not believe that they are entitled to a homeland because of their disobedience to God, until he performs a supernatural miracle that the whole world will see and know it was God who did it, gives them one.
Zionist on the other hand believe that they are entitled to the land that had one time been there own, but after their disobedience they were run out of the region. Until after WWII the UN set up Israel as a state. Doing so, took the people who had been living there (the Palestinians) and displaced them. Imagine, one day you are told that the government is taking your home and you have nothing to say about it. Palestinians had been living in these homes for centuries and one day they were told they had to go. If they did not move there homes were bulldozed. This was in 1948.
Peace has not been in Israel since.
Palestinian were and are understandably resentful.
Originally, the State of Isreal was much bigger, and they have given back much of the land that they once possessed.
But now the problem is the 'Checkpoints'.
Checkpoints are the terror of the average Palestinians existence. These Checkpoints are placed in key areas of the city that Palestinians must walk through to get where they need to go, which could be a store, the hospital, a child's school, work or home.
Reports of abuse by Israeli soldiers has become common place, and there are now groups of Grandma' s who are against the occupation who stand at the checkpoints to make sure the guards act humanely. They believe that young Jewish men and women wouldn't misbehave in front of their grandmothers so they won't be inhumane in front of these ladies.
In recent years men have been beaten at the checkpoints for not having the correct papers, one while on the way to the hospital where his wife was dying.
Pregnant women have been forced to give birth on the ground at a check point.
Children must pass through them to get to school and they are afraid to go alone, so parents go with them, and the parents are often detained for know reason when on the way back home .
Peace needs to come to this region. It wasn't until the formation of Hammas that attacks from the Palestinian side have become so deadly. Hamas isn't only relying on suicide bombers any longer, they have now developed rockets that go further into Israel. However, when Israel strikes back it often hits civilians because the quarters in Gaza are so cramped they cant go out into the field to battle. They liken it to having a war in downtown Detroit.
The fighting has got to stop. The casualties are so bad, last week there was no room in the morgue! With another 6 Children dead the death toll has risen to 318.
All with the financial backing, support and weapons from the good ole USA.
Our priorities are deeply messed up. I remember sitting in a church service and the plate being passed and the money was going to be sent to Israel. The pastor was quoting the passage in the Bible where we are instructed to be a friend to Israel, and therefore we shall be blessed. At the time, I thought what I was doing was a good thing yet now I question my actions.
Each and every human being should have a place to call home, but we can't call it home if we take it from someone else. Even if the Government says that we can. Because eventually one day those people are going to become resentful, and they have.
There are many many millions of Jews who reside right here in America, and we have been very gracious in giving them visa's. There is more than enough room for all of these folks to live together, but they have to be as committed to the process of peace as they are their Gods.
Go here to read the Rosanne article and feel free to click through the related articles on this subject. It is very complex and leaves everyone very uncomfortable if the wrong thing is said. but things have become very serious and the Granny's and even Roseanne are imploring the soldiers not to obey orders, of searching of homes in the middle of the night, or detaining someone for no reason or whatever. They just need to stop.
The same Roseanne Barr who sang the Star-Spangled Banner like a cow, then grabbed her crotch and spit?
Well, now, if Roseanne Barr is telling you all these things, they must be true!
It's our land...By: Benjamin Netanyahu
Apparently, Benjamin Netanyahu gave an interview and
was asked about Israel 's occupation of Arab lands.
His response was "It's our land". The reporter (CNN or the like) was stunned - read below
"It's our land..." It's important
information since we don't get fair and accurate reporting from the media and facts tend to get lost in the jumble of daily events.
"Crash Course on the Arab Israeli Conflict."
Here are overlooked facts in the current Middle East situation.
These were compiled by a Christian university professor:
takes just 1.5 minutes to read!!!! )
It makes sense and it's not slanted. Jew and
non-Jew -- it doesn't matter.
1. Nationhood and Jerusalem . Israel became a nation
in 1312 BCE, Two thousand years before the rise of Islam.
2. Arab refugees in Israel began identifying
themselves as part of a Palestinian people in 1967, two
decades after the establishment of the modern State of Israel .
3. Since the Jewish conquest in 1272 BCE, the Jews have had dominion over the land for one thousand years with
a continuous presence in the land for the past 3,300 years.
4. The only Arab dominion since the conquest in 635 CE
lasted no more than 22 years.
5. For over 3,300 years, Jerusalem has been the Jewish
capital. Jerusalem has never been the capital of any Arab or
Muslim entity. Even when the Jordanians occupied Jerusalem ,
they never sought to make it their capital, and Arab leaders
did not come to visit.
6. Jerusalem is mentioned over 700 times in Tanach,
the Jewish Holy Scriptures. Jerusalem is not mentioned once
in the Koran.
7. King David founded the city of Jerusalem . Mohammed
never came to Jerusalem .
8. Jews pray facing Jerusalem . Muslims pray with
their backs toward Jerusalem .
9. Arab and Jewish Refugees: in 1948 the Arab refugees
were encouraged to leave Israel by Arab leaders promising to
purge the land of Jews . Sixty-eight percent left without
ever seeing an Israeli soldier.
10 The Jewish refugees were forced to flee from Arab
lands due to Arab brutality, persecution and pogroms.
11. The number of Arab refugees who left Israel in
1948 is estimated to be around 630,000. The number of
Jewish refugees from Arab lands is estimated to be the same.
12. Arab refugees were INTENTIONALLY not absorbed or
integrated into the Arab lands to which they fled, despite
the vast Arab territory. Out of the 100,000,000 refugees
since World War II, theirs is the only refugee group in the
world that has never been absorbed or integrated into their
own people's lands. Jewish refugees were completely
absorbed into Israel , a country no larger than the state of
New Jersey .
13. The Arab-Israeli Conflict: the Arabs are represented by eight separate nations, not including the
Palestinians. There is only one Jewish nation. The Arab
nations initiated all five wars and lost. Israel defended
itself each time and won.
14. The PLO's Charter still calls for the destruction of the State of Israel . Israel has given the
Palestinians most of the West Bank land, autonomy under the
Palestinian Authority, and has supplied them.
15. Under Jordanian rule, Jewish holy sites were desecrated and the Jews were denied access to places of worship. Under Israeli rule, all Muslim and Christian sites
have been preserved and made accessible to people of all
16. The UN Record on Israel and the Arabs: of the 175
Security Council resolutions passed before 1990, 97 were
directed against Israel .
17. Of the 690 General Assembly resolutions voted on
before 1990, 429 were directed against Israel .
18. The UN was silent while 58 Jerusalem Synagogues
were destroyed by the Jordanians.
19. The UN was silent while the Jordanians systematically desecrated the ancient Jewish cemetery on the
Mount of Olives .
20. The UN was silent while the Jordanians enforced an
apartheid-like a policy of preventing Jews from visiting the
Temple Mount and the Western Wall.
So the jews have their zionist idiots backing them and the muslims have their jihadist idiots fueling them.... KABOOM!!!!!!!!!!
What Bloody imbiciles.
I went and read the article, Wymzie. While on the site, I went and read other articles.
I notice you didn't bother to post this one, that begins:
"JERUSALEM – A Palestinian girl who said she lost a 4-year-old sister yesterday during Israel's air strikes in the Gaza Strip squarely placed the blame for the violence on Hamas, making her statements live on the terrorist group's official television network."
How much is Israel suppost to take? Hamas had been firing bombs into Israel for the past week and finally they had enough. The Palestinans voted Hamas so now they must deal with their choices. They have done many things to keep the innocent people safe but hamas insists on hiding behind the innocent then crying foul.
As far as Roseanne Barr I think we should fire her out of cannon into Palestine
You crush peoples houses with bull doziers and treat them like animals what do you expect them to do?
Boy they sure have worked wonders with our banking institutions havent they...
I used to adore Roseanne before she lost her damn mind.Her sitcom was one of the best shows on TV, with high ratings for 5-6 consecutive years,then she decided to change it and within a year it tanked and was cancelled.All her public stunts during her marriages to Tom Arnold and her limo driver did not endear her to the public either.Now she is an expert on diplomatic relations?No way.
May be off topic for this post but didn't the early settlers do the same thing to Native Americans? The Spanish did it to the Aztec and Maya. Then there's the whole holcaust thing that uh never happened? It's not a passing trend. Rosanne is like Rosey's evil twin cept I don't know which one is worse!
What if the Mossad established Hamas secretly in order to justify their murder of the Palestinian people? How would any of know the truth about the matter? Through the Zionis controlled Main Stream Media? Ask yourself, who owns our media? Who controls our politicians? Why is it terror if you lob a missile into a city, but war if you lob 1000 missiles into a city?
Isn't it possible that Hamas does not represent the best interest of the Palestinian civilians?
Before anyone makes any kind of statement about this, please go do your research. Roseanne is defimitely not the one who I would seek council from when it came to world affairs, or anything else other than how to be a lousy wife and mother.
it's nice to bring up this subject, but the way it was brought up should be re-thought.
Before anyone makes any kind of statement about this, please go do your research. Roseanne is defimitely not the one who I would seek council from when it came to world affairs, or anything else other than how to be a lousy wife and mother.
it's nice to bring up this subject, but the way it was brought up should be re-thought.
Before Hamas came along, the Palestinians were actually on their way to peace with Israel and vice versa.
That terrorist group has screwed their own people, all for the hate of Jews.
Wymzie and Roseanne Barr are great propaganda tools for Hamas.
It was as much a democratic election there as it was here.
Wymzie. I don't know how to break this to you, but Ms. Barr (and all twenty five splits of her personality) is a tad mesuganah. Probably not the most credible scholar regarding international affairs and such! {I prefer Gilbert Gottfried's analyses myself}
How convenient that the bombing of the muslims took place before osama has been officially in office. I wonder which way he would have sided ?
Intelligence also reports that some of the Hamas rockets launched into Israel are from Iran. When we were supporting Saddam we should have just let him nuke Iran during their war with Iraq. Saddam did it, you know what I mean?
Ooooh.... I can't wait untill I find religion, or some other fairy tale to distort my life with. Seeds of hate, proven. The Bible, Tanach and the Koran written by eventually irrelavent men.
Where was the outrage when just a couple of years ago Ray Halbritter, self appointed chief of the Oneida nation, went in with bulldozers and pushed over the homes of the traditionals living in them? Where was Senator Clinton? Where was any arm of the government? The Oneida reservation is located in Verona, New York. This still happens right here in this country. Where is the outrage?
You act like this fighting just started this has been going on for a long time. I think everything had quieted down for a while until Hamas kidnapped and killed an israeli solider. They were under a cease fire and israel stopped until AGAIN HAMAS started firing bombs into israel that went on for about a week before israel had had enough
Go Israel- I hope they kick the living shit out of Hamas- No matter what the Israelies do, the world will hate them, so you my as well be hated, but safe, then hated, but unsafe. Besides, Israel has given land for peace, but its never enough for the Arabs. They always want more. Until the Palestinians renounce their goal of "driving the Israelis into the sea" (which they never will), then how can Israel not protect themself? Go Israel- I hope you kick the shit right out of them once and for all!!!
America goe bankrupt theyll be shittin bricks. Where do you think that hardware come from?
6:11 says,
"The Bible, Tanach and the Koran written by eventually irrelavent men."
Boy, are you stupid to write that ill conceived string of words! The fact that we are still fighting over their writings doesn't make them right, but, by definition, it makes them still relavent in today's world.
Polly Markis
There is NO doubt that the Bible sates the exact location physical dimensions of the land belonging to the Jews. God sometimes uses people to achieve his stated goals. The U.S. and The U.K. helped establish the Modern state of Israel in 1948 in perfect concert with the Biblical physical peramiters.
8:26 is exactly correct: As long as those rock throwing, rocket launching Muslim bastards are attacking Israels Biblical right to exist, kill the hell out of them, and send Rosie over, too, if she wants some!
Polly Markis
to 9:06 from 8:26 - Thanks! I agree wholeheartedly with your post as well. There is way more to be said on this, then time allows, but suffice it to say, Israel has every right to defend themselves aggressively. Israel probably only has 3 more weeks of a friendly US administration, so they took matters into their own hands. No panzy asses there!
And Along came Polly...
"Win me over girl"
Turn Iran and Syria into a pile of glass with one bomb. Took two to end WW2, we've come a long way since then. Iran has made it clear if they had them they would wipe out the State of Israel, off the map. Defense is always your best offense. Let them wander the dessert for a hundred years.
Obama is more supportive of Israel than you think, so if you extreme lefties don't like it, tuff. Israelis aren't attacking now because he's not in yet. They're attacking because Hamas has been firing 40 rockets a day at them!
Every time that area gets a little peace, some freakin' terrorist group goes and F's it up.
8:53, obviously, my thoughts have you flustered, or you didn't grasp the meaning of "eventually".
8:53, You may be correct in your view that I am stupid, but I doubt that, considering my success in life. however, I leave open the possibility that I am wrong in my view of Christianity. Do you have the same open mind about other "faithes"? I didn't think so, yet I'm the stupid one. BTW, why do you believe calling me stupid strengthens your position?
Israel should "drop the big one" then sky write "can you hear me now?"
Anon 7:28,
You know my name and e-mail; shouldn't I know yours. I'm perfectly harmless and only fight with words.
I’ll grant that you may not be stupid in all areas. You may be a talented business person, doctor or whatever, but you are, as evinced by that ill conceived string of words about “eventually irrelevant men,” certainly no thinker. Your use of "eventually irrelevant” is pure unsubstantiated conjecture on your part. World events for thousands of years and up to this very day & in the foreseeable future make them, by definition, relevant!
And, yes, I think there is truth in all the Abrahamic religions as well as Eastern religions, Native American religions, as well as many others. The devil is in the details! I honestly believe that the Jews, Muslims and Christians are all waiting for a Messiah who, although they don’t know it yet, will turn out to be the same person. Many powerful people of each religion won’t be happy and won’t go down without an Armageddon of a fight but those who accept the Messiah and the will of God will finally have the fulfillment of God’s word.
Polly Markis
Polly Rocks
Anonymous said...
It was as much a democratic election there as it was here.
3:38 PM
Yep, and we got our own terrorist, Osama Bin Biden because of the Kool Aid drinkers and the fixed elections.
Donna said...
Where was the outrage when just a couple of years ago Ray Halbritter, self appointed chief of the Oneida nation, went in with bulldozers and pushed over the homes of the traditionals living in them? Where was Senator Clinton? Where was any arm of the government? The Oneida reservation is located in Verona, New York. This still happens right here in this country. Where is the outrage?
6:27 PM
The liberal media won't tell us about it.
in the summer them frozen kool aid pops were kicking
since we are all kool aid drinkers lets form a kool aid nudist colony commune on the downtown plaza, nothing else to do there roflmao
I can't believe you are listening to this wacko; Only me and Kevin Federline were lucky enough to marry a woman SO crazy that we would actually be viewed as "the good guys" upon divorcing them!
Do you know the difference between Roseanne Barr and a bucket of shit?
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