Deputy Pecorraro of the Wicomico County Sheriff's Department lost control of his vehicle this morning on his way into work on Jesterville Road, skidding through a Stop Sign and head on into a tree. The Deputy was able to work today without injury but the car is a total loss.
The Wicomico County Sheriff's Department has had more than their fair share of accidents lately and are concerned about the inventory they now have left. We may be seeing a Bike Patrol at the Sheriff's Department in the near future, started by the Maryland State Police and also added by the Fruitland Police Department.
To Sheriff Lewis, might I suggest asking Mr. Pollitt to take the same funding out of the Wicomico Liquor Dispensary System and have your Officers take courses at Dover Downs rather than the employees of the Dispensary System? At least it would be putting good money after good money.
Joe said....
"We may be seeing a Bike Patrol at the Sheriff's Department in the near future, started by the Maryland State Police and also added by the Fruitland Police Department."
Actually Joe, the Bike Patrol was implemented a long time ago by the Sheriff's Office and used on the west side.
In that Haemel and Alessi thinks the money from the dispensary is theirs to do what the want to, tell Mike to request a donation to buy a couple cars. They donate to every other entity.
Tell Mike to use some drug money to teach those officers how to drive! I am not a bit surprised. Why should we pay for more cars for them to tear up. Now what about if this happened with his family in the car huh? I guess we tax payers would foot the bill for that to. Maybe if they left the cars at the WCSO they wouldn't have those wore out cars. As you can see they don't appreciate them. What caused this officer to lose control Mike? Was it excessive speed?
The APPLE Doesnt fall far from the tree Chris!
Man that sure sounds like Joe Holloway talking, even has his good ole boy twang. Well maybe if they left that car at home and you or your family called for help and that off duty deputy saved your sorry ass you would feel differently. Dont judge all deputies by the couple of idiots that continue to damage vehicles maybe a preventable wreck means park it for six months that might break it up. There is a signifacant differance in aggressive and proactive patrol. some some never get. When one acts aggressively they will lose in the end. There are a couple of cops in this county that need to keep this in mind you know who you are. To the deputies that continue to drive with your heads up your ass your are embarrassment to your department.
I think he lives near that road must have just put the sign up last light or maybe the tree just sprouted up over night I mean it is Tyaskin anything could happen. Hmmmmmmmmm Glad he is O.K. At least no Turkey Buzzard got injured in the freak accident.
That and the inability to pay attention when driving.
This wreck happened around 5:00am this morning, not at night, not in the middle of the day. I'm sure, as low as the land is in that area they were wet. Skidding is not impossible.
I want to know if this is the same Sheriffs car that sits down on Cove Road on Sunday nights partying?
Deputy Pecoraro is a fine Deputy. He's got faults just like the rest of them. Ok Ok, he wrecked his car. He'll get punished as well as he should be, but that does not diminish the good he does in the schools. The kids love him and he's well liked by his fellow Deputies.
Keep your head up Pec!
Isn't he the officer that helped save a teacher's life?
Was he taking an unfamiliar route to work??? It seems to me he should have known the stop sign was there. More taxpayers dollars wasted.
This deputy is a wonderful asset to our schools & community. As for Sunday nights, I personally saw him at Cove Road with his Boy Scout troop camping and cleaning up trash the weekend before this. Also, didn't we just have a tropical storm the day before this accident (which is AN ACCIDENT)?
I guess many on here don't know Jesterville Road and where this accident occurred. The direction he was traveling there is no stop sign until you get to Bivalve Lodge Road. The stop sign is not on Jesterville Road it is on Bivalve Lodge Road therefore there was no reason for him to stop. He also wrecked that car many many yards before coming to Bivalve Lodge Road. Now, ask Richard Adkins why he didn't turn his lights on when loading the car onto the rolloff? Why did Adkins go down the road with a wrecked vehicle on the back and no yellow lights on? Ask the other deputy that came down there to assist what happened? He knows good and well there was no stop sign involved. Lets just be honest here and say the man had an accident instead of making stories up thinking no one will ever know the difference.
Pec would have been better off saying a deer ran out in front of him.
There goes those deputies again!
He does alot for the school.
He stops when anybody needs him.
He is a good guy.
He is a good cop.
He shouldn't get punished because it was an accident.
He does alot for our community.
I am 51 years old and you know what?
I have NEVER had a deputy stop to help me for anything I ever needed while they were at work, let alone while they are off!
I watched one pass by me with a flat tire okay? He didn't even stop and offer to call someone for me! So much for the Good Old Boys!
12:04 Why would anyone ask the other deputy anything? They will cover for each other. Always have Always will.
Come on you guys, cops are above the law. They can do almost anything and will will be covered up.
It would be nice if Pecoraro would not post positive comments about himself.
I think he has wrecked 6 vehicles in his career and usually drives totally nuts. I see him all the time flying through Nanticoke.
maybe he was taking a prisoner to breakfast before his shift that day
All these negative comments about cops...tsk..tsk...sounds like jealousy to me! I guess you're one of those that tried to be a cop and couldn't:) Have a nice Day
Lie, cheat, and drive drunk... OK.
But don't wreck a car! Wreck families and lie about it... acceptable.
2:08, oh geez...here we go again! Have you looked in the mirror? Didn't you take part in that too???? Like the pot calling the kettle black. Who are you sleepin with now?
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