Stakeholders Meeting
City of Salisbury, Town of Mardela Springs & Wicomico County Water Resources Element
Stakeholders Meeting # 1
June 18, 2008
6:00 PM
The Wicomico Youth and Civic Center
Flanders Rooms 3 and 4
6:00 PM
6:10 PM
Summary of Status of Work on the Water Resources Element
Distribution of Newsletter # 2 and Community Workshop
6:20 PM
Discussion of Meeting Goals and Format
6:30 PM
Presentation of Existing Population Projections in use in Wicomico County
The 1998 Wicomico County Comprehensive Plan
Metro Core Plan
The Draft Wicomico County Water and Sewerage Plan
Maryland Department of Planning
6:45 PM
Presentation of recent development activity in Wicomico County
7:00 PM
Open Discussion Topics·
How much growth is desirable?
What Does the Build-out data tell us?
Which projections are most likely?
Which projections are most desirable from your perspective·
Where should growth occur?
What is the distribution between Water and Sewer service areas and rural development?
Activity Instructions
This is intended to be a ‘round table’ discussion based upon materials presented and distributed to you. Several Panels have been prepared. They are:
Comparison of County-wide Population Projections from different sources
Summary of Subdivision Activity
1998 Comprehensive Plan Map
Metro Core Plan Map
Flip charts for public comment / input are set up. If there is a point of particular emphasis you would like recorded, please do so. A meeting summary (not a verbatim transcript) will be prepared.
Isn't this like locking the barns after the horses are gone? Shouldn't this have been held before a discussion on all the proposed annexations that will be presented at Monday's Smallsbarrie meeting? Once again, let's treat the citizens like mushrooms--keep in the dark and feed them BS!
It's time for the county to take over all water and sewer from the municipalites. Where do you think the city is stealing their water from? The Paleo Channel and much of it is underground in the county. Stop annexations now!! If you run out of water again please don't dare whining about it again. The water is being stolen by the city of Salisbury and you refuse to do anything about it.
Water is fast becoming a worldwide problem and we better take care of the Paleo Channel now, since it can run out too. Everyone wastes lots of water and we need to wake up and conserve it. I hope this is brought up at the meeting.
A. Goetz
Anonymous said...
Water is fast becoming a worldwide problem and we better take care of the Paleo Channel now, since it can run out too. Everyone wastes lots of water and we need to wake up and conserve it. I hope this is brought up at the meeting.
A. Goetz
8:34 PM
Art I agree with you and I wonder what gives Salisbury the right to tap into the Paleo Channel and claim all rights to it. Who or what gives Salisbury the right to sell the water as if it was their own??
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