The owner of Zia's Restaurant was arrested last night for soliciting a prostitute along with 6 other John's.
Mr. Bubbas has been having trouble with the law a lot recently as he was arrested not long ago for allegedly assaulting one of his employees. I was also told by someone that this isn't the first time this has happened, but it hasn't been confirmed.
Like I said, Wicomico County is one horny place to live!
We need to also think of the family and how embarrasing it will be for them as well.
Do you think Wicomico County is the only place that has No-Nos. That's why there are laws, it's all over. Do you remember Gov. Sptizer? Wasn't from Wicomico Co.
The Bubbas brothers are both total asses! I know their exterminator, I'd never eat at their restaurant anyway. I'm sure they're not the only restaurant in Salisbury with "friends" in the kitchen, but knowing they are there is disgusting. It's sad that Olive Garden (being a chain) still has much better food than a "local italian restaurant".
The owner of zia's is a jerk i remember a few years ago we were in his parking lot with others to see the fireworks on the 4th and he made us leave his parking lot if we wern't buying anything. the others out there were doing the same and they weren't asked to leave... that man is an (_!_)
what a loser. I guess he cannot control himself, after looking at all those FAT people that eat there! Close that hole down and put up a White Castle!
if this is true i feel sorry for his wife mary.
Maybe Marry will be selling her half and getting half of his half to. Morion.
Heres $50.00 can I have aids or v.d.
Whitecastles are the most overrated chain restaurant in the United States. You don't want one. They are terrible.
No Wicomico County isn't the only place that has No-Nos. Clinton wasn't from Wicomico either!!
although most men will not pay a hooker, most will consider an invitation with thr right woman. Almost all men will yield if they KNOW there is no risk, with the right woman. Fact.
I do not know the owners! Never have, but Zia's food is much better then Olive Garden. Zia's and La Roma's are better then Olive Garden Chain!!
Not the men in their mirror, your wrong.
I ate at Zia's one time about 10 years ago.I spent two days on the throne afterwards.
If we had a health inspector in this city that wasn't on the take about three quarters of the eateries in town would be shut down.
Two different worlds, I quess???
Just two months ago twice in fact this happened i was eating down in the food court at the mall. I am an employee there so its easier for me to go there and more...both times i was approached by a cockroach...the second time this happened i let the maintanence guy know and do you know what he did...he smashed it and shoved it in the corner of the area where i was sitting..not in the floor but on the part where the greenery disgusting!! so even the mall has roaches...
We have always had a wonderful experience every time we ate there since their opening until....last year. Husband and I went for lunch I too got sick. I thought it was just me, and we went back again a month or two later and the same thing happened.
Stopping in for lunch while shopping has always been a better value than any fast food, and has been good.
I hope that the owners can get whatever personal issues that they me experiencing together, and put their focus back into their restaraunt, as it WAS very good.
I'm onto them now and their comments will not go up again. To the person attempting to post the entire operation, what's wrong with you? Are you trying to get someone killed? Leave these professionals alone and let them do their job.
Is a "resteraunt" anything like a restaurant?
You mean I don't have to ride to Phillie for a hooker ?
Sweet, Sweet Conny, momma said there would be days like this.
7:50 Be careful cause ill let my grand-baby kick you in the nuts. Trust me, it hurts.
I haven't been in their roach infested hell hole since they opened over 10 years ago. I had heard stories about the brothers being ignorant and it happened to us twice. They got cocky with the novelty of being crowded when they first opened and wouldn't seat you unless your entire party was there.
We all met there for my sisters birthday on a Tuesday evening and the hosted seated us for a table of 8, but my sister hadn't shown up yet. The waitress served us our drinks and my friend and I came back from the bathroom and the short fat POS had both his hands slammed down on our table demanding to know where the 8th person to our party was. When I told him she was on her way and would be there in less than 5 minutes he demanded that we wait at the bar until she got there. He was an ignorant asshole and my wife and another woman started crying. We paid for the drinks and left that place and niether of us has ever returned. I will never do business with those assholes again. I hope they go to jail and they throw away the key.
not that i am sticking up for either of them, but it was Alex Bubas not pete that was arrested for asualting an employee. i worked there and i hope the judge treats them like they treat their employees
You make my wife cry and Ill take the chargs, wouldnt be the first time. Last time it cost me $27,000.00 sometime principle is expensive.
It's sad b/c Pete is the nice brother, but Zia's is paying for all the wrong doings of the not so nice brother. Karma is a Bitch!
why is it that men have problems keepint it in their pants? Im single and get approached by mostly married men...whats up with makes me sick.....where are the available decent men? Why sint one woman enough for men now days...sure some women do it too but men do it so much more than any woman does....i just dont get it...people need to stop thinking about themelves and start thinking about the ones that will get hurt thr most if and when get caught and trust me you will get caught! His wife should take his behind to the cleners....I'd be willing to bet this isnt hi first time, just his first time getting caught. I dont eat at Zias, i go to FruitlND TO fratellis... i love their food, and they are reasonably priced.
LB, Delmar
"Treat others how you want to be treated!" I don't think that lesson was ever taught to the Bubas brothers.
I have worked in bars and restaurants since 1974, I can tell you from managment experience that I saw as much if not more marital affairs started by the girl friend or wife. Oh course I didn't factor the ratio of male/female in that equation.
Alcohol will make you do stupid stuff. They all look purdier at closin' time and I've never went to bed with an ugly woman, I don't know how they got there by morning.
Who cares its not anyones business but theirs, it doesnt deserve to be blasted all over the internet like this. Yeah maybe for him, but think about how his wife or children might feel when they see this.
It's a terrible thing when you go in there and the employees are scared to death of their employer. He stands around there like a stalker, not a very friendly feeling. The employees get in serious trouble if they give you to many mints w your check. That's sad.
I have a relative that worked there and both of the brothers treated her and all the employees like they were dogs. My hubby and I ate there about a year ago and when one of the brothers came near to our table, we complimented our waiter, who was excellent. He made a negative remark about the waiter to us and he walked away! RUDE! More recently we had a party of 6 eat dinner there, we all had subpar food. Looks as though they need to redirect their energy into their business.....
who ever posted the blog Joe is talking about is a total ass what were U thinking. Thanks Joe for watching out. Keep up the good work all u road dogs. As well as anyone else out there busting criminals in this county you know who you are.!!!!
doug wilkerson...i'm sure your wife cries everyday being married to you...
Nasty place to eat, NASTIER place to work. I'm shocked that it's still in business. Our daughter worked there and said she'd rather go hungry than eat there.
As for the horniness of people in our area, they really MUST be, because when you see the hookers around here, they're not much to look at.
Maybe that's something a new mayor could work on.....better looking hookers....
Anonymous said...
It's sad b/c Pete is the nice brother, but Zia's is paying for all the wrong doings of the not so nice brother. Karma is a Bitch!
10:33 PM
Which one is the "nice" one because the one that always gave us, "the customers," grief was a little short chunk asswipe. I think he had Little D!ck Syndrome.
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Case Information
Case Number: 2H00049793Tracking No:083764119810
District Code: 02Location Code:03
Document Type: STATEMENT OF CHARGESIssued Date:12/13/2008
Case Status: ACTIVE
Defendant Information
Defendant Name: BUBAS, SPYROS P
Sex: MHeight:510Weight:240DOB:07/02/1941
Address: 8936 LYNCH DR
City: DELMARState:MDZip Code:21875 - 0000
Court Scheduling Information
Trial Date: 02/17/2009Trial Time:01:00 PMRoom:01
Trial Type:
Trial Location:SERV CTR,201 BAPTIST ST SALISBURY 21801-0629
Charge and Disposition Information
(Each Charge is listed separately. The disposition is listed below the Charge)
Charge No: 001Description:PROSTITUTION-GENERAL
Statute: CR.11.306Description:PROSTITUTION-GENERAL
Amended Date: CJIS Code:1 1093MO/PLL:Probable Cause:X
Incident Date From: 12/13/2008 To: 12/13/2008 Victim Age:
Related Person Information
(Each Person related to the case other than the Defendant is shown)
Agency Code: DEAgency Sub-Code:8270Officer ID:0157
Event History Information
Event Date Comment
DOCI 12/13/2008 SC ISSUED 081213
INIT 12/13/2008 081213;00000000.00;ROR ;100; ;2094
The complete case file must be obtained from the District Court in which the case was last heard.
i knew they served procuitta, didn't about prostituta.
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Case Information
Case Number: 1H00048609Tracking No:081001740481
District Code: 02Location Code:03
Document Type: WARRANTIssued Date:08/26/2008
Case Status: ACTIVE
Defendant Information
Sex: MHeight:507Weight:000DOB:07/01/1944
Address: 2408 N SALISBURY BLVD
City: SALISBURYState:MDZip Code:21801 - 0000
Court Scheduling Information
Trial Date: 01/16/2009Trial Time:08:30 AMRoom:01
Trial Type:
Trial Location:SERV CTR,201 BAPTIST ST SALISBURY 21801-0629
Charge and Disposition Information
(Each Charge is listed separately. The disposition is listed below the Charge)
Charge No: 001Description:ASSAULT-SEC DEGREE
Statute: CR.3.203Description:ASSAULT-SEC DEGREE
Amended Date: CJIS Code:1 1415MO/PLL:Probable Cause:X
Incident Date From: 08/23/2008 To: 08/23/2008 Victim Age:
Related Person Information
(Each Person related to the case other than the Defendant is shown)
Address: PO BOX 4366
City: SALISBURYState:MDZip Code:21803 - 0000
Event History Information
Event Date Comment
WARI 08/26/2008 080826;DE 8270;2;ARR;D08098125-0
WARS 08/27/2008 080827;D08098125-0;
INIT 08/27/2008 080827;00000000.00;ROR ;100; ;2111
The complete case file must be obtained from the District Court in which the case was last heard.
Go Back
Case Information
Case Number: 2H00048610Tracking No:081001740492
District Code: 02Location Code:03
Document Type: WARRANTIssued Date:08/26/2008
Case Status: ACTIVE
Defendant Information
Sex: MHeight:507Weight:165DOB:07/01/1944
Address: 2408 N SALISBURY BLVD
City: SALISBURYState:MDZip Code:21801 - 0000
Court Scheduling Information
Trial Date: 01/16/2009Trial Time:08:30 AMRoom:01
Trial Type:
Trial Location:SERV CTR,201 BAPTIST ST SALISBURY 21801-0629
Charge and Disposition Information
(Each Charge is listed separately. The disposition is listed below the Charge)
Charge No: 001Description:ASSAULT-SEC DEGREE
Statute: CR.3.203Description:ASSAULT-SEC DEGREE
Amended Date: CJIS Code:1 1415MO/PLL:Probable Cause:X
Incident Date From: 08/23/2008 To: 08/23/2008 Victim Age:
Related Person Information
(Each Person related to the case other than the Defendant is shown)
Address: PO BOX 4366
City: SALISBURYState:MDZip Code:21803 - 0000
Event History Information
Event Date Comment
WARI 08/26/2008 080826;DE 8270;2;ARR;D08098126-1
WARS 08/27/2008 080827;D08098126-1;
INIT 08/27/2008 080827;00000000.00;ROR ;100; ;2111
The complete case file must be obtained from the District Court in which the case was last heard.
Anonymous said...
It's sad b/c Pete is the nice brother......
10:33 PM
It doesn't look like PETEY BOY is as nice as you claim he is!!
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Case Information
Case Number: 2H00021002Tracking No:001001855046
District Code: 02Location Code:03
Document Type: SUMMONSIssued Date:01/04/2001
Case Status: CLOSEDCase Disposition:TRIAL
Defendant Information
Sex: MHeight:511Weight:250DOB:07/02/1941
Address: 8936 LYNCH DR
City: DELMARState:MDZip Code:21875 - 0000
Charge and Disposition Information
(Each Charge is listed separately. The disposition is listed below the Charge)
Charge No: 001Description:ASSAULT-SEC DEGREE
Statute: 27.12ADescription:ASSAULT-SEC DEGREE
Amended Date: CJIS Code:1 1415MO/PLL:Probable Cause:X
Incident Date From: To: Victim Age:
Disposition Plea: NOT GUILTY
Disposition: NOT GUILTYDisposition Date:03/23/2001
Fine:$0.00Court Costs:$0.00CICF:$0.00
Amt Suspended: Fine:$0.00Court Costs:$0.00CICF:$0.00
PBJ EndDate: Probation End Date:Restitution Amount:$0.00
Jail Term: Yrs:Mos:Days:
Suspended Term: Yrs:Mos:Days:
Credit Time Served:
Related Person Information
(Each Person related to the case other than the Defendant is shown)
City: SALISBURYState:MDZip Code:21801 - 0000
Event History Information
Event Date Comment
SUMI 01/04/2001 SUM ISSUED 010104 AGENCY:DE 8270
SUMS 01/08/2001 SUM SERVED 010105; DE 8270 0196
The complete case file must be obtained from the District Court in which the case was last heard.
The last time that we ate at Zia's was a BIG disappointment. They are advertising about their under $10.00 dinners, however its somewhat misleading. Its mainly their pasta meals, which are only worth that (spagetti, etc) and they have always been that price. Kind of like Bait and Switch. I for sure will not be returning there for lunch/dinner. Their employees seem like they are always on "watch dog alert" as one time I ordered the unlimited soup (they offer two kinds) and the waitress told me her boss said I could only have one kind even though it was unlimited soup. Whats the difference? And if you ask for more salad and breadsticks, they walk away in fear probably knowing they will get in trouble for offering more - even though we are paying for them.
Times might be tough but get a grip! Sounds like the owner is having his own tough time!
Let me clarify Pete being the nice brother: He is not the devil Alex is. I have known a lot of people that have worked there & work there currently & they are fearful everyday about loosing their job. Alex threatens the employees and employees have said he had them sign an a greement to take a 1/2 hour of time away from their pay in order to compinsate for the time they may sit down at any point. Crazy, maybe ilegal! Pete may not be the greatest, but he is not as evil as the other brother.
I's eat's there's lots.
Opinions are like you know what, but the Bubbas Brothers have more money then all of us. So, I doubt they care what we all think or say about them or their restaurant.
I worked there and both of them were horrible to work for. But Alex was definitely the worst one.
I know he yells at his employees, I have seen it first hand. Not a nice boss.
When there is frost on the pumkin !! That means it is time for dickey dunkin !!! Give the guy a break i heard the undercover was pretty hot!!!!!!! All I know is next time he ask if i want house dressing imma gonna look twice. Know what I mean.
Authentic Italian food my arse!Correct me if I am wrong,but I think the Bubas' are Greek NOT Italian-big difference!
Aside from that,while I certainly do not agree with prostitution,its kind of stupid for it to be illegal.I know,I will take alot of heat for saying this but why do we need laws to make us "behave"?Making a social problem (drugs,sex addiction) a legal issue only drives it underground,kinda like abortion.People dont stop just because its against the law-it just gets dirtier,more dangerous and more clandestine.Oh and earns money for criminals.
Then again,I never understood the whole sex for money thing-most men,unless they are absolute trolls who cannot communicate with other humans,can talk sh*t to a chick and get sex for free,quite easily,from willing partners.Just a thought.....
Why do some men pay for sex you ask? Sometimes you just don't want to here the chatter.
Exactly Anonymous 9:15 - besides ladies do you want your husband doing plumbing work around the house? No of course not, you call a PROFESSIONAL! ;)
Rest assured anthenelli will make a plea with the prosecutors office and this will not be a big deal. Is that the right thing to do? NO! Will it happen? you bet.
Read the court verdicts and you will see that the prosecutors plea the vast majority of cases. Makes there life easier. Why do what you are paid to do if you can just make a quick deal.
I dont feel the same about going into this restaurant after reading this. Kind of ruined my appetite. Its wierd when I do eat there - one of the brothers seems to be always standing around watching their employees like a hawk rather than going around to the different tables to talk to his customers who are paying to eat there.
Regardless of what everyone says about them and their restaurant. I LOVE their cream of crab soup and they have the best salad. I have always enjoyed my meals there.The salad at Olive Garden is sooo boring. They do have a good soup though. But Zia's cream of crab is the best!
Some other stuff old Petey's been up to...
i personally worked for this dick and his bigger asshole brother. im glade that this has happened to him especially the way him and alex treat people.wouldnt suprise me if he atacked an employee. there foods good and safe well depends on whos cooking that night i guess and they have plenty of roaches just like plenty of these place.that guys a dick good ridens to him.
Please don't feel sorry for Mary!!! She is as evil as the day is long ! Her entire family thinks of nothing but themselves! Believe me, I know!!!
I know too and o e of them is my FATHER!!!!!!
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