Fernando Guerrero will hold a Press Conference tomorrow at the Black Diamond in Fruitland at 12:00 sharp.
If you attend, they ask you bring a gift that will be donated to the Salvation Army or canned goods which will be donated to the Maryland Food Bank. We checked with the Food Bank to see what they're in need of the most and they stated canned stew, chili or tuna fish. I'm sure you know, anything would be great.
Normally these events are exclusive to the Press but Hal Chernoff and Fernando feel Salisbury is their HOME and they want YOU involved. Fernando will be available for autographs as well as answer anyone's questions.
wboc; fight is Feb. 6. They scooped you, Joe!
Barry G
feb 6th at the civic center, 10 rounds televised
Now your at liberty to tell everyone Joe
They DID NOT scoop Joe... Joe knows how to keep a secret when others don't. Thanks for trying Joe
Angle biters.
Joe Albero was not scooped,he knew all the details about this event before it came out. Prizefight Promotions, Fernando and I requested all media to wait until Sunday to disclose the details at the Press Conference in hopes of generating a big turn out. This would mean more canned goods for the Maryland Food Bank and more toys for the Salvation Army.
Joe Albero honored Fernando wishes and we appreciate that. We now only hope that people will still come to help these two organizations that are struggling to help the needy in our community during these hard times. Hal Chernoff
I'm broke an unemployed Hal but I'll be there with what I can manage.
Joe thanks for REALLY caring about 'our kids'.
Actually, the number of rounds has not been made official yet.
Hal you got a special one there. My son goes to Wicomico Middle School and was very excited when Fernando came by to talk with the kids. Now that is giving back to the community.
ferenando keeps it real
Tickets on sale yet? I liked getting them online before they went on sale like last time. I'm ready BayBee.
You know what really impressed me? The crowd. At the last fight here we had such a huge diverse group of people that all peacefully coexisted and were all rooting for the same cause without a single problem. That was one wonderful, happy feeling of unity.
Joe got scooped..plain and simple. The news isn't about keeping secrets. That is why joe is a BLOGGER and WBOC reports the news. Blogger vs reporter is no comparison
But your here, is that an Oxy-Morion??? You tell me.
anonymous 6:11,
Obviously you don't read the comments before you attempt to stir the pot.This is what Hal Chernoff said earlier.
"Joe Albero was not scooped,he knew all the details about this event before it came out. Prizefight Promotions, Fernando and I requested all media to wait until Sunday to disclose the details at the Press Conference in hopes of generating a big turn out. This would mean more canned goods for the Maryland Food Bank and more toys for the Salvation Army.
Joe Albero honored Fernando wishes and we appreciate that. We now only hope that people will still come to help these two organizations that are struggling to help the needy in our community during these hard times. Hal Chernoff"
Now, I'm not so sure why you feel the need to not respect the fact that I kept my word as well as WMDT but you're being very rude and IMO out of line.
What makes your comment VERY interesting is you come off as if YOU are the Reporter that broke his word with Hal and lied.
I can give you at least 4 storied this week alone that I broke and WBOC had no clue about. ANYONE reading these comments should seriously follow sbynews.com during the day and then watch the 6:00 WBOC News that same night and you tell me if it isn't sbynews.com news locally. I have been out scooping them for years now and they know my sources are better. Nevertheless, that's NOT what this should be all about. I call my source at WBOC almost every single day and feed them news. Why, because I believe it's the right thing to do and IMHO I feel people should be more informed, especialy for those who do not have computers and Internet access. I do this because in MOST cases the MSM won't. Sbynews.com also tells YOU stories the MSM would never touch, like the recent WCDC story. Hell, you haven't even seen that in the Daily Rag.
So take your battle elsewhere because I'm not going to fight with you any more. You broke your word as a MAN and you lied to two people that would NEVER break their word with you and quite frankly I think you're a piece of sh!t for doing so. No one should be that desperate but you've burned a Bridge that may never be rebuilt again.
He is an Oxy-Morion and you new the whole time, Whi got scooped punk...
Im shore the shore will be stompin like it was the last time for this fight. (slide in right Joe).
Remember Ceaser.
6:11 I'm sure you are the same jerk at wboc that I emailed and you had the nerve to defend wboc breaking the news. Funny thing is wboc sure changed by Friday.
Next time why don't you people actually make the press conference instead of "making calls to confirm". I don't know where you came from to work at wboc but you have some things to learn about this area if your going to stayed employed long.
Merry Christmas.
PS Tell your people to bring a canned good today should they bother to show up....in person.
Jason S.
"Frankly it’s not reasonable for “Hal and Fernando” to expect the information to be kept secret until Sunday. Someone, somewhere would have broken the information to the public before then. As Delmarva’s News Leader, I’m proud that WBOC did just that. Everyone’s now talking about it, and we’ve generated a buzz. Clearly our reporting will help ticket sales and generate publicity for the event and the promoter."
From you wboc leaders.
I find it ironic certain people yell at Mr. Albero for not "showing his cards" and "breaking news" early enough (in an effort to drive up press conference attendance and donations during hungry times) while beating their own chests that they were the first ones to "spoil the soup"; and then in the next breath they laugh at him for calling "premature" attention to the benzene issue at Beaver Run, and then,like 3 days later, finally break the story themselves. It is like "Breaking News From The Bizarro World" with local media these days.
Wboc violated a request by Fernando and Hal, that's it. No conjecture, just facts. Joe honored Fernandos request, no conjecture,just a fsct. Wboc will be the last media sorce to know anything sensitive in the future..no conjecture, just the facts. Do you think that there will be more important press releases to come as Fermnandos career flourishes? Well, that is conjecture but probably will be a fact. The old expression Burn me once shame on you...you can fiqure out the rest.
47 had this on their website on Thursday. Who kept their word?
WBOC SUCKS when it comes to local Maryland news. They might lead the pack in Dover news but they ain't shit for Salisbury news.
Wait... this fight was on boxrec.com since the middle of last week.
But with all due respect to everyone involved on the "scoop"- this is a fight that is going to take place in February regardless. "Breaking" a story like that doesn't make a career.
If you compare SBY News budget to that of WMDT, WBOC and the Daily Times then there is no comparison on who gives this community more bang for the buck when delivering the news.
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