Late last night Salisbury's Code & Compliance hit the Thrift Travel Inn again at 10:00 PM sharp.
The Salisbury Police Department and the Salisbury Fire Department joined them in support while they went room to room inspecting the facility to assure each and every customer their room was up to code.
You will NOT see this in the Daily Times, they're in bed by 7:30 PM. I wonder if Mayor Tilghman will be as pissed off this time as she was the last time I just happened to be passing by and found the exact same situation?
Nevertheless, it's election time Folks and any proactive work like this during that special time will help keep crime down, like prostitution and so forth. It's to early to tell if the Motel knew two weeks in advance that this inspection would be happening. I will say this though. During the time I was there I didn't see any violations. Hmmmmmmm?
when i was there 2 nites before i didnt see any problems
I drove past the Thrift Travel Inn last night and noticed their sign advertized rooms for $175.00 per week. Thats only $25.00 per night.
For some people that is a lot of money. I have friends who easily spend that for one nights lodging.
I have some questions, and let's be real with your opinions.
A- Where should people with little cash stay?
B- What would you and should you expect for $175.00 per week?
C- Where would people stay if there was no Thrift Travel Inn or Chesapeake Inn?
$175.00 a week is $700 a month, you can get a better deal than a motel room for that-something with a small kitchen and extra rooms. It may not be as "state-of-the-art" with wifi as the Traveler or chesapeake, but it's better than one room with a bathroom & sink. (note the sarcasm) To the full extent permitted by law, any AHJ engaged in fire prevention and inspection work shall be authorized at all reasonable times to enter and examine any building, structure, marine vessel, vehicle, or premises for the purpose of making fire safety inspections. Before entering, the AHJ shall obtain the consent of the occupant thereof or obtain a court warrant authorizing entry for the purpose of inspection except in those instances where an emergency exists.
is 10 pm a reasonable time to inspect a hotel.hmmmm.
did they get consent.hmmmm.
I wonder....
Re 8:56am
Due to their lack of money, most "guests" of the Thrift Inn are lucky to even be there. I think you would be surprised to learn of the subsidized room rents there, even at $175.00 per week.
To move into a $600.00 per month apartment it takes approximately $2000.00 with security deposits, etc..
Now I agree that the Thrift Inn is an eyesore and breeding ground for drugs and prostitution but whats the answer? That's my question - WHATS THE ANSWER?
Thrift Travel and Chesapeake Inn are both havens for criminals. I for one, hope they keep the pressure on the property owners to clean these properties up.
I agree that people need a cheap place to stay, but this motel is in the center of an area of prostitution and drugs. So what is the responsibility of the manager when it comes to crime - or can they just rent to any person and the crime becomes the problem of the Salisbury taxpayer?
$700 a month isn't a cheap place to stay, however that would depend on how many people are allowed to stay in one room? The hookers and drug dealers may sleep in shifts, maybe they are packing 6 or 7 people per room?
You all are a trip. Just where are the hookers and drug dealers supposed to live. They gotta live somewhere, so it might as well be in the middle of town. Away from me. lolle
Trust me, the people who stay in these inns have no laptop to connect to wifi. And if they did, it might be yours, so check your stuff.
There was consent by the hotel manager as well as each tenant/guest. If the occupant did not consent the room was not searched. The management knew they were having a reinspection but I don't think they were aware of the exact time.
anon 8:56
I had a friend looking for an apartment and there wasn't much out there for under $700 a month, not to mention that $700 does include their electric. I wish I knew the answer to all these problems. Many people can't afford a security deposit to rent a place, others have poor credit and cant' get in alot of places. I have to wonder what's going to happen to the people that's homes are being foreclosed on. Where will they go? Many place will not rent to them since their credit will be shot.
in conj with anon 7:56am...
It's not that everyone can afford $700 a month, but $700 is alot fot what they're getting, notice the sarcasm on the WIFI.
But for the grace of God,that could be any of us with no place to go but a dirty little motel.Even if someone comes up with $2000 for security and rent,they still have to pony up money to hook up gas and electric,and sometimes pay an advance deposit on water,sewer and trash too.It pains me to see so many criminals and welfare leeches living in nice new subsidized houses and apartments (Dykes Rd is an example)when there are so many deserving low income families who dont have new cars with pricy rims and fancy clothes on waiting lists who are stuck living at Thrift and other similar places.
And to answer the question of "what do you expect for that price"????I expect it to be up to code,so that innocent children do not die in fires or get sick from mold,mildew and bug infestations.I expect them not to have to be exposed to sexual predators,drug addicts and whores plying their trade openly.Way to go police and inspectors!!!!
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