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Sunday, November 02, 2008

Kratovil Joins Team Obama ...

... Where's the "Independence" Frank?

While Frank Kratovil is mailing GOP, moderate Democrat and independent households telling them that he"s "Independent" and a "Tough Prosecutor", this is what's being distributed to heavily Democrat, primarily African-American neighborhoods on the Lower Shore:


Frank Kratovil has signed up for TEAM OBAMA!  Was there ever any doubt?

Kratovil has publicly endorsed Obama's "tax plan" which isn't tax cuts as much as it is taking from those that pay taxes and redistributing it to those that don't.

Kratovil promises "Universal Health Care" - a nice euphemism for health care rationing and a government takeover of another 13+% of the nations GDP.

Kratovil promises to end "Big Oil's Free Ride" - another leftist euphemism for confiscating the profits of corporations which employ hundreds of thousands of Americans.  If you thought $4.00 / gallon gas was tough, wait until it rises from its current, relatively low levels to $6, or $8, per gallon.

I have to give Frank and his masters at the DCCC credit.  While he's been telling the majority of us that he's a "Tough Prosecutor" - while taking money from the attorney of a child molester who is now free to attack our children again - Kratovil is finally starting to tell the truth (if only to a portion of voters).

Frank Kratovil -

Part of Team Obama
Pledged to do the bidding of Nancy Pelosi, Steny Hoyer, and Barney Frank

Where's the INDEPENDENCE Frank?


Anonymous said...

Enough said...Kratovil lost my vote.

joe albero said...

Grand Slam Home Run GA! With the many thousands of people visiting this Site every single day, this guy doesn't have a shot in the world. Thank you for keeping us up to speed and continuously showing everyone that this States Attorney is a LIAR. Indipendent My A$$.

Anonymous said...

I don't follow politics nearly as much as I should, and even I saw this one coming.

Anonymous said...

I am a Democrat for McCain, and now I will be a Democrat for Harris too.

Anonymous said...

More like Frank the Fraud!

Bob said...

I'll keep my God, my freedom, my guns, AND my money......the liberals can keep the "change".

McCain/Palin '08

joe albero said...

GA, I just saw another one of his commercials saying he was an Independent. OK, now I'm confused. Is he a Democrat or Indipendent? Gilchrest was a Republican, but he's endorced a Democrat? Sorry, but what the hell is that worth? O'Malley has endorced Kratovil, yet Kratovil claims he doesn't want to see any tax increases. Is this guy a whore, or what?

Then he states he's a part of the Obama Team. I just can't see where any of these endorsements are worth a damn.


Anonymous said...

He bused his PG County poeple into Princess Anne today, talk about a turn off.

joe albero said...

Actually, I happen to know he bussed people in from Montgomery County to Princess Anne. The guy is so freakin stupid, he doesn't realize they could have saved all that gas and made the calls from their own County. Besides, there were a total of 5 people there making calls. Woo Hoo!

Anonymous said...

Kratovil endorsed my O'Malley
Financed by Pelosi & the DCCC
Sold to the biding of Obama