John Robinson is making the news again, changing his confession from his recent Court appearance where I clearly heard him admit, his Glock when off because of his own stupidity.
Recently, Robinson has been telling others that he is suing the manufacturer of the gun, Glock, for $100,000.00. While many of the people being bored with such claims from Robinson, he has also claimed he has retained an attorney to sue me for $10,000.00. Get in line John. So everyone knows, I have never received any documents from anyone representing John Robinson or Robinson's Jewlers for any charges or lawsuits, nothing. So if you've heard this story from Mr. Robinson, he must be a close friend of Frank Kratovill's because it too is a LIE.
Perhaps the young lady who fell victim of Robinson discharging the weapon should be made aware that Robinson plans to make money off this and put in her claim in advance? It's kind of what you get for running your mouth with so much BS.
he has also told people he owns part of the orioles, worked for the cia and killed someone in baltimore.
He claims in this months Metropolitan he has a 100000 dollar advertising budget per year. Must make lots money.
2:34 - John is not lying he just plays with the truth a bit. For example:
Owns part of the Orioles - That means he wears a commemorative Cal Ripken "Number 8" wrist watch.
Worked for the CIA - Sold a cheap mantle clock with engraved plaque to commemorate somebody's 50 year retirement from the Center for Intergallactic Astronomers.
Killed someone in Baltimore - Was out drinking in Fells Point. Met Peter Angelos, and after a few drinks with the man told Angelos that he "owns part of the Orioles" (see above). Poor Angelos didn't get the message because John was wearing his Micky Mouse watch that day. As a result, Angelos tried to laugh and choked on his beer, feel to the ground, and sh*t his pants. Understandably alarmed, John high tailed it out of the bar and went home. For all John knows, he killed Angelos with that line.
As you can see, John's claims are not entirely untrue - they are just a convoluted understanding of the actual reality in which we all live.
Remember the Coast Guard story. That one had me laughing for days.
I own a boat, therefore I am in the Coast Guard. Right John?
I went in his store to get a battery replaced in a watch. I will never ever go back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The whole time i was in there he bragged to another in the store of how he shot 2 people and got probation. He made comments to someone in the store about he knew someone who would take care of someone else for 10,000. Then bragged about not being able to have guns because he was on probation, but it was no big deal because he sold them to his wife. What a big asshole!!!!!!!!!!!!
They are not lies he dreams these things at night...He just can't seperate dreams from reality....
How can Tracy put up with such a P.O.S....Oh yeah it's her dad's money that keeps them afloat....Poor Eldridge Hammend
John hates Sheriff Lewis. He thinks he's after him and also claims he has enough on the Sheriff to destroy him. The man is a retard.
John got arrested in Baltimore for DUI Friday night. His wife Tracey had to go get him today. He will hide this best he can. DUI was just by Towson University.
Im tired of humans.
Maybe Fruitland Police will get him next, the fat slob is always at Adam's.
He has told me an 3 other co-workers at an area restaurant the following,
1. He killed 2 people in one shot in Baltimore that robbed his grandfather's pawnshop
2. He killed a police officer in Virginia by taking his gun from him and shooting him with it .
3. He hired someone to "stab computer monitors in staples" because they wouldn't process his return of an item. He followed with the statement " I don't get even ,... I get a step ahead".
4. He was formerly a Salisbury Police Officer for 3 months.
I have a question, If that's the Shorebird game he's at where did that Jack Daniels come from. Well
if he is owner of the Shorebirds I guess he can bring liquor to the stadium.
This guy needs some sycological help.
Robinson is a loser. It's no wonder he hangs with Barrie Tilghman and Jim Rapp.
John Robinson is a demented man. I hope his family will get the help he needs. John I know all your dirty little secrets. The real problem for you is you dont know who I am. I am sure as to the reason you had a "Young" girl working for you when you popped a round off. Wonder what actually happened there. Interesting when you where a subsitute teacher at Mardela they had the one and only bomb scare at that school called from within the building. Was that you John trying to get more attention of just taunting the police Hmmmm. You see John I know all your sick little secrets. John get help for yourself you and I both know what you have done. You need serious help and if your family loves you they will get it for you. Not the same around here all the good ole boys are not here to protect you and your family from the the law of the land. I know all about the case against you that got burried when you were about 19years old. SPD had you and they let you off. Hmmm I think those days are over John get some help.
This guy as a thing for college kids. The thing he doesn't realize is these kids are not stupid. I watched a couple of them working John up for a poker game. They kept buying him Captain Morgan and coke until he said he'd go play for awhile. Who is the dummy here John?
I spent some time this morning investigating Robinson. It gets better. He has a son out of wedlock that works at Outback. And when he went to Auction School he also got arrested for disorderly conduct and CDS.
I just spoke with his probation officer and she told me Robinson is being charged with violation of probation as we speak for his DUI! He is going to jail!
i have a friend who is a bookie and he told me john robinson owes him close to 20 grand. you may get your wish of not seeing john anymore if he can cover it soon. ho knows john may have to sell part of his fleet of cars.
i have heard every single one of these storys and he swares they are all true!!! its all bs!!! he doesnt make loads of money in that store he doesnt even keep a record of inventory he has no clue whats going in and out of that store... one thing is for sure maybe the labor board should go after him about how he pays these girls he has working for him....CASH!!!!!!!
Only one word comes to mind when i read about this guy. "Turd" with a capitol T. I never wish harm on anyone but I hope justice catches up with him. John if I where to catch you around any of my children after reading this stuff. I think you clock would stop. Enough said
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