No front airbags, side airbags, no seat belt, no turn signals, no headlights, no helmet, no brake lights, NOTHING!
Here we are as Americans spending billions of dollars for the Handicap Access to our sidewalks, yet they just refuse to use them. Noe I know many of you want to bust on me for busing on the Handicapped but come on Folks, this is ridiculous.
Are the SPD Officers afraid to write a ticket to these people, yet they'll pull over people on bicycles for not having blinking lights on their bikes?
I know if Sheriff Lewis was in Salisbury he'd pull this guy over and search that puppy for a hidden compartment. What better way to transport illegal drugs than one of these scooters? JUST KIDDING, GET A GRIP!
Seriously, these things are getting dangerous and someone needs to do something about them before someone is killed.
No safety equipment is require to be on a motorized wheel chair because by definitio, it is not considered a vehicle. A bicycle is considered a vehicle, thus you can have to obey traffic law
I've seen this type of thing happen at the Mall. If you run, "security" will tell you to stop running and walk---but they do nothing when someone in an electric wheelchair zooms around faster than the people who run. Hey, I'm really sorry you need to use a wheeelchair, but you should go at a walking pace in the mall.
Somebody , and I don't care who ,
should scare the crap out of this butt-head. Think they own the streets , reminds me of the kids that play basketball out in the street or use the street as a sidewalk . It's like "I dare you".
In Delmar a couple of years ago, the Mayor's wife tried to help a man like this (in a wheelchair) crossing the road, not at a crosswalk and not at a handicap corner of the sidewalk and a car hit them both!
Unfortunately, the man in the wheelchair died. The Mayor's wife survived but not without some pretty bad bone breakage.
Police ought to be able to cite them!
It might save their life someday!
the gentleman in this picture happens to reside at the john b parsons assisted living home and is a extremely nice person although i also must agree about the people on the scooters just zig zagging here and there but as for this person if i lived in a n assisted living place and could get out and about wheelchair or crawl i think either way i would want to get out for awhile.and most people in wheelchairs seem to always have a smile on there face this man sure does and i think he means well so unless we put ourselves in his shoe or wheelchair we should BACK OFF!!!!!
maybe this would be more fun if the peron in the wheelchair were to be a relative of the negative or the butthead then hell yes lets scare the crap out of THEM!!!!!!!
i geuss the situation looks different then DUH!
10:36. Survival really has nothing to do with being "nice." Use the damn ADA approved, provided crosswalks for buddha's sake-they weren't free, you know!!!!!!!
That being said, the topic here is the fact that Americans have paid out billions of dollars for the Disability Act compliance Nation wide and their not using it.
We know people don't use cross walks properly. We know people abuse Handicap Parking Spaces. This Post is about these carts being everywhere illegally and what's going to be done about it, OK?
Probably nothing is going to be done about it. There is a guy in Delmar who is in one of those motorized wheel chairs and he lives somewhere up by the Bank of Delmarva which is by the railroad tracks. He rides his chair down to Food Lion which is out on Route 13. I understand that he needs to shop just as we all do, but the problem that I have with this is that I have seen him riding down the road several times after dark. No lights, no reflectors, no reflective clothing, nothing to help an automobile driver be able to see him. I actually do drive the 25 mph speed limit going through Delmar but one time I ran up on him and it scared the devil out of me. I didn't see him until I ran right on top of him almost. I almost swerved into the oncoming lane of traffic just because suddenly there is a wheelchair in front of me, in the dark, on a two lane road.
Yet, he has been doing this for years,so apparently nothing will be done about it until an accident happens.
OMG-this is a post long overdue!I dont know about Salisbury but In the Crisfield area dozens of people use scooters and golf carts right in town and on side roads and its a real pain in the butt sometimes because not everyone follows the rules of the road.Kids as young as ten just tool around on golfcarts like they own the road.The bad thing is that they are not required to register these menaces or carry insurance so if one of them causes an accident and you get hurt-guess who is stuck with the bills?At least once or twice a week I have to swerve to avoid one of these types of vehicles riding down the road in MY lane.Its an accident waiting to happen!
Laws and enforcement should be equal to all no matter if you are in a wheel chair, a crotch rocket, a skateboard or on foot. Yes incase you need to know I was wheel chair bound for a while. Oh yeah I still jay walk when ever I need to.
Nothing is going to be done. People always want to sit around and talk about how to fix things and give their opinions but too lazy to do anything about the problem. they rather just bitch about it.
The next time I see this man, I will ask him why he chooses to use the road instead of the sidewalk. We will all know instead of speculating as I see on this blog so often. Yes, he is a very nice man and was paralyzed in an automobile accident. He now spends some of his time volunteering at PRMC. I understand that he loves it and I am glad that we gave him something to fulfill his life.
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