Bob, this here's Central. Can you tell us what the problem is there big buddy, over.
Uh, yeah Central. We've got one of dem dare telemaphone poles right smack dab in the middle of our pathway by golly and if we don't get one of dem dare enginmaneres here to figured this one out, we're gonna be here all day, over.
OMG, you do have what we call a situation there big buddy. I'll call the WaWa and get Gary out to your location right away. Don't be keepin him long cuz he's got one of dem dare meetins wif day Mare and I'm a tellin ya now, I don't want to hear that sailors mouth if he's late, over.
Gotcha dare Central. Shouldn't take more den a couple hours to figure out how to get underneaf this here pole, over.
Roger that Bob.
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