"Joe, today I attended the funeral for Stephen Bunker in Suitland, Maryland. He was the pilot of Trooper 2, the State Police helicopter that crashed September 28th while transporting 2 patients to the hospital after an accident. Police agencies from around the country were in attendance, as well as over 200 of our own. Governor O'Malley, Colonel Terrance Sheridan (MSP Superintendent), Major A.J. McAndrew (Commander Aviation Command), Congressman Steny Hoyer all said a few remarks.
The ceromony was tremendous. Full honors, 21 gun salute, bag pipes, the whole nine yards. My hats off the the fine men and women of the Maryland State Police for coordinating such a large amount of people and vehicles with such precision and care. The funeral procession was over 5 miles long. The roadways were line with people of all walks, lined up to give honor to a fallen hero.
This was the third funeral in two days for the victims of the crash. I'm not sure when the fourth victim was laid to rest. Please stop to think about the sacrifices that these wonderful people give everyday for the safety and security of all of us. They have to deal with all kinds, and usually without much appreciation. I hope we can salute the fine troopers and officers from across our state and the country for doing a fine job in the wake of even harder economic times.
May God be with all the men and women in uniform who fight for our freedom, who come to our aid whether it's the fire department or the police. May he watch over them and their families and give them strength to do the very best they can. God speed.
May god bless them and overlook their family's. Heaven is a safer place.
How much money did this show cost the state?
Boy JR, you sure are up early this morning on the Blogs.
9:46 I can't believe how rude you can be. These people died trying to save two lives.
My heart goes out to the familes of all of four of them.
If we can send billions overseas to people who burn our flag we can damn sure afford whatever it takes to honor the memory of people who gave everything in the service of Americans in need! You stupid, heartless, self centered son-of-a bitch.
The brave men and woman who died in this crash have saved alot of people, perhaps hundreds in the line of duty. I think that there are alot of people still watching their kids grow up and living life because of these brave souls. I think that the ones that died didnt really die at all, they live on in all the people that they saved. They will never really be gone. The family members should be so proud of their loved ones. The people who were saved over the years should live their lives as a testiment to the brave men and woman who gave them their second chance at life.
9;46, I agree with doug wilkerson and grand dad--you are both an asshole and a son of a bitch. Hope you never have to feel the pain that the families of those that died in the helicopter crash must be feeling. I hope none of them see your stupid comment.
Thanks for sharing your photos and thoughts for this solemn occasion.
Anon 9:46
You are indeed ill. This "show" as you call it can not even come close to the gratitude we as citizens should have for these fine folks. Please go crawl back under you rock until the villiage renews youe idiot license.
Huge waste of money. The picture of the patrol cars is a poster for government waste.
You can say I'm an a-hole, but when you consider your taxes this year, and wonder whether the state is justified in garnishing such a large percentage of your income, consider whether the hundreds of thousands of dollars spent on this funeral were indeed a proper use of taxpayer money.
If a paramedic were to die in an ambulance crash while traveling to the scene of an accident, the same treatment would not be provided for his family and memory. Why then, should it be provided to this man? They both sacrificed their lives equally.
And @ grand dad, just because the federal government of this country has made grossly irresponsible fiscal decisions, esp. with regard to foreign policy, the state does not have a right to wastefully spend money on superfluous displays.
This man is absolutely entitled to a proper funeral and burial, payed for by the state. However, this huge expenditure is absolutely unnecessary and inarguably wasteful.
My prayers are with his family.
Wow, shows how much you really know 9:46. First off, some of the MSP that attended went on their own time-so us tax payers did not pay for anything. Second, the other MSP that attended went on a working day so it's not like we payed them over time. Third, I donate extra money to police officers for fallen heros because I believe not enough of my taxes go to the state for police officers.
There is also the same type of ceremony for paramedics, it is just unfortunate that not many people show the same respect.
As a final comment from me-I think you are a huge waste of a good soul!
I would have said sperm.
worthless sob doesnt cut it for the person who made those comments, myself being a firefighter and a police officer have attended funerals for both professions and the amount of people that show depends on each indivual profession its not the state polices fault that the law enforcement bond may be tighter than the fire service but both due have their own bonds within if you recall there was a large funeral precession held for paramedic/firefighter michael mcmullen oh damn guess that was to many tax dollars spent as well..f### you asshole i do not mind my tax dollars being spent on a good cause its ashame u dont feel the same in these professions we dont know whether we are gonna come home to our families but we damn sure make it a priority
First, let me tell you that I am a parent of a MSP flight paramedic. Many of the comments explained that this type of "show" is given to any police or firefighter who dies in the line of duty. This is not only to show respect to the one who has died but also to allow those who continue to put their lies on the line to protect us that their service is appreciated by those who they protect. I attended the funerals for the two Troppers who loss their lives trying to save others. The funerals were very moving and very sad. Both Troppers have a wife, children and friends who will miss them. There are also those of us who now worry every time our family menbers go to work and sometimes wish they would find another job. But, we understand why they do what they do. If you really feel that this was a waste of time and money it may be time for you to consider what price you would put on your life or your belongings. How would you feel if you dial 911 and no one shows up? What is it worth to you to have someone rescue you from a burning house, protect your life and property or to get you to a hospital in time to save your life? My son was on hospital leave the week of the funerals but attended all four funerals without pay. This is a "show" of appreciation that, I hope, all of us should understand. I have a feeling that those of you who think this was a waste of time and money never had someone in your family involved in offering their services to the public or maybe you have ran into problems with those who protect you. I hope that one day you will understand why we honor these people the way we do. These are not fun evens to attend but I will be there again if and when someone else needs my "show" of appreciation!
May God protect all of us! Yes, even you.
I am a Police Officer. And let me tell you Sir, We pay the same amount of taxes as you do. The only differance is while you make your money and pay your taxes you dont have to wear a bullet proof vest just so you can come home at night and Kiss your wife and kids. I was at both funerals and both Troopers as well as the emt from Waldorf deserved nothing less. Unless you have put you life on the line and had to attend such an event for one of you brothers or sisters, you have no right to say JACK.
I want to handle you PERSONALLY, mister concerned taxpayer. You dont have ANY idea what this crash cost us all as citizens. I promise you it was FAR beyond dollar signs.
You said "If a paramedic were to die in an ambulance crash while traveling to the scene of an accident, the same treatment would not be provided for his family and memory. Why then, should it be provided to this man?"
You're right about one thing, he sure was a man. That particular medic gave up his ambulance for a helicopter. You didn't do your homework. I was LUCKY enough to have seen that medic in action before he left his previous job (Anne Arundel County Fire Dept. Thats right, a regular street medic) to take a post as a trooper (something MOST of us street medics aren't talented enough to do but ALL wish we could). If in my career I ever turn out to be HALF the medic he is, I'll thank my lucky stars. You have NO idea how many people he touched and helped.
I'm sorry I didn't have the opportunity to know the others onboard. They are NO less deserving. They were in a dangerous place by choice.
Thats the difference between them and you. You hide and complain and piss and moan, and they get up and face chance, and choose to risk it (FOR OTHERS THEY'VE NEVER MET), even if the person they help is like you. Sometimes that gamble comes up losing, but you don't get it. Every tax dollar that has ever been spent wouldn't pay for ONE OUNCE of their courage. We lost far more than all the money there ever was could EVER buy.
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