8 years ago when Mayor Tilghman needed the Black Vote, places like the Chipman Center were revitalized for that FEEL GOOD vote. Now that they're done with them, the structure falls apart, like everything else she has touched.
I say this because I want ALL of you to know what "THE BRICKS" will look like in a few short years. Grant money runs out and the City can't afford to keep the normal maintenance up on these buildings, the community never did give a sh!t and they start falling apart day by day.
Now with Lore' Chambers on board, perhaps she can earn her keep by fixing up what's obviously falling apart because it's not maintained. Sell us on the bill of goods and then forget it, is the Tilghman policy.
Well, the Mayor or Comegys will need that Black vote again, so expect to see them all jump on this property and then go on PAC 14 and say, you know, that pesky Joe Albero Blogged us so we had to spend our spare money on fixing this building, so lets do some more proclamations and throw some Black Folk on the cameras and look good all over again.
The big question is, will the Black Community fall for their BS all over again?
"Sell us on the bill of goods and then forget it, is the Tilghman policy. "
Perfectly said.
And you, sir, will NEVER be given credit for them acting to correct something you blogged. Dream on, LOL!
Of course they will fall for it, just like they are falling for Obama. Obama will do NOTHING to break the cycle of dependency on government handouts that so many AA rely on. Obama will increase exponentially the number of people getting handouts for sitting on their butts. How do you not raise taxes on 95% of America when almost 40% don't pay any taxes in the first place? So really tax credits to people who don't pay taxes is just more welfare handouts. What incentive will there be for anyone to net more than 250,000 dollars now? Get ready for dramatic reduction in productivity, hell why should anyone work hard and earn more if the governemnt takes it and "redistributes it the less successful"?? Blacks should heed the words and wisdom of Bill Cosby.
by the way we never bought that little handout the first time
I'm workin' on dis as we speaks.
hey Shanie..where you stay?
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