Powerwave Technologies had built this facility near WorWic on Rt. 50 in the early 90's and provided close to 400 jobs. Today they are down to 80 people working there and they are selling and moving their inventory and office materials before everything goes to Auction.
They did make offers to almost all of their employees to take positions in California and China but it's such a shame to see this company go. Many employees did in fact sign contracts for four years with the parent company to move elsewhere. Welcome to the new American Economy.
Just to clarify it a little, Filtronic formed Filtronic / Comtech years ago. Powerwave bought the company a short time ago. In my opinion, Powerwave bought the company for it's customer base, etc. I don't believe there was ever an intent to keep the company here. More of "Big Business". The same thing happened in Florida when Lorch was bought and brought here to Salisbury.
I use to work at K&L Microwave, and their was a time that when that company was still Comtek, they were hiring many people away from K&L with outragious salaries. There was mandated overtime just to prop up the company for the future sale to Powerwave. Those with vision, saw what was going on and stayed at K&L, but many, whos eyes popped open with greed and $$ signs, jumped at the oppertunity. Now look where it got them. No long term job security. The big salarery is gone, but the bills are up, because that big salary got them more credit, which to many people, means they have more money. Of course when the big money goes away, they are stuck with all the bills, and they start looking for someone to blame. Most will blame President Bush, others will blame the credit companies, but no one blames themselves for being greedy. It's not the governments fault. It's not the companies fault. It is the individuals choice.
Temptation is an evil thing that comes at you disguised as the quick and easy way to go. But that disguise quickly comes off, and the evil that is there is smiling and saying, "I got another sucker".
Hey, we've still got "SWED" and things will be just fine!
A lot of employees were offered to remain with Powerwave and relocate but the accept rate is actually almost 0%.
mardela: I don't know how much bearing overtime in a smaller Comtek facility like Salisbury had with propping the company who had larger facilities in several other countries and who's corporate was in the UK. I also dont know that many people that would turn down a job doing the same job for more money in the same town when they have no idea that the company would be bought out or be closing that facility 2 yrs later.
In the current market and with industry fluctuation, I don't think you can also speak of long term job security nearly anywhere. How many lay-offs has K&L had in the past few years? I know of a few. Its happened at most companies of this type in town (some more than once) and will probably happen again.
Is it really greed to want to provide better for you family?
I use to work for Filtronic Comtek partime just before the switch, and was in the first round of layoffs just before Christmas two years ago, and heard that there would be more and a possible closing of the facility. Fortunately for myself I had another full time postition, and some of my friends got out of there before they were laid off as well. But to those workers that didn't I'm am praying for you, cause I know that the job market in Salisbury and outlying areas are slim to none. Good luck all!
lets see, who lives in California that would work cheaper? for that matter who lives in china, well we already know the answer to that one. i wonder how much local taxes and such did to run them off?
Must be the tax breaks expired.
I think they need to be done away with. You can't count on ANY business staying here on the shore anymore.
The local governments need to stop the tax abatement programs for businesses, they are just taking advantage by closing their doors once their "tax-free" period has ended.
Then they have employees who must now go file for unemployment, which those taxes could have helped pay for, but...those taxes are not there...so who foots the bill?
Okay I just read this and what a bunch of BULL!!! I worked for Comtek and loved it. WE ALL did NOT get an offer to relocate, that was only given to certain people!!!! Isnt it bad enough people lost their jobs but to Lie is another thing!!!! And by the way for the people that were offered, who could just pick up and move to CHINA or Cali...please who ever wrote this makes it sould so smooth. Wait until it's your turn. If you havent walked in another persons shoes...just dont say anything!!!! I feel for the people who still might not have jobs and for the lost period. We were like a family there.
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