In a bid to appeal to religious voters before McCain snaps them up, the Obama campaign is about to launch a new line of "faith merchandise."
No joke!
The line includes buttons, bumper stickers, and signs with such rallying slogans as "Believers for Barack," "Pro-Family Pro-Obama," and "Catholics for Obama."
The merchandise is intended to be inclusive of all backgrounds of faith, with more specifically-targeted items to be coming soon, such as "Clergy for Change" and "Pro-Israel Pro-Obama."
In the meantime, Obama Deputy Director of Religious Affairs Paul Monteiro said he wanted to get the broader products out "without delay." And with good reason too!
The Catholic vote has traditionally selected the winning presidential campaign every race since 1976, with the exception of Al Gore's 2000 White House bid, so both campaigns have been vying aggressively for it.
What do you think of Barack's attempt to lure the faith vote????
Shocking!!!!! At least the Republican Party would not stoop so low as to pander for votes from Religious leaders, or women, or veterans, or.....
Oh. Wait a second...
If you have to "lure" people of faith, it means that, one, you don't have those people now who have seen your candidate for quite some time, and still don't nelieve they can vote for him based on their values and beliefs, and 2, Obama will use false or fake people and reasons to try and get the vote. If you are a good person, with a good campaign, with good values, you don't have to "lure" anybody.
Just another sign that some people think it's more important to "win", than to stand on principles and beliefs and let the voters decide on their own what they believe is the right choice.
John McCain doesn't have to lure anyone. He has principles that have defined him over half of a decade. He has voted his heart and beliefs while a Senator and fought hard for our country. Obama hasn't done anything worthy of any acclomation. He has no leadership ability and will be the puppet of the democratic leaders. He doesn't stand for anything other than what a poll says he should, at a particular geocrafical area. Which means he can be for something in California, and against the same thing in Maryland. That is not leadership, that is followship.
I think he's fake. I also think he's a bumbling idiot with out his teleprompter.
I'm a Catholic for Obama, and I just picked up some of that merchandise a couple of days ago.
Muslims for Hussein Osama
All that merch already exists for both sides, you just have to look.
McCain/Palin '08: A Ticket To Nowhere
I meant half a century. Please edit my post.
Neither of these guys have any interest in religion. Actually Obama maybe a little more, but not much. However, they both know that a little pandering goes a long way with this group. "Faith" they will believe anything.
How is obama "pro family" when he supports partial birth abortion? He makes me sick.
Who are you or anyone else to question ones faith? Read your bible. Sanctimonious Assholes.
Can I ge and "Infidel" t-shirt in 2X?
You're so right, mardela! Candidates should be worthy of acclomation, know their geocrafical stuff and lay off the followship.
Are you using a Dictionary to Nowhere?
That's not a thoughtful question . . . we are not the ones running for president, nor are you.
Rock on 10:58!
Jesus forgave people. Why can't his followers?
10:58 I don't think this is a question of what anyone's faith is. Instead this is a question as to whether or not it is proper for a POLITICIAN to MARKET CAMPAIGN MATERIALS to people while using their faith as a hook.
To me it's a sick and disgusting attempt by BOTH sides to advocate the "God picked me" mentality. Very Charlemagnesque really.
Are we electing a church official or a President?
While my faith may help me decide which way my vote is going, I would never be audacious enough nor could I be sanctimonious enough to think that the election or failure of my candidate is decided by whether or not God approved of him enough.
I think ordinations should stay in churches and out of politics. But that's just me.
To be fair, the GOP has a "Catholics for McCain" bumper sticker. It's on the bulletin board at the Republican Hdqtrs. I don't know if there are any left or not.
Do you think hockey moms are offended by "Hockey Moms For Palin" buttons? Whats the difference? Besides, isn't it supposed to be one nation under GOD? Why shouldnt religion play a role in the election? Enlighten me.
btw, Mardela stop drinking the kool-aid, or perhaps its just the water in Mardela.
what if my god was "LANCELOT LINK".
(well said MATA).
Hey Joe,
Not one comment has a name to it including YOUR contributors. Any thoughts?
What I think is this is typical of the partisan bullsh*t found on this blog.
This has been around forever. "Catholics for...," "Women for...," "Pregnant Alcoholics for..."
Careful, or you will have to call this SBYnon-news.com.
Its a subtle form of sacrilege(sp?)in my opinion.If you want to attract voters of faith,lead by example not words.
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