I found this quite interesting while visiting the new Fire Station on Monday.
You see, the old Station 16 was there for what, 50+ years and they actually had a location for a poll to slide down, yet one was never installed.
Now I walk into the new Fire Station and there's a brass poll sitting there two or three stories high and it's fake. Leave it to Dumb and Dumber. Your tax dollars hard at work.
What is to keep somebody from stepping off that ledge? Dumb, Dumber and DUMBEST
You mean the pole isn't really there to serve the purpose of sliding down there? it's just for show???
We're in the worst financial times since the Depression and these a$$holes are spending money -- OUR money -- like it's just pouring in!!
Ya'll ain't lookin' at this right. That pole can be a heckuva money maker on evenings (just don't get any body glitter on you if you are going home to the little lady).Anybody got twenty singles?
It must be for the dancers.
I attended an Appalachian Service Project meeting recently and one of the ways the kids that want to participate this summer is to volunteer at the Booth Street Projects by renovating abandoned apartments, many that have been sitting empty for lack of repair for a year with a waiting list of hundreds of families. So while the mayor and her friends overspend by millions on a firehouse, city taxpayer money that would have better served those families waiting for a decent place to live was squandered to line the pockets of Barries friends. Meanwhile teenagers are willingly going to volunteer to help ready these units for repair. All of those involved with this fleecing of the taxpayers for this ridiculous firehouse expenditure should be ashamed.
This is why I don't shop at Gordo's Tigger Marts.
"that would have better served those families waiting for a decent place to live"
What would better serve those families would be; stop drinking, screwing, and smoking crack all day and get a job.
that pole is able to slide down but your not aloud 2
What a waste of tax dollars.
Can't believe they even let you through the door Joe, they had to know you were going to find fault. Bet Chief See was gone, he says if he "sees" you, YOU will get the ass whopping. btw, I like you, and your blog.
Fake!!!!!!!! Hell, I'd rather use the pole than the stairs or elevator.
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