Details here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sarah_Palin
Palin was elected governor in 2006 after defeating incumbent governor Frank
Murkowski in the Republican primary and former Democratic governor Tony Knowles
in the general election. She was the youngest person, and the first woman, to
be elected governor of Alaska. She gained attention for publicizing ethical
violations by state Republican Party leaders. Before becoming governor, Palin
served two terms on the Wasilla City Council from 1992 to 1996, was elected
mayor of Wasilla in 1996, and ran unsuccessfully for lieutenant governor in
Early life
Palin was born Sarah Louise Heath in Sandpoint, Idaho, the daughter of Sarah
(née Sheeran), a school secretary, and Charles R. Heath, a science teacher and
track coach. She has English, Irish, and German ancestry. Her family moved to
Alaska when she was an infant. The Heaths were avid outdoors enthusiasts; Sarah
and her father would sometimes wake at 3 a.m. to hunt moose before school, and
the family regularly ran 5 km and 10 km races.
At Wasilla High School in Wasilla, Alaska, Palin was the head of the school
Fellowship of Christian Athletes. She was the point guard and captain for the
basketball team. She helped the team win the Alaska small-school championship
in 1982, hitting a critical free throw in the last seconds, despite a stress
fracture in her ankle. She earned the nickname "Sarah Barracuda" because of her
intense play, and was the leader of team prayer before games.
In 1984, after winning the Miss Wasilla contest earlier that year, Palin
finished second in the Miss Alaska beauty pageant which won her a scholarship
to help pay her way through college. In the Wasilla pageant, she played the
flute and also won Miss Congeniality.
Palin holds a bachelor's degree in journalism from the University of Idaho
where she also minored in politics. She married her high school sweetheart,
Todd Palin, on August 29, 1988, and briefly worked as a sports reporter for
local Anchorage television stations while also working as a commercial
fisherman with her husband. From 1994 until 1997, Palin and her husband owned a
snowmobile, watercraft, and all terrain vehicle business.
Pre-gubernatorial political experience
Palin served two terms on the Wasilla City Council from 1992 to 1996. In 1996,
she challenged and defeated the incumbent mayor, criticizing wasteful spending
and high taxes. The ex-mayor and sheriff tried to organize a recall campaign,
but failed. Palin kept her campaign promises by reducing her own salary, as
well as reducing property taxes by 60%. She ran for reelection against the
former mayor in 1999, winning by an even larger margin. Palin was also elected
president of the Alaska Conference of Mayors.
In 2002, Palin made an unsuccessful bid for Lieutenant Governor, coming in
second to Loren Leman in a four-way race. After Frank Murkowski resigned from
his long-held U.S. Senate seat in mid-term to become governor, Palin
interviewed to be his possible successor. Instead, Murkowski appointed his
daughter, then-Alaska State Representative Lisa Murkowski.
Governor Murkowski appointed Palin Ethics Commissioner of the Alaska Oil and
Gas Conservation Commission, where she served from 2003 to 2004 until resigning
in protest over what she called the "lack of ethics" of fellow Alaskan
Republican leaders, who ignored her whistleblowing complaints of legal
violations and conflicts of interest. After she resigned, she exposed the state
Republican Party's chairman, Randy Ruedrich, one of her fellow Oil & Gas
commissioners, who was accused of doing work for the party on public time, and
supplying a lobbyist with a sensitive e-mail. Palin filed formal complaints
against both Ruedrich and former Alaska Attorney General Gregg Renkes, who both
resigned; Ruedrich paid a record $12,000 fine.
Personal life
Palin's husband, Todd, is a commercial fisherman and is one-eighth Yup'ik..
Outside the fishing season, Todd works for BP energy corporation at an oil
field on Alaska's North Slope and is a champion snowmobiler, winning the 2000-
mile "Iron Dog" race four times. The two eloped shortly after Palin graduated
from college; when they learned they needed witnesses for the civil ceremony,
they recruited two residents from the old-age home down the street. The Palin
family lives in Wasilla, about 40 miles north of Anchorage.
On September 11, 2007, the Palins' then eighteen-year-old son Track, eldest of
five, joined the Army. He now serves in an infantry brigade and will be
deployed to Iraq on September 11, 2008. She also has three daughters: Bristol,
Willow and Piper.
On April 18, 2008, while in office as governor, Palin gave birth to her second
son and fifth child, Trig Paxson Van Palin, who has Down syndrome. She returned
to the office three days after giving birth. Her decision to have the baby
after prenatal genetic testing revealed he had the disorder resulted in
admiration from the pro-life community.
Details of Palin's personal life have contributed to her political image. She
hunts, eats moose hamburger, ice fishes, rides snowmobiles, and owns a float
plane. Palin holds a lifetime membership with the National Rifle Association.
She admits that she used marijuana when it was legal in Alaska, but says that
she did not like it. In December 2007, Palin posed for a photo spread in the
fashion magazine Vogue.
Palin's Hot!
Biden's Not!
Can you recruit her to run against Barrie Tilghman or Bubba Comegys next year?
"Palin served two terms on the Wasilla City Council from 1992 to 1996. In 1996, she challenged and defeated the incumbent mayor, criticizing wasteful spending
and high taxes. The ex-mayor and sheriff tried to organize a recall campaign, but failed. Palin kept her campaign promises by reducing her own salary, as well as reducing property taxes by 60%."
WAO! What an Awsome All American Lady!
I was in tears the whole time I was listening to her speak - My God, Someone Gets It!!!!!!!!
Go Sarah & Go McCain!
Palin has brought a breath of fresh air to this race. My vote will be McCain/Palin
That woman is going to Kick A$$.
I am voting for her.
After all the attacks made on Obama for his lack of experience, he picks this gal. Talk about pandering to the women's vote.
She's a lovely, charming lady with a good head on her shoulders. But I can't support someone with so little higher level experience as a heartbeat away from running the country. This is just too much of a stretch.
I think McCain just knocked me over the fence.
Not sure if McCain made the right choice here. If ever there would be a female vp, it should be Hillary. McCain may have been counting on Hillary supporters voting for him because of Palin. I don't think Hillary supporters would vote for the Republican ticket just for the sake of having a woman vp.
Didn't the Democrats just spend 4 days proclaiming that we need someone who has not been inside the DC beltway. Looks like they got their wish!
Calling all PUMA's
Calling all PUMA's
Three cheers for Idaho!
Hey, B-O:
Can either of you you say "real person"?
Obama/Biden ticket is officially now known as the "Backwards Ticket", Palin has more experience than Obama.
I'd hit it! She's hot!
Anonymous said...
Not sure if McCain made the right choice here. If ever there would be a female vp, it should be Hillary. McCain may have been counting on Hillary supporters voting for him because of Palin. I don't think Hillary supporters would vote for the Republican ticket just for the sake of having a woman vp.
3:36 PM
Educate yourself before you make a stupid comment like that you dumbass!
Palin does not have "more experience" than Obama.
This is the kind of discussion that makes my stomach turn.
She has a lot of local (very small town) and a little state elected experience.
Obama has a lot of community (big city) and a modest national elected experience.
Weighing the two, Obama has the "experience" edge for a presidential seat.
One thing people forget is, Obama won the Democratic nomination when there was a big field to choose from. Sarah Palin is picked to be the nominee for a heartbeat away from the presidency.
I take nothing from her. She's an accomplished lady and I think she has a role in our future. But as a heartbeat away from president?
I'm uncomfortable with that.
But I think the discussion about her has already gotten ridiculous. If people have reservations about her, they are written off as either hating women or being an ugly woman who resents pretty women.
This is as bad as the crap about Obama and his wife.
I'm very disappointed in the comments that have been on this blog and in the media. If this is what we're going to get this election, God help us all because we don't deserve good government. Our discussion of such an important matter has become such tabloid trash. That Melissa Malone letter posted today was right on target.
"She's a lovely, charming lady with a good head on her shoulders. But I can't support someone with so little higher level experience as a heartbeat away from running the country. This is just too much of a stretch."
You are kidding right??
She has more experience at a heartbeat away, as the one that strives to be president. That argument will not wash sorry.
truth is in the votes... an old man and a VP with zero foreign policy experience will get you now where.
I am so excited for McCain's choice of VP!! This is wonderful choice for him and our country.
I think John hit a home run here. What a great running mate this lady will be. Down to earth and knows what its like to be from the lower end of the middle class. They get my vote come November!
A. Goetz
Definite breath of fresh air. Definite cougar!!!!
Anonymous said...
Palin does not have "more experience" than Obama.
This is the kind of discussion that makes my stomach turn.
She has a lot of local (very small town) and a little state elected experience.
Obama has a lot of community (big city) and a modest national elected experience.
Weighing the two, Obama has the "experience" edge for a presidential seat.
One thing people forget is, Obama won the Democratic nomination when there was a big field to choose from. Sarah Palin is picked to be the nominee for a heartbeat away from the presidency.
I take nothing from her. She's an accomplished lady and I think she has a role in our future. But as a heartbeat away from president?
I'm uncomfortable with that.
But I think the discussion about her has already gotten ridiculous. If people have reservations about her, they are written off as either hating women or being an ugly woman who resents pretty women.
This is as bad as the crap about Obama and his wife.
I'm very disappointed in the comments that have been on this blog and in the media. If this is what we're going to get this election, God help us all because we don't deserve good government. Our discussion of such an important matter has become such tabloid trash. That Melissa Malone letter posted today was right on target.
4:16 PM
You are a sick, misguided individual that has the potential to drink the Kool Aid. Not to worry though, you are not the only misinformed individual.
When McCain pushes out a child then she will come in handy for their party.
I'm not sure many of the pro-Hillary PUMA's will opt to vote for McCain because of Gov. Palin's presence on the ticket, but lots of real women will.
Just heard she has a 80% approval rating in AK and has cut taxes. I think you are seeing someone with good roots and common sense. Also has been a small business owner with her husband. As far as experience, she has executive experience which I count way above legislative experience, ala Biden and Bama. One negative is that she has been accused of using power to get at her ex brother in law who was a state highway patrolmen. I would think they would have vetted this pretty hard before selecting her.
She is a supreme whistleblower on corruption, greed and the political underhandedness that has become our National, State & local governments. Bring her in and let her take on the fat that is destroying our country. Finally, we have someone who knows what it's really like out here in the trenches.
Worked on the boats right beside her husband? Love it. I just made up my mind on who to vote for.
Thanks for the info. It will help thwart the Democrat effort to belittle her.
Mr. Goetz. For true independents like myself, that "home run" was in the same league as the blast Adam Dunn hit a few years ago in Cincinnati. That shot not only left the ballpark (no, not a Mike Bordick second-row job; not a Reggie Jackson upper tank shot; not Ken Griffey Jr pinging the warehouse on the fly-this ball cleared a landscaping berm in center field, went over all bullpen/advertising structures, cleared the center field stadium facade, and then subsequently hit driftwood along the Ohio River, where the ball eventually came to rest.....formally across the Kentucky border-hence the only proven multi-state/federal home run)!!!!!!!!!!
Will some of the ney sayers about the Alaska Governors experience enlighted me as to Bill Clintons vast experience before he became President.
As to Hillarys keen insight of how to get things done, you need to listen to a recounting of how her campaign for the Democratic Nomination got screwed up.
Guess what, she was the master mind of her own defeat!
Go, Sarah! Go, Big Oil! Go, McBush! Rah, rah, rah! Go, Hillary substitute, sis boom bah!
"Hillary left 18 million cracks in the highest, hardest glass ceiling in America. But it turns out the women of America aren't finished yet, and we can shatter that glass ceiling once and for all," Palin said in her speech.
Always I have voted Republican for the Presidency, but until today I was leaning towards an independent candidate, which in my mind it is just a stupidity because for an independent to win the White House most voters need to be on drugs or 150% drunk. I am not drunk yet, but I am sure that after learning that McCain has chosen Governor Palin, my vote is heading in that direction. McCain has never been my best choice, but today he has proven to the American people that he truly is a Maverick.
she looked awful damn sexy shooting that A.R.15,
You people are nuts. You really think she could take on Putin? Give me a break.
Palin's nomination accentuates and solidifies the position, and the vision of the TOP of the ticket, McCain.
She represents Bold Integrity (So refreshing), Courage, Positive Vision (the media will definetely hate her for that), American Pride (Michelle Obama won't like that either) & Service to the poeple, not self (a Novice idea hardly practiced in Washington, DC).
Anyone iterested in substantive and positive change, the choice is clear: McCain/Palin.
Putin is a drunk, over-rated, unqualified idiot...Oh, my secretary is reminding me you guys are USED TO THAT!!
McCain's choice of running mate is brilliant. All you negative buzzards out there, eat you hearts out, because this woman is a winner and you are not.
The news reported tonight she is under investigation for trying to get a state trooper fired because he divorced her sister not because he did anything wrong on the job.
Not very nice.
As a woman I'm insulted by the idea that women will vote for her just becuase she is a woman. I do have brain and read to see what each the party's platform and ideas are for the future. Please give me a break. If you are a woman and only vote for her because she is a woman then you need to grow up. A man could have the ideas as her but the difference male or female.
The Republicans have given the election to the Democrats with the choice of Palin.
I'm an independent, but this doesn't sway my vote to McCain. I don't know enough about this woman to feel strongly one way or another yet. I don't know whether to feel good that he selected a woman or bad because it seems like a desperate window-dressing political ploy.
It didn't help that she invoked the Hillary women's vote as if "vote me for because I'm a woman."
But I want to know about Obama's plans and I want to know more about her positions. Right now, I don't like McCain's, but I need to know more about the other choice before I decide.
All four on the tickets have powerful personal stories, but I have to know where are all of them are on the issues before either ticket gets my vote. I do know I don't any more years of Bush, though, so I guess I'm leaning a bit toward Obama.
Hillary? Nah, if McCain really wants the women's vote he should've picked Oprah as his running mate--then he would've accomplished two historical "firsts" if elected and he would've confused the hell out of the Obama supporters. I'd vote for her; she'd never allow trans-fat to be banned. "A vote for McOprah is a vote for food freedom."
Damn the Republicans are smart!Not only did they ensure re-election today they have defeated Hillary in 2012 with Palin. I'll take karl Rove over David Axelrod any time. McCain/Palin for a safer USA!!!!
There is only one thing missing ,she was not shot down in some foreign war.So she is not qualified to be president.
And she is surely not the greatest thing since sliced white bread.
If Palin is Such a bad choice, and if the republican just worte their defeat by choosing her, then why is the Obama crazed Media & the ALL the liberals falling on their faces trying desperately to tear this woman down?????????????????
Her nomination is scaring the living hell out of them.
She's tough, she's a winner, she matters, and her nomination is Far bigger then they punny brain will ever comprehend.
Anon 8:18
Anyone whose seen a grizzly bear & lived to tell about it IS exactly what I'd like to see in the White House!
She's not quite Paris Hilton in looks, but pretty close, and a lot smarter, as well as a real person.
Bye, Bye, Barack & don't surrender you Amtrac pass, Joe.
If Sarah Palin can kill and eat a moose & have the courage of her convictions to bring a child that she knew would be disabled into the world. I doubt that an over the hill commie like Putin will be much of a match for her!
It's AMTRAK you cracker!
I've seen a grizzly bear when I served as a Park Ranger and lived to tell about it. I have even been closer to one than she has. So that makes me qualified to be in the White House according to some.
Honestaby 8:33PM The same reason Conservative reports were trying tear down Joe Biden. That is how politics work.
Also I don't think it's too late to enroll in an English course at Wor-Wic.
Her nomination is scaring the living hell out of them.
She's tough, she's a winner, she matters, and her nomination is Far bigger then they punny brain will ever comprehend.
I'm not scared at all. I think they just wrote their own ending, and it's a tragedy for the Republican party. Picking Palin just smacks of desperation to me, and I couldn't be happier that they just lobbed us such a soft ball.
And as for "they punny brain"... Um, you know what? No. I think I'll let that one just speak for itself.
She has absolutely no interest in Iraq or foreign policy…a cheap scam by McCain will lead to an Obama blowout.
She brings nothing to the ticket… wait… maybe McCain will win Alaska!
Is anyone else a little disturbed that she went back to work 3 days after giving birth to a special needs child?
Our last v. pres who had anything to do with bears was Teddy R., so as another Vietman era swabbie I say Bravo Zulu to John McCain. And to the B-O gang - "good riddance" to you!
Honestaby, to use your own logic with a few substitutions:
If Obama is Such a bad choice, and if the Democrats just worte their defeat by choosing him, then why is the Karl Rovian-crazed Media & the ALL the Republicans falling on their faces trying desperately to tear this man down?????????????????
His nomination is scaring the living hell out of them.
The more the parties try to make themselves different, the more they show they are the same.
I enjoyed reading this from a journalist who covers Alaska government (before you bash the reporter, please remember Sarah Palin majored in journalism).
Anyway, it's a lot more balanced than the comments here, so I found it instructive. Someone said her approval rating was 80%. Yes, it WAS, but now it is down to 65%, still very good, but nice to better information from someone much closer to what is going on in that state.
Enjoy, and draw your own conclusions. I thought it was a very balanced pros and cons piece.
I LOVE this chick ! As soon as I started reading into her bio online, I actually entertained the thought of voting for a major party candidate for the first time in yrs.
Totmom-still p*ssed over Ross Perot losing in 92
7:37 PM
I agree. Isn't voting for Palin because she is a woman just as bad as voting for B.A. because he is black. Well, sort of black I guess.
I would bet that the majority of the popular vote for both parties will be cast bases on being a woman or being black. Sad again, that there are more uneducated votes based on popularity and stereotypes than on party platforms.
It is a good thing there is an electoral college.
This is pure poppycock. The debate will go on and on, with the focus again being shifted to the unimportant, rather than the serious facts that this country is in trouble and needs strong leadership and strong citizenship to fix it.Saying that Palin is Hot is stupid, choosing a woman who was on the cover of Vogue magazine is stupid, I wanted a woman vice president, Hillary Clinton, "Condy" Rice, Christy Whitman, Madeline Albright, to name a few. This shows "media madness" on the part of McCain, who in the world is advising this man, poor judgment, don't tell me he is a maverick, this is not a woman of substance, regardless of her personal life, we have women here in Maryland that have almost the Same qualifications, except the Bear part, god knows, that must be the defining qualfication.I think what did it for me is that I have seen that "token" woman be put up for "company president, CEO, chairman, etc. too many times, and this deal is the same...women of substance, women who have worked hard, women who have devoted their lives to leadership, service and governance, are insulted by this choice.And by the way, the comment about "jealousy" is as low as it gets. McCain compared Obama to Paris Hilton and Britney Spears, did he not...must have some sort of problem with "model types" yikes..............
Big oil wants to drill in Alaska; conservative Republicans want to end abortion rights for women. Palin is perfect.
Most Alaskans do want oil to be drilled there, because EVERY citizen (including children) in that state gets thousands of dollars each year from the Alaska Pipeline. Years ago it was $6,000 per person so a family of four got $24,000 a year. More drilling, more personal income with no effort.
Most Americans believe a woman has a right to choose whether or not to have an abortion. Pro-choice means what it says, and it does not mean pro-abortion. There is room in that opinion for women to choose NOT to have an abortion, just as Palin believes. However, there is not room in Palin's opinion for the women who want to have a right to choose. Insisting that unwanted children be born to women/families who cannot support them and then reducing funding for social programs makes one wonder what people think will happen.
2:43 - FYI:
Palin's Hot!
Biden's Not!
Eat your heart out, "sweetie" (Barack's term for females).
Oh please. McCain just dug his own grave. You can honestly tell me from the bottom of your heart that IF McCain was voted president, ( which he won't be) had a heart attack and died, that you would want THAT woman running our already screwed up country?!? And have you seen the picture of the family where her husband looks like a deer caught in the headlights. It's Hysterical!
she stole hillarys deer stand.
"thomas augustus littleton said...
If Sarah Palin can kill and eat a moose & have the courage of her convictions to bring a child that she knew would be disabled into the world. I doubt that an over the hill commie like Putin will be much of a match for her!"
Yeah... she's a smart cookie for having a new baby at such an old age. She should know better!!!
Anonymous 10:31,
I don't care who you are, you're an a$$hole.
What an exciting lady! I'm so happy to see someone outside of Washington on the ticket! That's how you get real change!
Since you bumped this up, I'll repost my comment here:
Was she for Obama before she was against him?,+obama,+energy&hl=en&ct=clnk&cd=4&gl=us
This has now been pulled from the Alaska state government site. Here's the article for those who hate to do links:
Palin Pleased with Obama's Energy Plan
Includes Alaska's Natural Gas Reserves Print Now Printer Friendly
No. 08-135
August 4, 2008, Fairbanks, Alaska - Governor Sarah Palin today responded to the energy plan put forward by the presumptive Democratic nominee for President, Illinois Senator Barack Obama.
“I am pleased to see Senator Obama acknowledge the huge potential Alaska’s natural gas reserves represent in terms of clean energy and sound jobs,” Governor Palin said. “The steps taken by the Alaska State Legislature this past week demonstrate that we are ready, willing and able to supply the energy our nation needs.”
In a speech given in Lansing, Michigan, Senator Obama called for the completion of the Alaska natural gas pipeline, stating, “Over the next five years, we should also lease more of the National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska for oil and gas production. And we should also tap more of our substantial natural gas reserves and work with the Canadian government to finally build the Alaska natural gas pipeline, delivering clean natural gas and creating good jobs in the process.”
Governor Palin also acknowledged the Senator’s proposal to offer $1,000 rebates to those struggling with the high cost of energy.
“We in Alaska feel that crunch and are taking steps to address it right here at home,” Governor Palin said. “This is a tool that must be on the table to buy us time until our long-term energy plans can be put into place. We have already enjoyed the support of Alaska Senator Ted Stevens, and it is gratifying to see Senator Obama get on board.”
The Governor did question the means to pay for Obama’s proposed rebate — a windfall profits tax on oil companies. In Alaska, the state’s resource valuation system, ACES, provides strong incentives for companies to re-invest their profits in new production.
“Windfall profits taxes alone prevent additional investment in domestic production. Without new supplies from American reserves, our dependency and addiction to foreign sources of oil will continue,” Governor Palin said.
10:47 AM
Not to forget she COMMANDS and participates in AK's National Guard.
The Obomination has NEVER commanded a pencil.
He's been being groomed for thisfor a while but wasn't expected to win quite so soon.
Go here & read past the "not a citizen drivel":
Anon 10:31,
I believe Abraham's wife, Sarah, gave birth to her last child, Isaac, when she was 100:) Don't you know 70 is the new 50:)?
The serious point that I was trying to make obviously went way over your head. Palin knew the baby would be born with problems. Had it been my decision, not wishing to see a child struggle through life, I think I would have terminated the pregnancy. But Governor Palin's committment to the right to life is so strong that she was willing to put her child's future in the hand's of God. I have to respect that personal courage of conviction in action! I believe that someone strong enough to make that decision, would be stong enough to not back down and or be bullied by Putin or any of America's enemies.
Of McCain, Obama, Palin & Biden, John Mccain is the most qualified to be president right now. But Palin is MUCH stronger and more qualifed than either Obama or Biden. History may rank her with favorably with Washington & Lincoln:)
I wonder how social conservatives feel about a mother of an 8 month old disabled child taking a job where she will work 60-80 hours a week. Hypocrisy?
I've heard Sarah Palin speak before, and she impressed me then, and even impresses me more now. I wish we had more politicians like this. John McCain did an excellent job picking her, but there's one problem I have. I wish the ticket was: Palin/McCain, because I think she would make an excellent President.
"Yeah... she's a smart cookie for having a new baby at such an old age. She should know better!!!"
Not very nice... But I'll bet she has another. Looks like she bought into the Pope's "No birth control" manifesto.
What puzzles me is why she had embryonic genetic testing done? If you're going to do nothing when bad news comes back, why take the risk of testing??
Here is the "before and after" of the heavily scrubbed Wikipedia entry. All these edits came from a single source, at about the same time.
Love the lady. McCain is a winner with this running mate.
If McCain was going to pick a woman, he could have done MUCH better.
Elizabeth Dole -- Very respected and very popular. Enormous amount of experience. Respected by women everywhere.
Kay Bailey Hutchinson -- Loads of experience. Large state. Well known and well respected.
Meg Whitman -- Pro business, loads of executive experience. Good person to argue for economic sense (It's the economy, stupid)
Christine Whitman -- Former EPA chief and NJ Governor. Somewhat liberal and could pull many Hillary voters. (This would have been his home run pick with independents, but would have pissed off his base).
In all, I see this as a huge opportunity lost for McCain. When the negative research is completed on Palin, I'll bet she's viewed as Ms. nasty. The negative stuff is just starting to emerge (e.g. ethical violations trying to get BIL fired,...).
Who is Sarah Palin? Here's some basic background:
She was elected Alaska 's governor a little over a year and a half ago. Her previous office was mayor of Wasilla, a small town outside Anchorage. She has no foreign policy experience.
Palin is strongly anti-choice, opposing abortion even in the case of rape or incest.
She supported right-wing extremist Pat Buchanan for president in 2000.
Palin thinks creationism should be taught in public schools.
She's doesn't think humans are the cause of climate change.
She's solidly in line with John McCain's "Big Oil first" energy policy. She's pushed hard for more oil drilling and says renewables won't be ready for years. She also sued the Bush administration for listing polar bears as an endangered species—she was worried it would interfere with more oil drilling in Alaska.
How closely did John McCain vet this choice? He met Sarah Palin once at a meeting. They spoke a second time, last Sunday, when he called her about being vice-president. Then he offered her the position.
I know it is petty, but her voice drives me crazy. That is only a minor annoyance, though. The bigger annoyance is that McCainis obviously pandering to the female vote with this pick, and hopefully women will be smart enough to realize that. A heartbeat away from the presidency, with her qualifications? No way, no way, no way. 9 vice presidents have had to become president in out short American history. I, for one, am not willing to gamble that a 72 year old man with 2 previous bouts with cancer can last 4 more years. I sincerely hope McCain lives another 30, but there's no way I would put my country at risk by voting for McCain/What's-her-name.
"What puzzles me is why she had embryonic genetic testing done? If you're going to do nothing when bad news comes back, why take the risk of testing??"
She was in her 40's and so they do extra testing to make sure the mother and child are safe during pregnancy.
I also found no one on that list of other female Republicans that wowed me. Maybe Condi Rice because I think she'd do a great job. Overall she'd lose though because of her ties to Bush. Maybe one day she can get back in a public spot. I think she is very repectable and a great public servant.
"She was in her 40's and so they do extra testing to make sure the mother and child are safe during pregnancy."
What do you mean by THEY do extra testing? We refused such testing for our kids. The tests are not without risk and they are NOT mandatory.
All the bashing this lady is getting is shameful. You poeple are a mean spirited bunch.
Look at your own pick for VP, the man is the walking definition the word Bully. Heck it would be fitting to call him Bullying Biden. What a bunch of phonies.
Thank you for helping me make up my mind. I now know who I will vote for in November.
Fed-up Mom.
Sarah is so amazing when she speaks! She makes Obama sound like a broken record! All he ever talks about is Change. And more change...and change!
Sarah is Fresh, strong willed, intelligent, upfront, all American, trustworthy and just what we need in the Presidential election. My vote goes to McCain/Palin.
A working Mom!
I just found out she is...
My third cousin!
What's with the Palin Obama comparison? She is not the top of the ticket, McCain is.
How about a real comparison between the top contenders of both tickets, or would that embarrass the Obama crowd too much.
All they can find on her is a decision to take a test during her pregnancy?
The left is certainly worried about her, as well they should be. This lady is the real deal! If they don't win this year, watch for her in 2012.
Not saying that I agree with this reasoning, but a huge reason for genetic testing of an embryo when you have no intention of terminating the pregnancy is to emotionally and intellectually prepare for the needs that a mentally or physically challenged child may present. In addition, in a woman over 35, medical professionals somewhat urge for the genetic testing to be done because if there is a defect in the baby that can cause fatal harm to the baby or the mother, its best to be caught early. In many cases, this testing is simply done with the first trimester bloodwork. This bloodwork will give a percentage of likelihood that there is a problem. Based on that percentage of likelihood, you then have the option of having an amniocentesis, or an ultrasound depending on the genetic defect. Last I heard, the rate of incident with amniocentesis was something like 1 in 200, so if your odds of down syndrome are higher than your odds of miscarriage, many women may opt for the further testing for peace of mind or for the ability to learn more about the disease ahead of time.
That said....... As a woman and a mother, it genuinely upsets me that this woman is completely okay with taking on such a demanding assignment when she has 5 children at home, one of them being a special needs infant. I don't doubt that she has a solid work ethic although her experience is quite lacking. Really, her priorities bother me tremendously. Who is raising her children? I hope to god her husband plans to because children need their parents, and she sure as hell isn't going to be around at all if she gets the job. Who knows, maybe that's the kind of schedule she's used to anyway.
I know this is trivial stuff and shouldn't necessarily effect my political opinions of her, her running mate or opponents, but I just can't imagine as a mother making a choice like she just did.
she has really nice teeth.
she seems smart as hell.
her husband seems like a bering straight fishing, snow-mobilin rad dude.
i wonder if she hunted with a bow or gun, did she gut her own kills?
ambition is costly in the long run, everyone finds their own mirror in their own time, i quess.
(its starting to be a show).
Thanks for clarifying that Angela-only a mother could understand why a woman would want to know if her child may be disabled in any way before it is born.It is always good to be prepared for those things.The risks are there,especially with amniocentisis(sp?) but sometimes the benefit outweighs the risk.Been there,dne that.
I LIKE this lady for alot of reasons,but her refusal to "terminate" her disabled child tells me more about her character and integrity than anything else.
The test that was given to me last year because I was over 35 only consisted of a blood test and a sonogram which measured a membrane at the base of my babies neck. With the two pieces of information they can predict the changes of Downs and other genetic disabilities. I was told that all Mothers over 35 are given this test now. My doc didn't give me the option. I guess I could have refused but it was not invasive at all. I guess if my risk came back high then other test like an amnio may have come in to play, but each Mother crosses that bridge when they come to it and each persons risk level is different.
It does concern me that she has 5 children to raise and the job she is running for is demanding, but that is between her and her husband. If he supports this decision then who are we to question them. They know what is best for their family.
To the person who tried to make the comparison of Palin to Teddy Roosevelt please pick up a history book and read it. Roosevelt was the first president to advocate for universal health care and refused to be sworn in with his hand on the bible.
What does the fact that she is willing to leave the child for 60-80 hour work weeks at 8 months old say about hr character? Seriously--she is putting her personal ambition above that of her family. Some great family values, there. She's young enough that she could easily have waited 8 years to enter the national arena, but now the kid will hardly know the mother in the earliest years.If this were a Democrat (male or female) doing this you would be all over her.
I think this women is great...McCain/Palin will receive my vote. I'm sure both her and her husband are wonderful parents. Yes, I am sure having a child with special needs will be challenging but to try and make that a negative political issue is pretty sad...
Stop debating about the baby it's not hers it's her daughters baby and they are trying to cover it up.
1045 what are you talking about...CRAZY! It is Gov. Palin's baby that has Downs....HER Daughter is pregnant and we all know that now..
If all you Dem. get off your butts, we can send this cat back to Alas---KA and thats, that. Surely she's not the saint she pretends to be. Do you people relize, Obama is half white? Would you be afraid to vote for Tiger Woods? Senator Obama,mix your cabinet up. Go get W.Clark,C.Hagle,C.Powell,Bill Clinton and Tony Blair etc.They will help you get this country on it feet GH
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