I am the "no name/no address" who was attacked in Johnson Lake area.
Thank you for posting comments. I would just like to "correct" one item. The police WERE responsive within 7 minutes but they did NOT care about listening to my description and they did NOT want to take fingerprints (of which there were many). However, later that SAME day, Chief Webster showed up and he made one call and
detectives were here within the hour to take fingerprints - this second team of officers were professional, interested, polite, and did the job that could have been done at 6:30 AM that morning.
Yes, the attacker is floating between 3 buildings on Division Street between Lehigh - Philadelphia - and NY Avenue. I saw him again today and called police. Apparently, because he had disguised his face (appeared clean shaven at my house), then removed some sort of cosmetic "mask" and when Police went to where my neighbor tracked him (Division St by Phila. Ave)after the attack, the attacker's photo was taken (neighbor identified him as leaving property,changed clothes, black baseball cap pulled over eyebrows, etc.) and when their eyes met the attacker slithered around the back of the Division St property and disappeared.
The police then went up there later that day and took a photo of a guy WITH facial hair....Of course, his photo was placed among about 6 others....all had facial hair....I could not identify him for that reason. However, the attacker IS very practiced at his craft - make NO mistake. He knew exactly to talk in a low voice "where's the cash"...these were the ONLY words he spoke...and then followed each question with a wholloping punch. He spoke good English...no accent or street jargon...no tattoos, no jewelry..Very slim black youth about 19-22 years old, 5 ft. 6in. tall...eyes that have a real BAD glare about them.
I don't know how long he was in my house before the attack, but he meticulously removed everything from my purse (including a very small amount of cash), and had the contents of the purse laid out across the kitchen counter. In the kitchen is where he picked up the letter opener/dagger. His fingerprints will be on that and have been sent to Baltimore for analysis which I hear could be several weeks or even months depending on who you ask.
Quick response from neighbors across the street to my screams for help brought swift conclusion to what could have been a much different ending. These neighbors rent a single family home and are GREAT neighbors.
The Daily T. mis-quoted or misunderstood my comment about rental housing as my comment was directed to the 5-unit non-compliant building that literally "rents by the hour" which Community group has spent YEARS trying to get rid of. Also, we have found out who owns the homes in question on Division Street ...name is Cannon...Should be familiar as I understand family member(s) are politically involved with County Council....
Anyway, IF City or County (since we pay both taxes) had been "ON" the situation with decrepit, non conforming and non-welcomed tenant-types (drugs, prostitutes, thieves, criminals, etc) their coffers would be at least $50,000 richer.
THIS IS A COMMUNITY IN TROUBLE. More vacant houses will be seen AND mine may be one of them, and not due to the stigma of this attack incident. I really LOVE the lake area and have UTMOST respect for neighbors who are renters AND home owners in single family residences but will NOT continue to tolerate the lack of action on the part of the elected officials who are content to let the housing and crime situation erode. My property values are not worth much of anything now thanks to their decision making.
Yes, they should be ashamed. Yes, I WOULD LIKE TO SUE but cannot find a lawyer who is NOT in the pocket of the government. All suggestions welcome. I will read this Blog in the forthcoming days to get your help.
Thank you.
Johnson Lake Lady, name/address not important.
Sorry for what happened to you, and thank you for being so brave to come forward as you have. We all deserve to live a peaceful life, and losers like this need to be removed from society. Stay strong.
You are correct about the lawyers , and I cannot give you a lawyers name , all of them are
in for $$$$$$$$$$$$$. They have NO
ethics !!!!!!
I've said it before , people will
start taking the law in their own hands. I know I will.
I am sorry for what happened to you. More than likely these guys or guy have been watching you for some time.
Very brave of you to step forward and relate your horrible experience. I know some lawyers who are honest and will give you the kind of help you need. Call me and I will give you their names.
A. Goetz (811 Camden Ave.)
If you can't find a democrat lawyer to take your case it is most likely your problem is more in your head than in your bedroom. However most lawyers (democrat) suck up to BPT and the good ol boys.
Keep the faith. There are far more nice, honest people here in SBY than bad ones. I'm so sorry you've had to live thru this experience.
Please stick with it and make the authorities do their jobs. It's a shame, a real tragedy, that you had to get the CHIEF of police involved to get some progress. And how embarassing to say that they still have not taken this slime off the streets. It's just a matter of a short time before some other nice person lives thru the same, or worse. At least because of your having come forward your neighbors know to keep their doors and windows locked and, hopefully, the spd has increased patrols in your neighborhood. It's the LEAST they can do. Reallly.
d ruts m said:"If you can't find a democrat lawyer to take your case it is most likely your problem is more in your head than in your bedroom"
a.) What the hell is that supposed to mean?
b.) You think maybe you could've come up with a more sensitive way to make your point to a woman who was the victim of a frigging home invasion?
You insensitive ass.
So sorry..You can't find a lawyer to represent you against any goverment official or police officer. They have to suck up to these people to get their criminal clients off. If they go against any goverment official or police offer..guess what? No deals for
their criminal clients. This is life I am sorry to say. Maybe next time you should just shoot the SOB when he comes in your house and then the lawyers will be a dime a dozen.
Lake Lady....As a female I just want to say I am soo damn sorry for the terror you had to endure in your own home.
Now,for those of who who dont know-this is why so many previously decent neighborhoods are going to sh*t......ask anyone in the rental biz if they are honest they will tell you.
Thank the greedy landlords,especially those who fill their rentals with Section 8 tenants who are SUPPOSED to be single Moms but ALWAYS have a drug dealing boyfriend or two hanging around.No offense but all these local landlords,Cannon included,get way more money from the government to house welfare moms than they can ask for from working class tenants-Why rent for $750 to a stable working family that will contribute to the community when a single Mom of several kids on welfare gets a you a $1000 from HUD? Never mind all the illegal activity and other nuisances-the landlords dont have to live where they rent(dont crap where you eat mentality)Thats what happened to the area I used to live in.
You are a way better woman than me because if I were to spot the man who terrorized me in my home I would immediately go procure a weapon of some kind and maim him for life.I would never kill anyone-but I would make the rest of his days on earth a living Hell.You should not have to hide your name the scumbags who commit crimes should.
I would have shot the bastard if I remained aware. (have been scared senseless, near unconsciousness, which is no fun or help, either.)
How did he get in?
Was your daughter home?
My sympathies. I know how long it takes.
Madam, I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your bravery in coming forward. Friends of mine are now more aware of what's really happening in the city. I am sorry for your terrible experience, but thank you for speaking up. It may save a life.
Not everyone in Salisbury is as callous as the mayor and her cohorts. I don't know what they could do to help, but Councilwomen Campbell and Cohen are good people. They have a website, www.onyoursidesby.blogspot.com, and you can e-mail them from it. I will keep you in my prayers.
We had a pizza delivery man attacked in our neighborhood (SBY), beat over the head with a bat, car stolen and monies robbed. The police were of no help... arrived 25 min. after the call. Now whenever anyone who is not a regular in the neighborhood appears so do we (men) to ask who, what, when and why are you here. we've had some backlash but no repeat returns.
I used to work nights in south Philly and parked anywhere from 1-5 blocks from my job. YOU COULD NOT walk those blocks without being asked 2-3 times where you were going. Had a good answer - no problem.
Salisbury residents, the police can only do so much. It's your neighborhood, your money, your home and yes your future. Make the physical investment of patroling your neighborhood, It belongs to you, not the cops, not the city politicos and not the dirtbags who destroy it
I'll take care of that punk myself if you want me to. I'd love to squeeze the life out of that a$$hole!!
Until the judges take a stand and stop letting the criminal element get away with their crimes , the police know that many of the people they arrest will go free. I hope they catch this POS and lock him up but some lawyer will see that it is postponed, noll prossed, or placed on the stet docket.
The thing is more police are needed but at the same time the police that are there need to be paid like everyone else or they leave. This is what i like calling filling a leaky bucket. The police that are there are over work and underpaid. They can barely afford to live above poverty themselves. Unfortunately that causes some of those young men and women to lose drive and motivation. Here's the solutiion: PEOPLE IN CHARGE start taking care of the men and women that work for you and pay them what they deserve and give them the man power needed, and mainly...CARE for the community not your personal leasure
If you decide to sue.I don't think you will be successful suing a gov. entity. You will have more success if u include individual persons in the suit. GOOD LUCK.
There are a number of good observations going on here. Keep going, keep talking about what WE can do to help each other.
To the person who mentioned Campbell and Cohen, I agree...to all, not just our Lady of the Lake here...contact them. THEY will listen when the others won't.
did these two know each other or some crap like that?
Gary Comegys will listen...until April. If he is elected mare he'll forget all about us and our pesky problems. If he loses the mare seat and returns to the council, he'll forget about us and our pesky problems. After all, it was Gary that called the citizens of Salisbury CAVE people.
Campbell and Cohen take the time, anytime, to listen to everyone and anyone. Sadly they are shot down on every vote.
Time to make a change people. Gary = Barrie
This in my opinion calls forthe firing of the Chiefy andpay no benefits to him. The Mare is also just as responsible because she refuses to fire Chiefy for the security of the citizens of the City and County, since Chiefy spends more time in the County while getting paid by the City. Also, all I hear is the Police need more money to do their job. That is one of the problems. Police Officers used to do their job for the pride in helping society and they had good morale. They also earned their pay raises. They did not cry and whine and not do their job because they "don't get paid enough" in thier minds.
Let's hope that the "CAVE People" slay the "caveman" if he is foolish enough to run for mare.
In which neighborhood was the deliveryman assaulted? I know the female food person was attacked on South Delano after your person was robbed and beaten. How is he doing now?
Joe, in the S. Delano robbery/attempted rape wasn't the description of the first male listed as 5'6" just like this one? Medium skin, medium weight, 1" neat Afro, etc. I think your blog is where I read that description. Maybe there are fingerprints in that house, too.
Anon 4:33, you are wrong about the lawyers and I take great offense to your comments which lump me in with the corrupt. I have personally donated tens of thousands of dollars of my billable time to City residents for free to fight this City's laws aimed at protecting landlords and their unequal enforcement of the laws. There are also many other lawyers behind the scenes who try to help but don't show their faces because they're afraid of retribution. It's easy to point fingers and make general assumptions, but have you ever put your livelihood on the line, risked losing everything to fight for something you believed in, only to lose because as the Judge says, the law was written for the landlords? I could still sue the City, but who would suffer if I win? Their insurance company would pay my damages and those of other citizens, but then the City's insurance premiums would go up. Who pays those? The citizens. Our goal should be to get this administration and ALL their cronies off the boards and out of City government, only then will you be able to take your city back.
Anon 8:38, just in case none of us has ever thanked you for what you have done and continue to do, please accept my most sincere gratitude. You have given more than your fair share to the city we all love.
What area is defined the Johnson Lake Area? I realize it would be neighborhoods around Johnson Lake but is there a defined perimeter? I have searched online and through googlemaps and I keep getting links to this site and the recent unfortunate event that happened in the neighborhood... Could someone let me know street wise from this street to that one. Please
I also wanted to mention that SPD has apparently lost some officers.....in Crisfield there are quite a few new police officers and I am told that they are former SPD.
Suddenly now there are at least 3-4 patrol cars at any given time doing radar in the small town of Crisfield everyday(just not during clambake,it would NOT do to have a bigshot arrested for DUI)and its angered alot of local residents because of the more serious crimes going on right under everyones noses.Criminals who should be behind bars walk the streets freely,almost mockingly.They have openly threatened our police chief for trying to stop them. The housing projects are rife with guns,drugs and violence,so I think speeders just should not be a top priority right now.A man in Crisfield was damn near beaten to death in a home invasion back around Easter by 2-3 local thugs but you never read that in the mainstream news.Its not just Salisbury going to the dogs,the smaller towns suffer too just more quietly.Again,Lake Lady-my heart goes out to you and I wish you could sue the pants off the city.Too bad your attacker didnt get a speeding ticket,they would know how to find him.
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