While the SFD participates in many charity events, these Firefighters were recognized for doing so at a local event a few weeks ago. I tip my hat to these fine men and women for doing so. However, this wouldn't be Salisbury News if I didn't place a twist to MY side of the story.
Take Gary Muir, the Curator of the Salisbury Zoo for example. Gary has been asked for 30+ years to come to Council Meetings and accept such awards and Gary has flat out refused to do so. You see, Gary is of the unusual thinking that he was hired and paid to do a job and has proven himself as a very giving individual for many years to the City and the millions of visitors over the years at the Salisbury Zoo. Granted, there are a few things I don't like about some decisions Gary has made in the past but that's nothing compared to the respect I hold for this man having absolutely no need for recognition, especially from this Mayor.
Mayor Tilghman has finally given up on trying to get Gary to come to these BS Meetings where the Mayor gets to falsely make it look like the City Employees need to be shown off as puppets for her own gain.
Many people fall for it but there are some who couldn't care less. I like the later of the two, personally. I take that back. IF the Mayor would like to recognize ME for all the hard work I put into this Blog by exposing all the BS that goes on in the City of Salisbury, well, I'd probably have to go up there and accept such an Award. Until then, I'll just sit here on the outside looking in and dream of the day I too can become somebody.
Oh, by the way, there were an additional hundred people who helped in that Fundraiser for that child but the only ones that count are the Firefighters? And to those Firefighters that think this is a dig on them, you're wrong. You are very special individuals. I just think the more special ones were the ones that refused to show up Monday night to accept an award.
That picture looks like Barrie forgot to put her teeth in.
that pat on the back still doesn't replace the raise they were promised.
police and firefighters won't be forgetting what weasal did to them
anything for a show joe, dangle something shiny in front of the people and they will bite it just like a fish.
its about time the mayor was at a function the firemen are at. do you think she will make the open house or blow that off.
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