The kid from Salisbury University out to recall anyone and everyone possible has proven to be completely full of sh!t.
Not only did he miss his deadline for financial records, he failed to turn in one single recall petition by the 27th of May, 2008.
Many had hoped this kid was for real but several of us had that feeling he was simply out to see if everyone else would pick up the ball and let him shine for everyone else's hard work.
Jordan Reisman has failed the community as well as the Students at Salisbury University. We tried to tell him he was wasting his time but he insisted in moving forward. Oh well, we'll just have to wait for the upcoming election.
More than likely what happened was, no one bit so those behind him my guess is, Barrie, Gary and SAPOA told him to let it die. They were seeking names of those that would sign or solicit for signatures same as was done when Brenda Cox made her attempt.
It's a shame this kid wasn't for real from the beginning we'd be on the road to recovery in this city, if he were.
Why beat a dead horse, especially when it's the wrong one?
His petition drive has been a big disappointment, but much more so was the support that he got from those who should have aided and abetted the drive -- Salisbury's permanent residents.
If he thought that he could be a catalyst to action by those residents, I suspect that he's disappointed to.
I heard he had some threats made
toward him , maybe they were very bad ones.Some of the mayors guns.
Suggest directing your fire at a live target, and Salisbarrie is a "target rich environment."
BS.....the kid was a poser and slacker who tried to get his name in the paper when it was 2 degrees and freezing rain outside and then bailed once he genuinely had to apply himself and all the college ladies were going to the beach and lacrosse games instead. Some of us are older with families and careers we risk by having the onions to confront the city administration BS.I made sure to let him know he shouldn't let the door hit him on the ass on his way out of town...Never send a boy to do a man's job. You remember that don't you junior?
BTW if people in a half-horse town are threatening you: call the state police, attorney general and FBI.....if you put up with that crap you are no more than the 85 pound wife with two black eyes and a bleeding lip who still loves her husband too much to see him get what he deserves. My god community, develop some onions...
1:24--I agree. Many of us thought that Barrie and the monkeys were behind this from the beginning. The way it all went down was fishy in the first place; first recall this one, then that one, etc. Moral of the story is this: anynone with the "onions" to do so should file to recall Barrie based on her mishandling of the city, Gary based on his lying, and Louise based on over-all misuse of power, failure to perform, inequality when applying rules of order (most of which she breaks anyway), and several other infractions too numerous to list.
1:27 anonymous...don't blame the permanent residents for smelling this out for exactly what it was: another "I'm with you, folks" Trojan Louise. I won't go into all the ways you could tell, but the signs were clear. It was another phishing trip to add names to the "enemies list."
There's an election coming up in less than a year. Do NOT forget that, and be very wary.
Salisbury Cynic
When someone the permanent residents know and can trust (not a "wah, wah, they broke up my party" student), someone who can handle the administrative rigors of the insane requirements now imposed on the populace for doing a recall, when TAHT someone steps up, THEN the permanent residents will show their "onions," just like they did with the referendum petition, which damn near succeeded.
Bottom line is I am a par 5 (if I get good contact with my three wood on my fairway approach) from the city. Yet I am unable to vote in city elections and openly disdained, and referred to as an "outsider" by the likes of the all-knowing/all-annoying Lynn Cathcart. As a guy who knows a little about the law and politics (if you have premium channels watch "Recount" for a Cliff note version of election/supreme court jurisprudence before November elections so that nobody dangles a chad and leaves Bat Fastard in office) I can't help but scratch my head when we talk about recalls. My god, how did these nimrods even get voted into office to start with? Trying to recall someone is like trying to get a murder conviction overturned on appeal. You don't want to suffer in horrid conditions for a decade to ultimately get back to the moment of clarity that everyone screwed up with to start with back when Soundgarden was cool. I am a libertarian who could never be elected to any office because I am too pragmatic and subject to fair compromise (god forbid, I also have a sense of humor). But PLEASE PEOPLE it is an election year nationally AND locally. If people in Salisbury, or America in general, are happy with what you've got...vote to praise those people. If you feel you are being dragged into a ridonkulous crap-hole-make sure your voter registration is legit and exercise that right to cast the vote that some of my friends are putting their lives at risk, and their families at sacrifice, for. If you have older relatives; make sure their voter registration is current. Help them to the polls....give them a ride-or get them an absentee ballot weeks in advance. I truly don't care about the dogma, but given the current conditions of our city, county and country; your single vote (which will take 30 minutes tops)in a comfortable school/community hall is more powerful than the five cent AK round or unaccounted for Cold War C4 that has been planted in a dead dog by the roadside as an IED for determining how we truly want to pursue the life and liberty rights granted to us, and our children, when a musket was considered the ultimate weapon.
If he didn't get enough signatures, it's best not to expose those who signed to the wrath of Barrie ("I'll get even with you, too, Stu") Tilghman.
He didn't get any signatures.
Never intended to.
If you will recall, it was all a great ruse to try to frame Campbell and Cohen as being behind it -- as if by some bizarre logic, that was thought to be discrediting to them!
Me, I would've just applauded louder for them.
As big a liar as that Bubba is, the Louweasel is even worse because she (far beyond Bubba) pretended to be something she is not and to be for positions she is not for.
Utterly disgusting as human beings, not just politicians, in my book.
BTW if people in a half-horse town are threatening you: call the state police, attorney general and FBI......
All of that has been done, including the State Prosecutor. Now what? Call the mafia? At least we know they'd get the job done.
When we met him for his opening rally downtown all by himself LoL I didn't hold him to much with expectations if he couldn't get anyone to come with him. A fart that didn't even smell Damn got to hate that
4:14 PM hit the nail on the head--it was all to try to throw mud on the only 2 respectable people on the Council. Mare and monkeys will do just about anything to discredit T & C. Luckily, most people don't fall for it.
Something fishy with his e-mail address: trackhawk @...that turned me off.
(But I would have signed had the petition appeared.)
why would you ever take a child this seriously.
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