Delaware Electric Cooperative's “Beat the Peak” efforts are deemed a huge success!
GREENWOOD--Delaware Electric Cooperative President & CEO Bill Andrew expresses his sincere appreciation to the Co-op membership for their response to “Beat the Peak” efforts Tuesday, May 27, Monday, June 9 and Tuesday, June 10.
Our “ Beat the Peak” conservation efforts for “wise energy use between the hours of 3 pm & 7 pm” plus the activation of our 20,000 Load Management switches controlling central air units and hot water heaters and our system voltage reduction have all translated into a substantial savings for the Co-op membership. Even though we set a much higher peak than was budgeted we estimate that our efforts kept the peak from going even higher and that these estimates could result in producing a final billing of $250,000 less than would be expected without our membership's support in the "Beat the Peak" program
Co-op members were informed about our “Beat the Peak” efforts through the Co-op website www.delaware.coop, media press releases especially radio and television and through 17,300 e-mails to Co-op members who had volunteered their email addresses.
Demand and energy costs for electricity are significantly increasing. During high cost “Peak” energy periods we typically use higher priced fossil fuels to meet our needs. Energy produced from these sources significantly impacts the cost of our electricity and our air quality. One key to curbing these costs is to use energy wisely.
Together we can, we have and we will continue to “Beat the Peak”.
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