Fox News just reported that Anheuser Busch may be selling out to Belgian Brewer InBev for a $4.6 Billion Dollar takeover that will move production of America's #1 Beer to Mexico!
While members of the Bush family still retain Board Seats in the company they do not retain controlling interest. Warren Buffet has over 15% interest in the company.
Employees, at the St. Louis, Missouri plant are reeling at the prospect of such a decision.
It is rumored that the Busch family does not want to sell, as they feel a commitment to the people of St. Louis, and to America, however, one Busch family member said that the best interests of the companies holders is their number one priority. Stock holders want to see the move, as profits will increase greatly since production costs will plummet.
Are we going to witness the demise of yet another American Institution?
this is america sending out an s.o.s. mayday,mayday,mayday...
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So what if the beer company is sold to a foreign owner? It's the same beer, no matter if the people owning the company have a funny last name or not (hey, wait a second...).
When are people going to make enough money to be happy? I don't get it. If I were a multi-millionaire I wouldn't throw the livelihoods of thousands up in the air to make another MILL. Companies are really shooting themselves in the foot here.
They should just wait a few years because we AMERICANS will soon be living and having to work like the Mexicans in order to survive, thanks to our government!!!!!!!!!
Tasteless beer with tasteless commercials. Good ridance to that piss.
If you think Anheuser Bush is an old american institute,you better take a look at the name a few more times.
It did not make Milwakee famous.
It's crap beer anyways.
If people decide to drink Bud because it's American, they will just find another brand. The foreign company will lose those drinkers and make a poor return on investment.
Oh just F'ing great, now you will be able to get drunk and have Montezuma's revenge all at the same time. You can buy Marlboro's in Mexico, however they taste like the ragweed generic smokes you can buy here.
It's not about the fact that the beer sucks or you love the beer, it's the fact that another AMERICAN company could be sold to a FOREIGN company. Go to and and sign the petition. America is not for sale!!!
Budweiser is an American Institution!
To anonymous: If Milwaukhee is that famous why is Miller Lite owned by South African Breweries? And AB did not solicit this sale and if they reject the offer they will be susceptible to a hostile take over which will show the greed of the shareholders not the Busch family.
Jorge Ramos, anchor for TV's Univision, said today on NPR that by the year 2035, there will be more Latinos and Hispanics in America than whiteys. Maybe this is their way of starting world domination! ...
Your right! It's not about whether or not you like the beer. It's about selling the soul of America to foreign investors and none of the money staying here and creating and keeping wealth within.
We need to say F**K, NAFTA and GAT, and start using some of our American ingenuity to bring us back up to being the independent nation that we once were.
It's not about military might, it's about American ingenuity.
After we blew Nagasaki and Hiroshima of the map, (which was horrible, but don't want to get into that) we basically gave the plans for a television to Japan, to help jump start a new economy for them. This very act changed the future of Japan.
Can you still by an Admiral TV, or a Kenmore TV, Zenith, Amana, RCA, Phillips, Armstrong or Motorolla? If these companies still produce TV's the only one that is made and assembled here still is the Amana, as the entire town did nothing but build appliances, in Amana, Indiana.
NAFTA and GAT are treaties that supersede our constitution. If we are going to do anything we need to demand our elected officials tell renege on this agreement and start production of our own goods once again.
How can you feed a family working at Walmart, Applebees, or Lowes.
It's not going to happen and never will. We must put an end to this madness.
Anyone who thinks that foreign investment in America (which is what this sale is) is bad for the county is simply ignorant of economics. It's good for foreigners to buy things here. It's good for them to invest money in America.
People have an irrational fear of foreigners. That, along with their ignorance of basic economics, is reflected pretty clearly in the comments here. It's just sad our nation is full of people who are so narrow-minded and, yes, ignorant.
Buy Yuengling!
Alas any Mexican beer doesn't follow the same brewing standards as do American ones. We don't drink Mexican beer for that very reason. You don't know what's in it!
Black & Tan, made in America is our choice. It's a very decent darker brew at a reasonable price. Can't drink the "light" stuff, anymore.
Greed i love it .
wymzie, your winnin my heart baby. damn sexy to here a female sound and think like me. so hot, so true, so passionate, so right. you go girl...
the beer isnt that good anyway Bush Aint no sam adams.
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