
Ladies & Gentlemen, this has to be, (seriously) one of the most offensive slaps in the taxpayers face I have ever seen in my entire life. If you don't get the Daily Times, the Wicomico County Liquor Dispensary didn't just run ONE ad of flat out lies, they ran TWO FULL PAGE ADS in today's Daily Times! It doesn't get any more expensive than that!
OK, so what are they trying to say here? Are they trying to tell you that they want you to know where you can purchase your liquor? Nope! Are they trying to sell you on discounted purchases you could be making? Nope! They're trying to tell you that Rick Pollitt and the County Council are lying to you when in fact the Dispensary is flat out lying in their two full page ads themselves.
They claim that most restaurants do not support buying from a distributor when in fact that's a complete lie. ALL of the people we spoke to absolutely wanted to purchase from a distributor and believed the County needed to get out of being in the liquor business.
To take ALL that money from the Taxpayers and buy TWO FULL PAGE ADS on a Friday for your own BS should be considered criminal, seriously. The three of you are out of control and my guess is after you've made this move, you've seen your last days as a dispensary.
I should tell everyone reading this as well. The Dispensary sent out a letter to ALL Staff that they were holding a discussion over DINNER at the Green Hill Country Club on May 1, 2008 and all Staff and their Families were invited to attend, AT YOUR EXPENSE, THE TAXPAYERS.
Again, this is all stuff you won't read in the Daily Times because they'd rather sell two full pages of ads and take in thousands upon thousands of dollars, therefore they can't tell you the TRUTH about what's going on around you.
I would bet that this particular dinner is paid for by one of the big liquor companies they buy from. If not they sure are stupid.
The large wholesalers like the way it is now because they don't have make stops at all the bars and restaurants.
Then the sales people go to the bar and restaurant owners and blow smoke up their tailpipe trying to get them to buy more wine from them.
Sure sounds like a real boon doggle to me. Just what gives these men the right to spend our tax dollars on such BS advertisements? Its time our County Executive takes corrective action here, but first things first. Do a complete audit on the entire liquor board operation. That may be eye opening and show cause to close down this county operation!
A. Goetz
a friend of mine owns a bar in Salisbury and he hates buying liquor from Wicomico; esp. when it is cheaper fives up the road in DE.
They tell us what they want us to hear, and up until now we had no other information to go on, so we bought it. Thanks for showing us the "other side" of the issue. As always, SBYNEWS tells it like it is!
That is such a LIE! I work for a distributor here in Wicomico County and I don't know one (NOT ONE) restaurant that doesn't buy from us!!!
As far as the dinner goes...I'm just glad I'm NOT a Wicomico County Taxpayer because I surely do NOT support that!
My paper only had one ad. Where is the 2nd. one? The ads come from their operating expenses, just like any other business. Does any other business contribute $400,000 yearly to the county? I suppose the employees should for free!! Think again if you think that bars and restaurants will lower the prices of drinks. The $2.00 drink went south a long time ago.
anonymous 10:50,
We're talking about hard liquor here, not beer.
1. I find it interesting that you don't show the whole ad. What is there that you don't agree with.
2. The LCB has ZERO to do with the county. IT IS ALL state mandated. That means your wonderful guvnah is in charge of it, not the local yocals you call a county council.
3. ANY business that takes its employees to lunch, or dinner, or gives them a bonus, is ultimately doing it with their customers money. So I guess what you want is every LCB employee to get $6.15 an hour and no benefits, because that would equal lower costs right??? Have you ever done anything for your employees?!? Either you are a scrooge of a boss, or you are raising your costs and taking care of your people. Where do you expect them to go to dinner, Brew River???
4. SERIOUSLY, with all the crap that is going on on the shore, you are still worried about an organization which you have no jurisdiction over at this time, which gives you $400 k a year.
5. Stewart Haemel is not Barrie Tilghman!!! Not even close. Stevie Prettyman on the other hand, Her personality, and the results of her politics, THAT is more like Tilghman.
6. Let us not forget - Stevie Prettyman LIED at that council meeting when she grandstanded and threw the beer on the table - beer she did NOT buy at a dispensary (they never sold Bud Light!!!) But YOU won't ask her for the receipt, probably because she never had it.
7. I know this won't see the blog, but I know you read it, and you know everything I've said is true.
Good enough for me. Seriously, if you really want a villian, look at the county council. Those are the most dishonest people around you.
11. btw...It was Nancy Reagan's 11th commandment that you keep disregarding, not Ronald's.
and I'm B.C., in N.C. I don't need anonymity, just don't use any of that other stuff.
And I think the $2 drink comment WAS referring to hard liquor!!
And for the guy who got fired for serving to an underage person, GROW UP. Suck it up and find another job. This is not meant to be an insult. Serving Beverage Alcohol is a serious job! You signed a contract, you did NOT do your job. Now you run to the council, and think you can spill the beans. YOU were the idiot that served a cop. In NC, if you serve a minor, or a cop checking you out, the SERVER faces a $1000 fine and cannot work anywhere that serves alcohol for 2 years - No gas stations, grocery stores, Walmarts... nowhere. SERIOUSLY, this is why I moved south. You live in a geographically isolated place, and so many people on that peninsula have such an isolated mind. Can anyone on the shore think outside their own life, or outside the box for 1 minute.
At this point in time, the LCB is the last thing you should be worrying about.
Maybe ol gov Don had a good reason for calling it the shithouse of the state. That's how everyone there sees it. Yall are stuck in hole, and you keep diggin!!
Rule of holes: When you are in one, and trying to get out, STOP digging.
The Eastern Shore is in a big hole, and you are digging after the LCB??
Please!!!!!! Stay there! Do not move down here and screw this up to!
There is a liquor distributor here in Salisbury, F.P. Winner out in Northwood industrial park. Those good people are on the up and up. Jay Wright that runs it is the son of the late Colt's football player J.J. Wright. I saw his Super Bowl ring a long time ago and liked to drop a jaw. Jay is a great person as are the rest of the people working there.
It's John Wright, not J.J. Wright that played for the Colts. J.J. Wright was the name of the beer wholesaler that he owned... and it wasn't a Super Bowl Ring.
That's right but everyone calls him "J." I've never called him John I, just "J." I graduated with his wife. He runs F.P. Winner.
Yes they had a warehouse on Snow Hill road. Then they merged with F.P. Winner and moved into that bigger warehouse. Sure looked like a super bowl ring to me, I wonder why my boss told me to go down and look and that man's ring?
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