So out of nowhere we get a hurricane in Salisbury/Wicomico County. Not a bad one, mind you. Just one that would produce let's say 60 mph winds.
The next thing you know there are trees down everywhere, some roofs are torn off homes, cars have wrecked on the Bypass, who you gonna call? NOT the Wicomico County Sheriff's Department, that's for sure!
So why wouldn't you get through to the Sheriff's Department? Because their building, (GET THIS) is only rated for 50 mile per hour winds! Not only has this building been a complete piece of sh!t the past few years, it's gonna fall down if the winds get too rough.
Imagine that. We're in a local catastrophe and the one place everyone is going to depend upon will have fallen to the ground. Just what Idiot came up with this design and why the hell aren't you reading stuff like this in the Daily Times? Perhaps we will in the next few days?
Nevertheless, the building has more problems than just wind knocking it over. It leaks everywhere. Every two years or so they're in there replacing carpeting because water driven by rain comes right through the walls and gets the interior soaking wet. This can create what is called, "sick building syndrome." Mold and mildew become airborne and can cause some very serious health issues. My guess is, if they tested that building right now they'd come to find they have a problem.
So what do you do about it? You IMMEDIATELY get the ball rolling to build a new facility, seriously. This is no joking mater. The Sheriff's Department would be the number one resource in any catastrophe in Wicomico County, yet it's the most vulnerable! The Sheriff's Department is also working with Rick Pollitt with Animal Control, perhaps taking that away from the Humane Society and having their own facility.
When you're considering a new location for the Sheriff's Department, it would be smart to include a facility for animals to go with it. Like it or not, something has to happen. We watch all these Fire Departments going after Homeland Security money and so forth, yet the Sheriff's Department NEEDS a facility to provide their service in our time of need and they won't be standing, unbelievable!
So let the Sherrif Dpt go any homeland $ ! Whats stopping them.
Where did you get your stats from? we have had many winds over 50 mph and the building hasn't crumbled. I seriously doubt it is rated that low. I think you are full of s@#t most of the time.
Also why are you so concerned with Salisbury when you live in DE ?
So, let the taxpayers fork over another 10-12 million for a new one, no problem.
If you think I'm wrong, contact the Sheriff's Department or Rick Pollitt's Office to confirm. My numbers are in fact accurate, like it or not.
Funny thing is, you all support things when it's free, (like Mike Lewis) but as soon as I mention something they truly need you go screaming you're broke! LOL!
It's a reality and you can even ask former Sheriff Hunter Nelms, he'll confirm it.
Who the hell said anything about 10 to 12 million dollars? Mike Lewis is NOT Barrie Tilghman or Chief See! What a BS Artist, $10 or $12 million!
>>>>The Sheriff's Department is also working with Rick Pollitt with Animal Control, perhaps taking that away from the Humane Society and having their own facility.
I have always said that the Sheriff's Office should take over Animal Control in the county and from the city of Salisbury. They are a law enforcement agency and they can dedicate personal as animal control officers. The Salisbury Police department has no business being in the animal control business either. They don't have enough staff on duty and animals are running wild all over the city. Cats and dogs everywhere. With the city in the animal control business the county humane society can't come into the city and take care of the animals because of the imaginary boundries. Who suffers? The poor defenseless animals and the tax payers.
Ocean City had the right idea creating a public safety building and housing the police,911 call center etc... and it's built to withstand anything short of the whole island being washed away. Money well spent with planning and agencies working together to make it happen!
Joe, there is one error in your report. If cars are blown off of the bypass and are involved in a accident. The Sheriff's Dept will not handle it. Only the State Police Barrack handles accidents in the county. Think not ask them how many they handled in this last snow storm.
Perhaps you're right but I believe you get the point.
First the whole collective bargaining publicity, now wcso wants a new station. What are you their new PR man joe?
First of all, it's Joe, not joe.
Secondly, this whole thing is MY idea, not the Sheriff's or Rick Pollitt's.
I heard a conversation about the 50 mph winds and though, this is NUTS!
So it's OK to build a $10,000,000.00 Fire Station in Salisbury but it's not OK to look into a new facility for the Sheriff's Department?
My suggestion is that you even contact retired Sheriff Hunter Nelms and let him tell you how bad that building is.
The Sheriff's Department today is quite different from the Sheriff's Department it was when they moved into that building.
I am NOT saying this must be done immediately. However, everything has a beginning and this is what I'm suggesting. Start looking into the problem, evaluate just how serious it is and move on from there. IF the Taxpayers of Wicomico County believe their Sheriff's Department needs an overhaul and or a new facility, so be it. If not, I'm NOT at all suggesting it get shoved down every one's throat like the City of Salisbury and Barrie Tilghman does.
thought, sorry.
If the building is in that bad of shape why is the sheriffs office spending tons of money on new police cars. The new black and whites look awesome as do the all black chargers. Maybe Mike is okay with the building. Have you talked to him about this?
You are welcome to call the Sheriff and speak to him about this yourself.
I have in fact had conversations with Sheriff Lewis on the building to confirm my findings. As for the cars and what you're asking, you need to do that because quite frankly I don't care about the cars verses a building.
I believe much of the expense on the cars came from money seized from drug arrests.
Whoooo hold on here, Joe is just throwing out ideals here, he did not say this must be done, he was just stating facts. If conditions are that bad with leaky roof and all then those are issues that must be addressed like your house leaking. Okay cars blowing off the road maybe just a little artistic license with Joe, but we get the point. We now must play catch up, with the ones who want to spend nothing and we did for years, and thiose who say this is a need. Give the man a break here he was just making a suggesstion.
If this county owned building is in this bad a shape and since it was put in service about ten years ago, I think, who built it and who was the "Clerk of the Works". Sounds to me like someone let some stuff slip by with this building. This someone should be hung out to dry for letting such a building pass final inspection when it was built, don't ya think?
A. Goetz
I'm curious about the 50 miles per hour rating.
What was the building rated for when Hurricane Isabel went through?
A new Emergency Services complex is long overdue. ALL county Emergency Service should be included. Would be a large price tag but would be a savings in the long run by not having several different buildings. There is no way the Emergency Services building should be at the same location as the Detention Center. Great idea, just needs political support to get it rolling.
As you should well know, hurricanes are a hit or miss thing. Should we take that risk?
The other side of the coin is, the building is truly falling apart and the Sheriff's Department has by far out grown the site.
Let me add, there is equipment and vehicles that should be stored indoors and cannot be because they have out grown the location.
Perhaps later I'll show photos of such said equipment. Seriously, it's time to start considering such a project, especially if the County is going to consider the Animal Control. There's no real way to add it onto the existing location efficiently.
I should add. There's more than $300,000.00 a year going to the Humane Society from the County and somewhere around $150,000.00 from the City of Salisbury.
If you take those two figures and the WCSO were to get that money instead, this might not be that big of an expense on the Taxpayers as one might think.
Granted, it costs money to operate an Animal Control Facility but I believe quite a bit of it could go towards the expense of building and relocating it.
So why not obtain the old Maxum Boat Yard facility?
Perhaps. However, my thoughts would be somewhere near the Shorebirds. Somewhere with easy access to the Bypass to get you quickly from one side of the County to the other. It's also up to the powers in charge. All I know is, something needs to be done.
Not saying get a new building but how do you get rid of mold that is on the inside walls of the building for years and still growing. This is occupied 24 hrs a day by dispatchers who are withing feet and breathing this stuff.
During Hurricane Isabel the sheriff's office had to evacuate the office completely and set up operations at the Wicomico County Civic Center, including WCSO dispatch. Due to the fact is has a low wind rating.
1045 maybe if MSP puts Tpr. in schools help with security at District Ct. takes over some of the paper service, serve as many warrants as WCSO/ WCSO handles more criminal calls than MSP/more 911 calls than MSP then maybe WCSO could handle accidents so 1045 tropper quit crying
For all of you people who feel you can still call the Sheriff "Mike" because you were buddies are wrong. No matter who you used to be to him, unless you are family, his name to you is "Sheriff Lewis." I am sick of this "Mike" stuff because people think they are close to him, including deputies. His name now is "Sheriff Lewis." Like it or not. Respect the man.
Joe's facts are pretty accurate.. The 911 center was aware of this fact and thats why they(911 and Emergency Managment) moved to the Detention center building. Then the WCSO took over the entire building instead of the half the shared with 911 and EM
Explain how and why the Sheriff's Department would be the most important agency to respond to a catastrophe? What resources do they have if and when something like this ever happens. Explain joe. Let's hear it.
Ladies and gentlemen of the respective departments (WCSO and MSP) step back and relax. Let's not bicker and argue amongst ourselves and become what some other professions and departments on here have shown themselves to be.
1045 Anon...for you to make that comment is uncalled for and inaccurate. Period.
645 Anon...I understand your frustration with the comments made by 1045 Anon. However, again, lets not allow frustrations to play out in a public forum. It does not serve a purpose, mission or instill confidence from the public.
I have personally made this mistake before and regret it. None of us are immune from allowing emotions and pride to get the best of us from time to time. I simply ask that we refrain from antagonistic posts towards each other...this goes BOTH ways.
Regarding the topic at hand, as stated before, for 1045 Anon to make that comment was inaccurate and showed you must not have participated during the snow. I will not call it a "snow storm" out of respect for a REAL snow storm. However, during the snow, the WCSO actually DID handle accidents. Quite a few of them. In fact, they have been handling more and more accidents of late throughout the county. They have done this voluntarily without being asked. For 1045 Anon to fail to recognize this and make the comment that they did is uncalled for.
This unsolicited assistance from WCSO is very much appreciated and recognized by the majority.
I would personally like to thank them and apologize for 1045 Anon's comments.
As a nationally registered home inpector, you are full of shit. The federal government just raised the national standard from a rating of 92 mph to 98 mph two years ago. This means that if you build a shed that for whatever reason (county or city required) has to be inspected, it to would have to be built to this standard. Don't believe me ask Ryan homes. They used to use a material called "t-ply" as sheathing on the exterior walls of their homes. "T-ply" is just a fancy word for dense cardboard. When the federal standard was raised they had to convert to O.S.B. or better, simply because the "t-ply" only held up to 92 mph winds (bare minimum). So blow that smoke up someones ass who doesn't know better.
I hope the sheriff department doesn't blow over today. LOL
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