I know many of you don't make most of the meetings held with the City Council but this has become a tradition for Shanie Shields showing up late. In Monday's Council Meeting Shanie showed up more than 20 minutes after the Meeting started. I believe the last Work Session she showed up more than an hour late. Then to watch her fall asleep during these meetings, one has to wonder just what good she's doing for her community? She carries no paperwork. She never carries her Charter Book and she huffs and puffs and make comments under her breath any time someone says anything. I feel like I'm in a Baptist Church, (respectfully) every time I'm around this woman in meetings. They get a pay raise, I believe it was a 100% increase in pay and they don't show up, show up late and they're never prepared. As a matter of fact, I'd love to see Shanie Shields proposal for the actual budget last year? Didn't happen. "I like what Gary says." It too is a time for change in her District.
Hell she was not present when the Mayor presented her certificates to the achievements of the young blacks.
My sentiment exactly. These kids are desperate for good role models, but it doesn't seem that their own community or those who claim to represent them give a damn. Shame on you Ms. Sheilds!
Put a box of chocolates on her seat and she'll be there on time!
Yeah Ms. Shamless Shanie, next time don't even dare crying the blues about African American representation
But she sure can expectorate with the best of them!
PS to Bubba: that real big word means spit -- like she does at the public meetings.
They need her there to "SECOND" amendments! If ehe wasn't there many would "die" for lack of a "second".
OMG, wasn't that "spit" moment disgusting? I almost upchucked on my TV!
That really is a shame about Shields not being there for those kids. Gosh, wasn't that inspiring! We need to clone Mrs. Morris -- we need that running a few departments and the City!
And no, I didn't buy any of that "theater" by the mayor and Louise Smith. Wasn't that just disgraceful?
Criticize the woman for her obvious lack of commitment to her job(and the fact someone should slip her some No-Doze) but isnt it kinda "6th grade" to refer to her as a "piggy".Her weight has nothing to do with her obvious shortcomings as a council member
Na Louweasal would poney up a second that motion. I do have quite a few friends of color and they to see her as worthless to their community.
Her time will come, I bet I could get more votes from her district. A chimp could run against her in the next election and she will be back on public assistance.
They way I look at it she's already on public assistance not showing up and being late all the time. Never doing homework and gaining some intelligence about the topic.
She's already being paid to sit on her fat lazy butt and do nothing but rubber stamp, I'd rather see her getting a chunk of my money in welfare than making decisions for this city and that's a fact~!
The mayor not being there is no big deal. She isn't supposed to be there anyway unless invited. Shanie on the other hand, being paid $10k to sit her fat ass on a council seat could at least do more than eat the candy, snort, snore and make inaudible noises. She's sure gonna miss that 10k when she is voted out of office in '09
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