Besides the baked on tan, nice suit and steep price tags that go along with them, the body language says one of two things here, you decide?
1). I want to thank the City Council for hiring my Firm to do your yearly audits.
2). Is there ANYTHING I can do to answer any questions you might have?
3). Yes, by all means we expect to have the audit done on time next year.
1). I got my money, do you really think I give a shit what this Council thinks?
2). You want it, WHEN? Homey don't play dat game.
3). Let's see, I've got to get my Wife a new Mercedes this year. Oh, that's right, I almost forgot, I have to pay the monthly dues for my tanning sessions, or should I bill that to the City? Y' All wish you looked as good as me with this tan. Oh, I'm sorry Mrs. Campbell, can you repeat what you were saying?
Oh yeah and my partner just built a million dollar house in Worcester County. Does anyone give a rats @ss about The City of Salisbury except as a cash cow?
Is that Three Card Monte?
I'll take "prick" for $1000, Alex!
Does this handsome gentleman have a name? If it's who I think it is I'll throw you a lead.
Do you have the name of this finely dressed gentleman? If it's who I think it is, I'll give you some info.
Is this Herb Geary of the recent DWI fame?
It doesn't matter if it is Herb Geary or any other CPA. What matters is, the accounting firm of Herb, Geary & Trice can not do their job if Pam Oland and her staff do not do their jobs.
Looks to me as if he is staring at Gary Comegys thinking, damn I didn't know they piled stupid that high and wide.
The simple solution: a different auditor and firm that treats the taxpayers, not "the city" as their client!
But it won't happen under this mayor and her "scheme team".
The stance with the folded arms is indicative of a closed mind on all about the audit. Yes, we should fire this bunch and get a bunch in who will work for the people and not the mayor and her friends. We need to get the real inside track on the funds and their use in this city, not a nice, nice answer over and over again.
A. Goetz
Your right art that closed stance is hard line closed mind and once again a council meeting turns into "As The Stomach Turns."
200 years ago we could just hang them all right outside the GOB~!
Does anybody remember anything earlier this year about last year's audit, that Herb Geary tried to declare the management letter "privileged and confidential"?
I just vaguely recall something about it, and thought that was just ridiculous, but I don't remember if there was any more to that story.
Was it Herb Geary or Paul Wilber that said it was privileged and confidential? I do remember Barrie sending it back to Geary asking them to soften the tone since it pretty much made Pam Oland look like a buffoon. Cant have the taxpayers knowing that she doesn't have a clue. She's learning though, question is exactly what is she learning and from whom?
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