Ladies & Gentlemen,
TWO Salisbury Police Officers arrived on the scene first last night, early this morning on Washington Street. The Officers were, Steve Dickerson & John Dimore. These Officers, broke through a window and pulled the woman out of the home as well as the young child.
Although the Fire Marshall didn't want to admit that these Officers were at the scene before the Fire Department, they were and he ultimately agreed that was the case. The Fire started in the Attic, not in the kitchen, as first reported.
Officer Dickerson was also a member of the Salisbury Fire Department and these two Gentlemen should be recognized for their heroic attempt to save lives. Gentlemen, my hat is tipped to you and I thank you very much for your efforts.
They don't come any better than Steve D. Hats off to all efforts to save these people.
Just want to clarify for you. Yes the police were there first and yes they did help pull the first women out with the assistance of the volunteer asst. chief that arrived on the scene first. However the child was pulled out of her bedroom by two firefighters who climbed through her window to get to her while the attack crew went to work to extinguish the fire. So yes, hats off to Dickerson and Dimari who were a big help and don't forget Dimari is a volunteer at station two as well. And we thank them for there help, due to there cross training they were able to help as much as they could. thanks
Hoorah for those two Hero's! Congrats guys, way to make the profession look proud!
Great courage, can't say it any better, hat's off to SPD
and the frigging mayor dont give them raises.
Just to Clarify Steve Dickerson is a current volunteer firefighter at Salisbury Fire Departmant Station 16 and John Dimare is a current volunteer with Salisbury Fire Department station 2
I should have added a hat's off to FSD as well.......
Anonymous said...
and the frigging mayor dont give them raises.
4:17 PM
Finally, something to be pissed about.
I commend both of these officers but unfortunately there were no heroes this day. They were only doing what they had been trained to do. No one survived but they made one hell of an effort to save them. I'm sure they don't consider theirselves heroes either..heroes are what other people title police,fire,ems personnel. They are simply doing their jobs. Thank you Steve Dickerson and John Dimare for all your efforts!
ANON 9:53
Right now everyone who reads this blog or responds in any way should read your comment and just say - WAY TO GO - because your comment sums it all up! There really aren't any heros - just those doing what they do and thak god they are here!
They dont get nearly enough pay but thats another subject for another day.
God Bless Us One And All.......
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