Wednesday night I was invited by the Pocomoke Tattler to visit him at his home and enjoy the Pocomoke Parade. It was such a pleasure to finally meet them in person and enjoying an evening of food and entertainment.
I've held off this Post because it has taken me a couple of days to go through all the pictures I took of just the Fire Departments alone in this Parade! Talk about your tax dollars hard at work! I'm telling you, there were Fire Departments from Virginia, Delaware and Maryland and the smell of diesel fuel was enough to choke King Kong!
Nevertheless, one after the other, Fire Trucks passed by, then a Marching Band every so often, interrupted by yet more LED Lights from Emergency Vehicles and then something cool would come along.
It started at 7:00 PM and went all the way to 9:30 PM. Don't they have something for these Fire Fighters to get their rocks off in Ocean City every year? I mean, this was unbelievable. Now look, I'm NOT against Fire Fighters and I know I'll get beat up over that one. However, COME ON NOW! This has got to be the biggest crock of shit I have ever seen in my entire lifetime!
2 1/2 hours of Fire Trucks, WHOOPIE! YAHOO! OH, MY NIPPLES ARE HARD! THIS IS SO EXCITING! OH LOOK MOM, THEY COME IN RED AND GREEN COLORS! If Pocomoke wants to sport THEIR Fire Trucks, I'm ALL for that. However, are you getting the idea it was too much? LOL
I'm so thankful the company was so great because I couldn't see didley for an hour after the Parade because of all those stupid led lights! Let me see if I have any normal pictures from this Parade besides Fire Trucks!
My sincere Thanks goes out to the Burke Family. Merry Christmas!
Great photos, Joe....thanks.
It's amazing another ATTACK on the Fire Service. I guess years and years of the fire service being represented in this parade does not mean a thing. I think it's called community service and to let all the tax payers see what thier money has payed for.
Show off your own Tpys in your own Parade. Or is that too much for YOU to understand?
The fire companies have always been invited to participate in Pocomokes Christmas Parade. Just like Delmar particpates in Salisburys....
Well if you don't like the parade then don't go next year!
Do us all a favor!
Its called PRIDE!
After being in the fire service for awhile, I have never been a fan of parades. Just my opinion thats all it is my opinion. I people want to see the equiptment stop by the station and check it out. Im sure a represenative of the department would love to show off the equiptment. All parades do is take equiptment out of service for no reason.
We really enjoyed having you at our home to enjoy one more Christmas parade.
If they could get 10% of the Fire Companies who show up for the parade to participate in the muster it would be really over the top.
All of the kids around here think that Santa is a fireman...
It's Pocomoke
Damn Joe,you had to mention firetrucks -ROFLMAO
BTw thanks for the pic of the Holly Grove float-two of my nieces are students there!
You know that wasn't Jim Mathias in the pic?
Was the mare there to give him a big smooch on the lips??
Pocomoke pays fire departments to come to this parade. Its something they love doing and its tradition. They don't pay you to watch so stay the hell home.
With all due respect, Firefighters have holiday spirit too. Could you please lay off the fire companies for the holidays?
Once again you show you have no knowledge of, but plenty of hatred for the fire service. The citizens of Pocomoke pay taxes than help pay for the fire equipment in the region. They have just as much right to see it in a parade as anyone else does.
Let me do this AGAIN for those IDIOTS who just can't seem to comprehend what I'm spelling out for them. (LOL)
If Pocomoke wants to have Fire Trucks in their parade, so be it. I think once one child sees a Fire Truck, showing him 100 more is just retarded! That is, unless you Dee, Dee, Deee's are trying to teach them to read and you're trying to say the names of ALL those Fire Departments. NOT!
It's a waste of taxpayers money and for the commenter that stated they're in the spirit as well, let them have the own Parade and cut the crap. These guys are traveling anywhere and everywhere they're allowed.
A Fire Truck is coming in from Virginia and Delaware. I drunk driver pulls out in front of them and their vehicle is destroyed and several Fire Fighters are injured. DON'T tell me it's never happened.
Use these vehicles for EMERGENCIES and WALK the Parade for the spirit and pride. How's that?
Speaking of culture shock we moved from Hollywood California to Pocomoke City Maryland in October of 1987 experiencing our first parade the same year in front of the same house you ejoyed the festivities at.
In Hollywood the annual Christmas parade is held the same night... but we noticed a few differences right away...
First of all Hugh Heffner does not enter a contingent of Bunnies but Crisfield always enters its band, flag twirlers & Miss Crustacean who is a favorite of David Letterman.
Boss Hogg said to pay the fire companies to parade those million dollar machines down Market Street.
Do we hear you challenging the wisdom of Boss Hogg in Pocomoke?
Joe I have never heard you say anything bad about fire fighters and nothing but praise for the job they do... some of the people well putting on a uniform doesn't always cover the asshole...
What's amazing is that you come here types are all the same. You can't wait to get here so you can impart all of your city smarts on us dumb rednecks in attempt to save us from ourselves. Then you get here, find out that nobody can stand your sorry pretentious asses and then you proceed to sit back and complain about anything and everything because your cockeyed views aren't welcomed and implemented.
Suggestion: Go back to whatever hole you crawled out of and take your pathetic families with you. I'm sure the rest of us left behind will somehow find a way to survive without all of your self righteousness.
Why on earth would anyone with culture to begin with move from Hollywood CA to Pocomoke? Sounds like someobody was breathing to much smog. Inquiring minds want to know.
""A Fire Truck is coming in from Virginia and Delaware. I drunk driver pulls out in front of them and their vehicle is destroyed and several Fire Fighters are injured. DON'T tell me it's never happened. ""
This makes no sense!! This could happen anywhere like going to a call. Everytime we drive there is a risk involved. Your taking risks by posting this shit when someone could come hunt down your ass :)
Already Here ...
It's hard to come up with an intelligent response you might understand so.
Kiss my ass
Will do for now.
Sooper Trooper:
The Whitter Quake October 1 1987 had Hollyweird shaking sideways and my wife told me we were moving to Poke - OH - Moke to a free house...
Lets see making $50 grand a year living in poverty not being able to afford to own our own home I told her we would try it for six-months.
As to Boss Hogg and his Merry Bandits... I refused to pay Mob Tax why would I pay this asshole...
Of course the sonuvabitch did bulldoze my 3-story brick & I-Beam 7,200 Sq Ft art deco historic building downtown...
I may be an asshole, thats my right as an American...
This asshole does not payoff crooked politicians
BossHogg...understood. FREE is ALWAYS good. I'm not too familiar with Poke-in-stroke but the politicos down there sound a lot like those in Smallsbarrie!
here is a idea for the person bitching about all the fire trucks in the parade. IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT THEN DON'T GO!
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