Talk about an unbelievable weekend! Cherrystone Campground enjoys its busiest weekend just before Halloween and we were fortunate enough to be able to slide in at the last minute and get a spot.
They have more activities for the kids than any other Campground I have ever been to. I'll post some pictures of some of these activities to give you some additional ideas locally for Halloween.
The cool part is, Trick or Treating only lasts one hour. The reason why is, you can collect more candy in one hour at a Campground than you can walking 6 hours in neighborhoods, believe me! It's more than satisfying for any child at any age.
More to come.......
Hey Joe. Our family and my in laws have been there many times for Halloween weekend. The last two years(including this past one) we have done the Frontier Town Holloween Weekend.
#years ago my 2 daughters (then aged 6 and 4) Won 1st and 3rd in the pumkin carving contest. Did you enter anything or your grandchild? Costume contests?
Over the last ten years between my daughters and neices have won I believe 3 1st place and 3 2nd place for costumes. Key is to be homemade. And let the kids carve their own pumkins!!
Glad you had fun. I remember when Cherrystone only did this one weekend, now I believe it up to 3.
Fronteir town does have less activities, but is much closer!!
Anyway, glad you and the grandchild had fun. Cherrystone is a great place.
Thanks Jim!
I'll post pictures tonight or tomorrow of the costumes. We didn't know about the pumpkin contest till we got there and it was too late. We had a ton of fun though. I can tell you where we placed #1 though. As Grandparents we won first place in that little guy's heart! He had a BLAST!
Cherrystone is the enviroment that our family likes gated lots of activities for kids its busy thats what we liked. Our first visit was 30 years ago and again for the last 10 years. Eight years ago a man grabed by son by the neck. He was on the swings for the younger children and this man didnt like it. I asked if my son said of did anything to him that would make him do this , he said no and said he was sorry. He was kicked out of the park for life.If anything like this happens to you call the police dont let the camp personal handle now. This happened under different management. This man should have been arrested. I have found out other people that have been kicked out have register under a different name. We were recently told we could not return. Our family reservation was screwed up and the clerk in the office was real difficult to deal with They had two of us checking in on a friday and my nephew and his family on a saturday. We made the reservation the same time. She refused to belive that there was a mistake and would not tell us if the lot was availiable for friday. The manager was called and she fixed the problem in minutes. The clerk still insisted there was no problem .I said I was so pissed I could smack her she didnt even hear me someone who came in the office during all this mess said they were to affraid to stay at the camp ground with people like us. Come to find out the clerk had made the reservation the previous year and the manager had to fix the problem. When leaving the office the clerk summons me to come on with her hand. I told her no you are working now but if she wanted to take care of it we could meet later. Leaving I call her the B***h. Management did nothing to defuse the problem she was clearly intimidated by this clerk. The clerk had a run in with a friend. They had made reservations for a friend on her charge and the friends mother died she called the office to see if anything could be done it was with in the no refund period they wouldnt even offer a refund if they were able to rent the lot. This same clerk and my friend starting arguring and the clerk let her know that they didnt need people like her in the park. Cursing from both parties started and the clerk told her she wasnt aloud back to the park. I wonder if the clerk is family of the owners.
Company hire these women to run business for less money . Woman are much harder to deal with. The man who chocked my son was treated much better then we were fathers day weekend.
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