As I had mentioned last week, as soon as I had the opportunity I would head into the Parking Enforcement Office and speak with Dee Kelley about this situation.
It turns out the City of Salisbury is actually doing something pretty cool and very much worth mentioning. The woman that owns this vehicle had surgery on her knee and cannot walk a long distance at this time.
With a Doctors Note, the Parking Enforcement Office agreed to place a No Parking Bag over the Meter allowing her to go in and out of work with ease.
I asked why they hadn't let me know this and they replied, we're not allowed to be on your Blog. LOL Well now we know and my only hope is that I didn't cause any embarrassment to this individual and if I have done so, please forgive me? Might I add, I hope you get well soon so we can get back to collecting money and or tickets for this particular spot again. Just kidding, have a great day.
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