Between Tuesday and Wednesday nights a robber struck Wendy's, Dunkin' Donuts, and Blockbuster Video on South Salisbury Boulevard.
Keep up the outstanding work Chiefy! Oh, don't let me forget, if you need Mike Lewis' phone number, just drop me a line and I'd be happy to give you his direct line. He and his Staff will be happy to do your work for you. Oh, what the heck am I saying, he already is!
Whoever the guy is,he is worthy of a "DEE-DEE-DEE" for sticking to the same 2 block radius.All the police have to do is patrol the area and look for the car witnesses described
Ohhhh that took a lot of technical writing skills to come up with that write up. You are sooooooo good. Now get your dunce cap and stand in the corner to two hours!
So much for crime being down 7% Idiot!
All the police have to do.... I love how you people judge how they do their jobs... IDIOTS!
AHHHHHHH my eyes are bleeding! ahhhhhhhhhhhh
Hey a little crime keeps you on your toes. Keeps you sharp, on the edge...
Now get your dunce cap and stand in the corner to two hours
Who?me?what did i do to you?
IT WASNT THE SAME GUY! DID you know that Joe.. or did I SCOOP YOU ON THAT TOO!!!!!
No, not you, thats for Joe, You are all good Ms. Blutothetotmom. I am only making up for lost time posting on Joey boy's website here. I am sorry if I cause you discomfort or mental anguish. Please accept the humble apology of a new age samurai.
Who said anything about it being the same guy. Seriously John, go see someone TODAY because you seriously need some mental help.
joe sounds like the kid who got picked on in school. the guy that is pissed off at the world because the doc cut too much off at birth. the litte guy that CANT get it up lol,,delmarva is a small world lol.
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