Ladies & Gentlemen, Salisbury has been saved!
I have the INSIDE scoop on who will be running for Mayor in the upcoming election and Barie Tilghman and or Bubba don't stand a chance, honestly. I cannot state names at this time but I have a firm commitment from this individual and I can absolutely 100% assure you, this person can't be beat.
So you can start to relax now because this person is a sure winner, as they deserve to be. That being said, if I were John Pick, I'd honestly start sending out resumes because I know this person has someone else in mind for that position.
Times are about to change Ladies & Gentlemen and I for one and VERY happy with what is about to come. Barrie, you have NO CHANCE whatsoever of winning. Yahoo!
Brenda Colegrove would make an excellent city administrator, who knows more about the city than her?
She also wouldn't be required to live in the city or she'd be a shoe in for mayor.
Evidently John Pick isn't worrying-he's having too much fun picking on defenseless churches to be worried about real problems...SOMEONE PLEASE get this idiot out of office!!! I cannot believe that with all the problems that the city faces, he's worrying about what a benevolent organization like a church is doing with their own property....This is a ridiculous waste of city time and energy, and should be evidence that he cannot prioritize very well. Not only is John Pick a liar as pointed out elsewhere in your blog, but he's an incompetent moron as well.
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