The story about the massive graffiti was not a "sleeper story" after all and we watched even their on line comments soar on the subject and it looks like not too many people were very happy they had held this story off for some 5 days or so.
Nevertheless, Salisbury News is growing by the day. Who'da ever thunk it? Thanks for all the support Folks!
I don't know where you get your information but you're out of your mind.
Loading pictures onto Blogger does NOT count as a hit. Clicking on a picture does NOT count as a hit!
Besides, the count was hits for ONE DAY! Not the week or month!
Hey whatsup! Pray tell me, how many people are there here on the shore that you consider dumb? Go ahead, we're waiting.
Generally visits are referred to as hits by those other than webmasters or admins. Raw server logs might show the numbers whatsup is referring to but this site uses sitemeter and I know for a fact they dont count every single image load or page view as a hit.
This blog uses Site Meter. Below is copied from the site meter page. What is Site Meter tracking exactly?
Site Meter tracks page views and visits. You may also have heard the term "hits". When someone comes to your site, they generate a "hit" for every piece of content that is sent to their computer. Viewing a single web site page would generate one hit for the page and one hit for every individual graphics file that was on the page. A single page could easily generate a dozen or more hits. When you are browsing a site, every time you follow a link, it is treated as a single "page view". Site Meter defines a "visit" as a series of page views by one person with no more than 30 minutes in between page views. Check it out yourself.
"Site Meter defines a "visit" as a series of page views by one person with no more than 30 minutes in between page views."
It was nice of them to give the percise meaning of hits as well.
Regardless of how it works, I'm please there are so many hits. I have been assured that your calculations are wrong but between all of us reading this, I really don't care.
If this were a business it would be completely different. This is a free service getting a lot of attention because we're delivering real time news, (most of the time). We're also exposing the facts and truth and it has made a positive impact on the City.
Now I could see if whatsup21804 is Greg Bassett and he's trying to justify how Salisbury News can't be getting closer to competing with the Daily Times, that's understandable. Nevertheless, I really don't care. It sure would be nice to raise a $1.00 per hit to donate to a good cause but this is not the case.
Let's move on and agree to disagree?
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