Through personal friends and numerous people commenting on this Blog Site, 4:00 at Wi Hi can't come soon enough.
Mike Lewis will be sworn in today and to be quite frank, I can't believe I didn't read anything about it in today's Daily Times? Nevertheless, everyone should show up in support of this fine gentleman and sit back and watch Wicomico County be taken back by storm. Congratulations Mike Lewis.
Sorry guys, have had bit of trouble with posting comments recently - silly me.
Please pass on to the new Sheriff Mike Lewis my congratualtions and best wishes. Not an easy job. As you know I am a London Cop so I sympathise with the issues he will face. Nice arrests though, I believe all senior officers should 'ride along' - statistics often lie, but being up close gives a clear idea of the truth. It's good leadership. Good Luck anyway. Love Granny
Circumstances prevented me from attending but,I did a wsw post and he's in my thoughts.
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