Mr. Chris Handy is currently employed with the Wicomico County Humane Society. From what I have been told, he is working with the aggressive animals there as well as his main position as a Dog Control Officer, (aka, Dog Catcher).
Mr. Handy also has a side business obviously called U.S. Kennels. He seems to be taking advantage of advertising his business right there at the Humane Society in a couple different obvious ways. His vehicle and then the placement of an advertisement sign just below the Salisbury Humane Society's main sign on the main road.
So obviously the County is endorsing this man and his business. So what about all of the other Trainers, Handlers, Kennels, Groomers and heck, how about the Salisbury Kennel Club? They donate funds to the Humane Society and have done so for many years and they've never been given such treatment?
So maybe the Humane Society should have a billboard outside their location whereas "everyone" can equally pay for space and promote their businesses? IMO, this is a conflict of interest, unless the U.S. Kennels business is actually paying the Humane Society a percentage of their business?
I'll leave it up to all of you. However, if you're an electrical inspector for the City/County and you have a side business for electrical repairs, fixing and or working on jobs the City/County had you inspecting would easily be a conflict of interest. I personally think this falls into that same category.
I'll add, why is the City/County paying this man to work with unruly animals? It has been well known across the entire Country that if an animal is that aggressive they put it down. Not in Wicomico County. They pay this man on the sly to work with these animals in the hopes of turning them around. I can't wait to see the first lawsuit when one of these dogs attacks a child or anyone else.
The Humane Society is a vital part of any community. I think they ought not forget where they came from.
Anything's got to be better than in Salisbury, where animal "control" just gives the offending animal owner free stuff and ignores complaints.
Mr. A., I think this feller takes his dogs out on rescues, too. And sadly, finding bodies. Ya oughta talk t'the fella before ya condemn him. Likely ya two share a love o'dogs and people.
The li'l sign likely oughta go. Average folk often don't know 'bout not doin' stuff like that.
'Til the Mayor comes down on 'em in ways she'd never dream o' doin' to the landlords or mall fellas.
As ya once advised somebody else, pick up the phone and ask. Who knows? Ya might have a new friend in animal rescue there.
If'n he's a-helpin' dogs (aggressive ones usually been taught t'be and can sometimes unlearn what meanness humans heaped on 'em), then he's okay in my book.
--Just ole CD.
I'm not at all stating this man is a bad person. What I am saying however, fair is fair. He should NOT be promoting his business against other independent business owners and taking advantage of the location.
My wife knows this man and stated very clearly to me he's good people. However, owning a Blog and or news source, you're NOT everyone's friend, believe me on that one. If you're going to twist the rules and or flat out break them and I catch you, (like my new tee shirt promotions will say) "YOU'VE BEEN BLOGGED!" You're barking up the wrong tree.
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