Last Friday night Sheriff Elect Mike Lewis called Deputy Scott Hamilton and said, I want to ride along with you tonight, can we make that happen?
Deputy Hamilton hooked up with Mr. Lewis and ultimately made two HUGE drug arrests, seizing almost $6,000.00 in cash, drugs and two solid arrests. Keep in mind, these were two separate arrests, not one!
I'm telling you Folks, Chief Webster needs to take a few months ride along with these Deputies, (preferable Mike Lewis) and learn a thing or two about how things are done THE RIGHT WAY!
Thanks Mike Lewis and especially Deputy Hamilton for getting these drugs off the streets! I'm a major property owner in Wicomico County and I'm not coming back till things turn around. I'm confident that's about to happen.
You see, it's people like you that give Blogs a bad name. YOU know for a fact that isn't true but you like to stir the pot and see if it doesn't make people upset.
That's a made up lie and a bold faced lie. Nice try.
I can't believe the sheriff's department is gonna slide back t'that, lessen it's some kinda state mandate.
Sure don't look like it from that expression on Mike Lewis' face. No more campaign smiles. Looks like cop-serious t'me.
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