Last night I was even kicked out of the meeting by Mike Dunn. During the break I walked up to Mike and said, "it's interesting how the Daily Times Photographer is moving all around the room Mike, is that distracting you at all?" Mike simple laughed at me in that very gay kind of way and I replied, I'll bet you won't try that on me again. Meaning, if it's OK for the Daily Times to walk around the room and take pictures, so can I.
Mike called over the Police Officer in the room and ask that I be removed immediately as I had just threatened him. He repeated what had happened and the Officer asked me to step outside. I did so immediately and as we spoke, the Officer felt really bad about what he had to do and told me that Mike had made his decision and I had to leave, so I did.
The show was unbelievable, even to the point Tim Chaney threatened to sue the City if they illegally spent the Developer reimbursement money as well as the TIFF money. Looks like this isn't over yet.
More importantly, Mike Dunn barked, attacked and went on the war path against Debbie Campbell about Sassafras and other items they were about to vote on and at the very end the SOB recused himself. He didn't recuse himself during the sale of his version of how this is the right thing to do, he just recused himself during the vote, in which he had already sold everyone on beforehand anyway. A real MAN would have recused himself from ANY conversation about the entire issue.
Just remember Folks, when it comes time to vote in some 5 months, remember who screwed you out of millions of dollars. Might I also add to Barrie Tilghman. You got up there and started ranting about how the City would look credit wise if they didn't pass the reimbursement money. Look you Idiot! The Zoo can't buy from Sisco because the City refused to pay within the Net 30 days ALL customers must pay. Therefore, the Zoo has to purchase all their groceries for the animals at full retail price at the local grocery stores! Don't go walking around like the City of Salisbury has excellent credit because that's complete BS!
My girlfriend, who recently moved here, had never seen a city council meeting before. She has no knowledge of the Salisbury political scene.
As we watched it on tv, she commented that she liked the lady that was speaking, she seems to make sense. Of course she was referring to Mrs. Campbell.
She thought Shanie and Bubba were not too bright, and she laughed at Mrs. Cathcart's hysterical screeching.
Finally she said the guy sitting at the center of the table must be gay, with all his gestures and the way he talks.
What the hell goes on down there???
Once again, and even as an outsider, I am glad that you have this blog. While I find myself raptured by the melodramatic tone of all of these City of Salisbury meetings, it's a shame you people have to put up with this level of bullshit.
(and the use of gay as an adjective made me spit up my water.)
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