Two "former" Salisbury Zoo Employees who are out for the good of all animals collected this Bald Eagle for the last time to get her off to a Rehabilitation Center in Wilmington.
I wanted to make sure that Jim Rapp & Crew were able to see the Eagle removed and shipped off before the Feds get called in to arrest us. By Federal Law we have 48 hours to get this animal out to a Rehab Center, just so you know Jimbo.
Nevertheless, I have been bombarded with extremely kind e-mail messages and I/We thank you all! You can easily see why so many of the men at the Salisbury Zoo are jealous they could not be in my shoes and I actually don't blame them one bit! Jennifer is one very special Lady and second to none!
We'll keep you posted as to her rehabilitation and release date.
My new book will be out next year, "How to con a bride and her parents."
Targeting such a victim is the trick. Then being a Photo Shop expert is the next trick.
Brownie Box Cameras are still IMO the best to own. Being the largest Safelight Manufacturer in the World doesn't hurt either. LOL
She's an amazing woman PB and she was raised by two unbelievable parents with more wisdom than I have ever seen.
When I was younger I used to love sitting in the Park in the Bronx listening to stories from elders and their homeland, Ireland, Italy, Israel and so forth.
However, listening to the stories from Dot & Art remind me of home and their knowledge from reading is just unbelievable.
Just think about the stories our children and their grandchildren will share. Stupidity like the O. J. Simpson Case. I just read a story on Integrity Matters about how it's OK now to call someone a nigger. UNBELIEVABLE!
We're in a very sad state in this Country any more and it's no wonder so many people here are not showing up for meetings and sheltering themselves indoors! I hope this Blog Site changes all of that?
"We'll keep you posted as to her rehabilitation and release date."
I'm assumin' ya mean the eagle, since ya left off talkin' 'bout Mrs. A.
Just joshin' ya. Lovely lady, lovely eagle, and it's a heartwarmin' story with a happy endin'.
Rumor has it ole dogs are suckers fer animal-human stories like this.
I don't drink, I don't do drugs, my only vise is Cigars. God told me I was too perfect and I needed to have a flaw in my life, I chose Cigars. LMAO!
Don't forget, tonight is Cigar Club Night at Break Time Billiards.
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